Chapter 404: Ectopic pregnancy

However, she stayed behind because of the child. Now that something had happened to Uncle Tian, she had no choice but to agree to Su Jin's request. However, as long as she did not fall in love with Su Jin two years later, she would be free.

After hearing what she said, Tao Yuyan was completely stunned. She remained silent on the other end of the phone for a long time.

Tang Xiaowei thought that Tao Yuyan had fallen asleep.

Tao Yuyan then said in a trembling voice, "Xiaowei, why did you hide so many things? Don't you feel uncomfortable being alone like this? However, it's good that the poison in your body has been detoxified. However, the child you mentioned, is it Huangfu Qiye's?"

"Yes, it's his." Tang Xiaowei admitted. However, she reminded Tao Yuyan, "Yuyan, I hope that you won't tell Huangfu Qiye about this matter. I've already planned to never see him again for the rest of my life. It's already impossible for us to be together, so I don't want him to know about the child."

"Why? I heard that in the past few months, he..." Tao Yuyan wanted to explain about Huangfu Qiye.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly interrupted Tao Yuyan, "Yuyan, don't say anymore. I don't want to mention him. Let me tell you about the child. The child is a boy. I gave him a nickname, Little Milk Bun. He's very cute and very obedient."

Sensing that Tang Xiaowei did not want to talk about Huangfu Qiye, Tao Yuyan did not say anything more. Anyway, it was useless for her to say anything now because Xiaowei was about to get engaged to someone else. Even though Xiaowei said it was fake. However, they could get along for two years. Maybe Xiaowei would fall in love with Su Jin after two years.

As for Huangfu Qiye, Tao Yuyan did not know what kind of person he was.

She only heard that Huangfu Qiye had stopped looking for women in the past few months. Moreover, the woman who appeared on the news with him seemed to have been an actor. She could not even enter the entertainment industry anymore.

That was why Tao Yuyan wanted to tell Xiaowei about this.

However, it seemed that Xiaowei did not want to know, so she did not want to tell her. She did not want to upset Xiaowei.

Hence, Tao Yuyan began to ask Tang Xiaowei excitedly about Little Milk Bun.

When she knew that the Little Milk Bun was born prematurely and that he was very obedient, Tao Yuyan also had the thought of seeing the Little Milk Bun. "Xiaowei, I really want to come over and see you and the Little Milk Bun. Besides, you are getting engaged next week. I really want to come over and spend some time with you."

"Then come over. You can only take the plane here, and then transfer to the ferry. It's a three-day ferry ride. When you arrive, I'll bring the little boy to pick you up." Tang Xiaowei could not leave this place now, so she wanted to meet with her friends. Tao Yuyan could definitely come over.

Tao Yuyan thought for a moment and nodded. "Okay, then I'll come over tomorrow. You must come and pick me up."

"Don't worry. I don't care about others. If it's you, I'll definitely pick you up personally." Tang Xiaowei smiled. Her mood was also much better because she was about to meet her good friend.

"Then I'm relieved." Tao Yuyan heaved a sigh of relief.

After that, because the two of them had not met and chatted for a long time, the two of them continued chatting for an hour before stopping.

Tao Yuyan said that she would leave tomorrow.

Tang Xiaowei made her remember to contact her at any time before hanging up the phone with relief.

After Tao Yuyan hung up the phone, she put down her cell phone and sat on the small single bed. It was already summer in this season. The small rented room was very stuffy and hot. There was only an electric fan blowing incessantly beside it. However, sweat still dripped from her forehead and body.

She no longer lived in the Tao family's house. Instead, she had moved to a small neighborhood next to the school and rented a single room with a washroom and a small kitchen. It was a few hundred yuan per month. It was a good deal, but it was relatively simple.

She moved here nine months ago.

Nine months ago, she suddenly realized that she was not feeling well and kept vomiting. Because she had done that with Tao Xian at that time, she was very suspicious, so she secretly bought a pregnancy test kit and went back to the Tao family's house to have it tested.

She did not expect that after the test, she was indeed pregnant.

She was completely scared silly at that time.

She did not come back to her senses for a long time.

Later, when Hundun went downstairs, she found that Tao Xian, who was often not at home, had returned, so she did not dare to see him.

Tao Yuyan felt afraid when she thought about the fact that she and Tao Xian had a child.

She avoided his gaze and rushed into the hospital the next day in fear.

Sure enough, after the doctor checked her, she was indeed pregnant, but it was an ectopic pregnancy, so she had to undergo surgery immediately.

Tao Yuyan did not know whether she should be happy at that time that the child would not be born and that the matter between her and Tao Xian would not be exposed.

Or should she be sad that this little life had yet to take shape and was about to be aborted.

She was initially afraid of the arrival of this child. However, when she found out that it was only an ectopic pregnancy and the child was about to be aborted, her heart suddenly ached and she could hardly breathe.

That day, she underwent surgery alone in the hospital and rested for a day. At night, she endured the pain and returned to the Tao family home.

However, when she pushed open the door to the Tao family home, she discovered that in the living room, Tao Xian's parents and Tao Xian were looking at her with a serious and surprised expression.

The moment she entered the door, Tao Xian immediately walked up to her. He stretched out his hand forcefully to support her and asked gently, "Where have you been? I didn't see you when I came back just now. I thought that something had happened to you and was preparing to go out to look for you."

Tao Yuyan wanted to push him away, but she realized that her strength was not enough to push him away.

She could only say helplessly, "I just went out for a walk. Let go of me. My parents are watching."

Tao Xian revealed a smile. "What are you afraid of? I've already told them that we are no longer siblings. I want to marry you, you fool. Do you still want to hide the fact that you're pregnant from me and Mom and Dad?"

Tao Yuyan was stunned when she heard that. She stood stiffly and stammered, "You...what did you say?''

"I saw the pregnancy test you threw in the trash can. Other than you, mom and the nanny couldn't possibly get pregnant at their age. The pregnancy test was found in your room. Do you still want to hide it?" Tao Xian suddenly pulled her into his arms. He became gentle. "Yuyan, don't be afraid. Mom and dad really want us to be together. Come, let's go somewhere together."

They were talking at the door. On the other side of the living room, father and mother Tao were looking in their direction expectantly.

Tao Yuyan pushed him away fiercely and shook her head hard. "You're mistaken. I'm not pregnant, and it's impossible for me to be with you. I'm tired. I want to go back to my room to rest."

"Yuyan." Tao Xian's expression turned cold when he saw that she was angry and denied that she was pregnant.

He knew very well that no one in the family could get pregnant except her, a young girl.