Chapter 402: Huangfu Qiye knows that Tang Xiaowei is still alive

Ten minutes after Tang Xiaowei's car left, the other car also finally left.

After they left, the photographers and other workers who hadn't left started to chat secretly.

"Is that beautiful girl the future Princess Consort?"

"But she doesn't look very happy."

"She only smiled when the last few photos were taken. But when she smiled, she was really beautiful, and she matched the prince very well."

"That's right, that's right. The prince seems to love her very much. Just now, the way the prince looked at her was enough to melt the ice."

"Also, the child that the woman in the maid uniform was holding seemed to be the child of that girl. Oh right, last year, the internet said that the prince's girlfriend was pregnant. Could this be the prince's girlfriend and the prince's child?"

"Then, that cute child just now, is that the future little prince? He's really so cute. If we can take a photo of him and post it on the internet, there will definitely be many people who will like this little prince."

The group of people kept guessing, and in the end, all of them sounded like they were wishing him well.

There were one or two bodyguards beside them. Seeing that they were still chatting, they walked over and said coldly, "Stop chatting. Hurry up and get to work. Have you forgotten what his highness ordered you to do just now? You must get the photo done before nightfall."

The moment the bodyguard said that, everyone stopped chatting and started to get busy.


The car was moving steadily.

Tang Xiaowei held the little boy in her arms. Her heart was always heavy, and the oppressive feeling made her feel stifled even when she breathed.

She did not know why, but ever since she took the photos and was on the way home, she felt extremely uncomfortable, as if something big was about to happen.

This feeling lasted until she had dinner that night. When she was watching the television news in the living room, she saw that the photos she had taken with Su Jin today had actually been posted on the television news in K nation. Only then did she realize why she was feeling uneasy.

To think that it would appear on the news so soon.

In addition, the news especially reported on the family matters of the Su family for 10 minutes, as well as the engagement between Su Jin and her next week.

Tang Xiaowei looked at the live streamer on the television news and smiled happily as she talked about this matter. The television screen kept replaying the two photos that she and Su Jin had taken that day. Both of them were smiling very sweetly.

Pa! The remote control in her hand fell to the ground.

She was at a loss for what to do.

As expected, this incident had been blown up by Su Jin.

Now, people in K nation and other countries would know that she and Su Jin were a couple who were going to hold an engagement ceremony next week.

She finally remembered that before she left today, Su Jin had asked her to remember to watch the television news at night. So that was what he meant.

Su Jin was too fast.

Tang Xiaowei had tried to persuade him to keep a low profile, but he was unwilling to do so.

Therefore, now that the incident had blown up, she had expected it to happen. However, she did not expect it to happen so quickly.

She quickly turned off the television and did not watch anything else.

Then, she rushed upstairs and decided to ignore all these matters. She would stay by the little boy's side and rest.


At the same time.

After watching the news on the television, Su Jin was currently in his room.

He was wearing a loose bathrobe. He was in a great mood after watching the news.

Su Jin's mood became even better when he thought about how he and Tang Xiaowei would be the headlines on the internet and at all the news agencies tomorrow morning.

However, he was elated when he recalled something. He then asked the bodyguard beside him, "Is that person awake?"

Upon hearing that, the bodyguard hurriedly shook his head and said, "He's not awake yet. That person might be in a coma for a few days due to the medication given by Dr. Lu."

"Well done. As long as he's still unconscious and trapped, Xiaowei will obediently agree to be engaged to me. After the engagement ceremony is over, we'll release him," Su Jin said indifferently.

The person he was referring to was Ling Shitian.

In fact, he had already rescued Ling Shitian when he called Tang Xiaowei last night and said that he wanted to take a photo with her.

However, after he told Ling Shitian that he wanted to marry Tang Xiaowei, Ling Shitian realised that he had been cheated by Su Jin because of this permit incident, so he no longer believed in his sincerity. Naturally, he did not allow him to be with Tang Xiaowei and even said that he wanted to stop them.

Su Jin had no choice but to send someone to Song Zhi to trick him into making a drug that could knock him out for a few days. Then, he forced Ling Shitian to take it. After that, Ling Shitian fell into a coma and was locked up in Su Jin's other house.

Therefore, before Su Jin and Tang Xiaowei got engaged, Ling Shitian was not allowed to come out.

Based on Su Jin's understanding of Tang Xiaowei, if Tang Xiaowei wanted to save Ling Shitian, she would definitely get engaged to him before she saw that Ling Shitian was safe.

Su Jin was very satisfied with his plan this time.

After watching the news, because he had not had a good rest for the past few days, he asked his bodyguards to go out and rest.



Huangfu Qiye, who had not been to the company for almost 10 months, had been staying in the forest manor all this time.

He had already received news of Huangfu Yuner, so he had brought people to look for her. He wanted to kill Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Haoming directly.

However, in the end, he did not know how the two people had escaped, but they had not found them.

Therefore, in these 10 months, Huangfu Qiye had no news of his enemies.

At the same time, because he did not believe that Tang Xiaowei was really dead, he had people continue to look for news of Tang Xiaowei.

His people were divided into two groups. They were all busy looking for Tang Xiaowei, Huangfu Yuner, and Huangfu Haoming

However, they hadn't received any news for almost ten months.

It wasn't until midnight that his room door was suddenly knocked on. Yuan Qi kept shouting outside, his voice full of surprise. "Young master, young master, Miss Tang's whereabouts have been found. She's not dead, she's not dead. Please come out."

Huangfu Qiye, who had been getting drunk the whole night, was already in a daze. He fell onto the carpet in a sorry state.

He was suddenly woken up by the knock on the door. Before he could curse Yuan Qi, he heard Yuan Qi's words.

He found Tang Xiaowei's whereabouts?

She's not dead?

Is this true?

Or is he hearing things?

Huangfu Qiye's narrowed eyes immediately widened. He stood up and strode to the door to open it. He grabbed Yuan Qi's collar and shouted at him, "What did you say? Say it again, Louder!"

Yuan Qi was frightened by his young master's crazy look.