Chapter 401: He threatened her

Tang Xiaowei only glanced at him briefly before she asked coldly, "Can we take the photo now? I'm afraid that the child will cry when he wakes up, so there's not much time left."

Su Jin did not hate the little boy at first. After all, he was still a child, and he was especially cute.

However, he realized that the little boy would always steal Tang Xiaowei's attention.

He suddenly began to hate that little fellow.

However, he did not dare to show it, as he was afraid of upsetting Tang Xiaowei.

He hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I'll get someone to take care of him. The photo will be taken soon. Let's go."

Tang Xiaowei did not say anything else and followed him to the location of the photo shoot.

There was a group of staff there, notably, the photographer who was taking the photo for them. It was actually an internationally renowned photographer.

When Tang Xiaowei heard the other party's self-introduction, she was a little absent-minded.

She did not expect that one day, she would actually be together with someone of Su Jin's status. Moreover, they were going to be engaged soon. Furthermore, the photographer who was taking the photo for them was an internationally renowned photographer. Therefore, the scene on the day of the engagement would definitely be a grand occasion.

If this incident were to fall on a girl who liked Su Jin, that girl would definitely be extremely happy and blissful.

Unfortunately, it had fallen on her at the moment. However, she did not like Su Jin at all.

Therefore, ever since the start of the photo shoot, she had been in a distracted state and had been daydreaming. This made the photographer very distressed, but he did not dare to say anything.

After all, His Highness the prince was trying his best to cooperate with this future princess. How could people like them dare to speak up and ask for the future princess to come back to her senses.

Therefore, two hours later, she changed into a few different clothes and accompanied Su Jin to stand on the grass and take a lot of photos. However, after Su Jin looked at the negative, he was not very satisfied.

In the end, he could not help but hold her shoulders and frowned. "Xiaowei, can you stop wearing a bitter face? Do you not like taking photos with me that much? Can't you even smile?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do it." Tang Xiaowei shook her head with difficulty.

She really could not lean against him and laugh out loud. Or, when she was hugged by him, she would not smile.

It was already good enough that she did not push him away just because he hugged her.

She did not mind because it was just a simple hug and a photo shoot. However, she really could not smile.

"You..." Su Jin's face darkened when he heard that. Everyone around him was afraid that they would quarrel when they heard their conversation. Then, everyone fell silent.

The scene immediately became awkward.

At that moment, the maid who was taking care of the little boy rushed over with the little boy in her arms. She called out carefully, "Miss, young master is awake."

Tang Xiaowei turned around and saw that the little boy had indeed woken up. The maid was carrying the little boy carefully as she walked over to Tang Xiaowei. The little boy was biting his finger as he looked at Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei's heart skipped a beat. She really wanted to go over and carry the little boy immediately.

Ever since she started taking care of the little boy, she had always liked to hug him whenever she wanted.

Upon seeing this, Su Jin suddenly grabbed her hand tightly and said sternly, "if you can smile and take two photos with me, we'll forget about today's matter. After you've taken the photos, you can take the little boy back with you. What do you think?"

Tang Xiaowei was stunned when she heard that. Then, she asked in disbelief, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course I'm telling the truth." Su Jin raised his voice.

Tang Xiaowei immediately nodded and said, "Alright, let's continue taking photos. As long as get two photos of me smiling, I'll immediately take the child and leave this place after we're done."

"Alright, let's go over and continue taking photos." Su Jin did not know whether he should be happy to finally have a photo of her smiling together with him, or he should hate it that he could only threaten her so that she would listen to him obediently for the time being.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly instructed the maid to take care of the little boy first. Then, Su Jin pulled her to the edge of the forest.

The staff who were taking photos also hurriedly brought their equipment and followed behind.

In the end, Tang Xiaowei cooperated with Su Jin and took two photos. In both photos, she smiled.

In one photo, he hugged her waist from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. The two of them leaned their heads against each other and smiled very sweetly.

In the other photo, he was holding her hand as if he wanted to walk into the forest. However, the two of them turned their heads around carelessly and looked at the camera. They were still smiling.

Just by looking at the photo, it was indeed pleasing to the eye. One would think that they must be very sweet and very compatible.

However, the photo had just been taken. After Su Jin and the photographer said that the effect was very good, Tang Xiaowei immediately went back to the villa to change her clothes. Then, she walked towards the maid and prepared to leave with the little boy in her arms.

However, before she could get close to the maid, Su Jin forcefully walked over and blocked her way.

"The photo has been taken according to your wishes. What else do you want to do?" Tang Xiaowei did not want to get too close to him, so she took a step back.

Because she wanted to save Uncle Tian, David, and the others, she agreed to get engaged to Su Jin and spend two years together.

But now, Uncle Tian was nowhere to be seen, so she cooperated with Su Jin and took the photos.

Did he know that if he continued to force her, she would not be able to take it anymore?

Seeing that she was getting a little angry, Su Jin could not help but reach out and touch her head. He explained, "Xiaowei, don't get too excited. I just want to tell you that this is the royal family's holiday villa. The scenery here is not bad, and the chef's skills are not bad either. Don't go back now. You can have lunch here and relax before going back."

Tang Xiaowei slapped his hand away and rejected him coldly, "There's no need. I'm not picky about food now. I can eat whatever I want. The little boy is still too young to stay outside for long. I should take him back."

"Alright, as you like it. However, you must remember to watch the news on TV tonight." Su Jin did not force her anymore. He could feel that she was a little angry when he forced her to take a photo with him just now.

Although he really wanted to use violence to take her down, he could not bear to do so. Therefore, he decided to wait a little longer.

Seeing that he was no longer stopping her, Tang Xiaowei did not want to stay in this place any longer. She immediately went forward and took the Little Milk Bun from the maid's arms. Then, she brought the maid along and boarded the car that they arrived in before leaving.

Su Jin looked at her back view and did not chase after her.

He instructed the bodyguard beside him, "Pass down the orders. The photos must be taken care of immediately. They have to be posted on the internet and the news tonight. They must be on the national headlines tomorrow."

The bodyguard nodded respectfully and said, "Rest assured, your highness. This subordinate will take care of it immediately."

Only then did Su Jin relax and get into another car.