Chapter 403: Huangfu Qiye went to country K

At the same time, he was almost strangled by his collar and couldn't breathe.

Yuan Qi took a deep breath and hurriedly replied, "We've found Miss Tang's whereabouts. She's not dead. She's in country K right now. I just saw the news. She seems to be getting engaged to the prince of country K. the date is set for next week."

"What?" Huangfu Qiye's expression instantly turned gloomy.

It was actually true.

Tang Xiaowei was actually not dead.

She was still alive.

However, she wanted to get engaged to another man.

He seemed to have heard of that prince of country K, but he had never seen him before.

Why would Tang Xiaowei disappear for ten months and then reappear to become someone else's fiancee?

Huangfu Qiye did not dare to believe it, nor was he willing to believe it.

He still held onto Yuan Qi and did not let go. "Where's the news? Show it to me immediately, right now!"

Yuan Qi had long known that his young master would want to watch the news after hearing his report, so he had long taken the news and videos he found on the internet and handed them to Huangfu Qiye. "Young master, it's all here."

Huangfu Qiye snatched the accompanying computer from him.

At that moment, the computer had already downloaded the 10-minute introductory video from the K nation news.

Huangfu Qiye did not move his body. He stood where he was and clicked play with his trembling fingers.

Soon, the video was played.

Although there was no video of Tang Xiaowei talking in person, after introducing the members of the royal family of K, Su Jin's marriage was immediately introduced.

Su Jin was only two months away from turning 25 this year, one year older than Huangfu Qiye.

He had never had a girlfriend since he was young. His current girlfriend's name was Tang Xiaowei. They had fallen in love 10 months ago, and they were planning to have an engagement ceremony next week.

After that, two photos were displayed on the screen.

The photos were frozen, and Huangfu Qiye reached out and pressed pause.

His dark pupils constricted. When he saw the photos, he felt his heart twist and ache wildly.

It was indeed her.

Even though she was not dressed like she used to be, he knew very well that the person in the photos was her. Moreover, it was said in the news that her name was Tang Xiaowei, and she was Chinese.

Moreover, she met Su Jin ten months ago.

She had also disappeared in front of Huangfu Qiye ten months ago.

Huangfu Qiye immediately decided that Tang Xiaowei, who the news said was going to be engaged to the prince of kingdom K, Su Jin, next week, would definitely be his Tang Xiaowei.

At that moment, he was very happy and excited by the news that she was not dead. He even felt that his heart, which was about to die gradually, could finally come back to life.

However, she was alive because she was going to become another man's woman.

In the two photos, she smiled so sweetly and was so close to another man. They were even holding hands. The seed of jealousy kept sprouting in his heart. Huangfu Qiye frowned fiercely.

Then, he clenched his fists in pain.

He would not allow it.

He would never allow her to get engaged to another man!

After 10 months of painful struggle, he knew very well that he still loved her. He would not love anyone else except for her.

He did not care if she had rejected him before.

In any case, he was going to find her and bring her back.

He would not allow her to get engaged to another man. Such a scene would never happen as long as he was not dead!

Tang Xiaowei could only belong to him, Huangfu Qiye, for the rest of her life.

"Yuan Qi, go and get ready now. We will leave for country K immediately." Huangfu Qiye had spent so much time in the forest villa that he finally felt his heart beating again. He felt alive again.

After instructing Yuan Qi, he immediately went back to the bathroom to take a shower.

He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had a good shower and he had been drinking for the past few days.

He had to wash and tidy himself up so that he could bring Tang Xiaowei back when he went to country K.

He couldn't care less about anything else.

It didn't matter if she still loved him or not, no matter who she was with now, he would never let her go this time.

He was so happy that she was still alive and that he could bring her back.

Huangfu Qiye ignored the fact that she was about to get engaged to someone else. He was very confident that he could bring her back if he could go, so his mood gradually improved as he kept thinking. In a few days, he would be able to see her real face in front of him.

One day later.

Huangfu Qiye was forced to switch from a plane to a ship, and then he continued to move in the direction of K country.

However, he had been too depressed previously. He had lost a lot of weight, and his expression was not very good.

Therefore, after knowing that he would only be able to reach K nation in three days, he chose to use these three days to rest. After all, once he had rested well, he would have more energy to capture his little woman back when he arrived at K nation.


On the other side, Tang Xiaowei only realized after dawn the next day that the news of her and Su Jin's upcoming engagement was not the only thing on the news last night.

The news of her and Su Jin's engagement as well as their photos were also on the internet and in the newspapers of various major news agencies.

After she found out about this, she realized that this matter could not be any bigger.

This time, Su Jin really wanted to tie her and him tightly together.

She guessed that this matter might spread to China very soon and that everyone in the country who knew her might already know about it.

However, she knew very well that even if Huangfu Qiye found out that he had broken up with her, he probably would not have any reaction. Right now, he might be having a good time with his new girlfriend.

She could not be bothered to think about Huangfu Qiye because she realized that whenever she thought about him, she would feel depressed.

Just then, she received a phone call.

It was from Tao Yuyan.

In fact, Tang Xiaowei had stayed here for almost 10 months and hadn't contacted Tao Yuyan. Tao Yuyan hadn't contacted her either.

Tang Xiaowei didn't need to think to know that Yuyan must have seen the news when she suddenly received her phone call today.

As expected, after she picked up the phone, Tao Yuyan asked her carefully, "Xiaowei, have you seen the news? Is it true?"

"Yuyan, it's true." Tang Xiaowei sighed, her tone full of helplessness.

"Xiaowei, you said you were going on a vacation. Could it be that you went to K nation and got to know the prince of K, Su Jin, there? That's why you didn't come back for the past 10 months. Are you really in love with him?" Tao Yuyan's tone was full of worry.

"Yuyan, it's a long story. Sigh..." Tang Xiaowei did not want to hide it from Tao Yuyan. As the poison in her body had been detoxified, she said that she was originally here to look for an antidote.