Chapter 396: chased away

However, she did not know that by 5 am, she was already feeling a little sleepy and had fallen into a deep sleep.

On the first floor of the villa, David had already secretly brought most of the bodyguards in the villa, preparing to go out to save Ling Shitian.

David left three bodyguards behind and let two bodyguards protect Tang Xiaowei and the rest.

The other bodyguard had to immediately go to the port to prepare the ship.

Hence, David brought the other bodyguards and left the villa in the darkness of the night.

When the sun rose, Tang Xiaowei woke up after a small nap of more than an hour.

Seeing that the little boy was still not awake, she carefully went to the bathroom to wash.

However, when she finished washing and went downstairs to look for David, she found that there were fewer bodyguards in the villa and David was gone.

She asked the maid and the remaining two bodyguards in the villa, but unfortunately, these people were unwilling to tell her where David went.

Tang Xiaowei was extremely angry.

She had already guessed that David must have not listened to her last night. He must have secretly brought people to save Uncle Tian in the middle of the night.

They did not know where Uncle Tian was locked up. How was David going to save him?

But now that David had left, Tang Xiaowei did not know where to go even if she wanted to chase after him.

She rubbed the space between her eyebrows in distress. She realized that she could not think of a good idea at this moment, and there was no one who could help her.

She paced around the room anxiously, her heart in a mess.

At this time, the maid carried the little boy and ran downstairs hurriedly. "Miss, the young master is awake."

Tang Xiaowei took a deep breath and hid her anxious expression. She did not want her anxious and distressed expression to be seen by the little guy, for fear of scaring him.

She revealed a faint smile and took the little boy from the maid's hand. She gently kissed his face. "Little boy, you woke up so early today. Are you hungry?"

The little boy narrowed his eyes and smiled at her. He reached out his small hand and grabbed Tang Xiaowei's arm. He laughed out loud. His laughter was very clear, but after a few syllables, he stopped making sounds. This stingy little brat.

Didn't he know that his mother really wanted to hear him make more sounds?

Tang Xiaowei secretly sighed. Then, she went to the empty restaurant and fed the baby milk.

After that, the maid brought her breakfast. It was very rich.

She didn't want to tire herself out, so she hurriedly ate the breakfast.

After eating, the little guy wanted to sleep again. After Tang Xiaowei coaxed him to sleep, she called the two bodyguards downstairs. She ordered, "You all know the situation here very well. Something happened to Uncle Tian, and Butler David also brought other people to save Uncle Tian. The two of you were left behind because David wanted you to protect us. Since that's the case, you must listen to me. Now, the two of you go out and investigate what kind of place Uncle Tian was locked up in."

The two bodyguards looked at each other, then nodded and turned to leave the villa.

It was inconvenient for Tang Xiaowei to go out because she did not know this place and was not as agile as the two bodyguards. She could only let them go out and ask around.

In the villa, there were only a few maids and chefs, as well as her and the Little Milk Bun.

Tang Xiaowei waited in the villa for a day. Butler David did not come back, and all the bodyguards did not come back. There was not even any news about Ling Shitian on the television or the news.

Other than taking care of the children, she was almost driven crazy by the current situation.

What should she do?

She kept asking herself.

What should she do now?

If it was just a small problem, she would definitely not be so anxious and distressed.

However, a powerful person like Uncle Tian had been captured, and butler David and the others had also disappeared.

She was a weak woman and did not know anything. She could not save anyone at all.

She really wanted to save Uncle Tian, but it was all empty talk. Even if she rushed out now, she did not know where to go to save him.

She didn't even know if it was the government who had captured Uncle Tian.

As night fell, just as she was feeling extremely anxious, a group of people wearing police uniforms came to the villa's entrance.

The maid didn't know the situation, so she opened the door and all the police rushed over. Then, one of them announced with a loudspeaker, "This is Ling Shitian's property, right? He committed a crime and needs to be fined. Therefore, this villa will belong to the country from today onwards. Those who live in it will immediately move out tonight."

The fearful maid had already gone upstairs to tell Tang Xiaowei about the police entering the villa.

Tang Xiaowei carried the little boy, who had already woken up, downstairs and saw that these people were taking out seals and sealing the furniture in the villa one piece at a time.

Tang Xiaowei carried the child and walked forward. She walked in front of the person who looked like the boss among the people and calmly said, "Excuse me, police sir, has my uncle been arrested by you? Can I go and see him?"

"No, no, no. He has committed a crime, so all the villas under his name will be sealed immediately. You guys should leave quickly." The police officer did not give Tang Xiaowei a good look and pushed her away. Then, he ordered the others to continue sealing the furniture in the villa.

Tang Xiaowei was so angry that she bit her lip. However, there were no bodyguards here to protect them. She was a woman holding a child. Even if she had learned taekwondo before, she would definitely not be able to defeat this group of police officers.

Therefore, she did not struggle or resist. After getting the maids to pack up the clothes in the villa, she prepared to go out and find a hotel to stay in first. Then, she would think of other ways.

Anyway, she had just memorized the clothes of these police officers. The name of their police station was written on it. Uncle Tian must be locked up in that police station.

Those police officers did not have any intention of bullying them. Seeing that they had packed up their clothes and were about to leave, they only glanced at them casually. They did not ask them to open the boxes to have a look before letting them leave.

However, just as Tang Xiaowei was carrying her child and a few maids and chefs were preparing to leave with their luggage, a row of luxury cars slowly drove up on the path in front of the villa. They were all international limited edition cars.

Tang Xiaowei stopped in her tracks.

The car stopped and Su Jin's handsome figure got out of the car.

He slowly walked to Tang Xiaowei and said anxiously, "Xiaowei, I just received news that someone is here to chase you away. Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Tang Xiaowei saw that he was very worried about her. She recalled his request that day. At this moment, she could not agree to such a request, so she could only pretend to forget what had happened that day.