Chapter 406: running away from home

Tao Xian's expression was unsightly, and his voice was frighteningly cold. "I will not pester you in the future. I hope that you will also try your best not to appear in front of me in the future, because the moment I see you, I feel disgusted!"

Tao Xian looked at her angrily. After saying these words, he immediately turned around and walked out.

Tao Yuyan's heart was in a frenzy of pain.

She reached out to cover her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

She suddenly felt that it was good for Tao Xian to say this.

They might really not be suitable, so when he pestered her, she could not see her own heart clearly.

After she saw her own heart clearly, he said that he wanted to give up.

Since that was the case, it was better not to continue developing her feelings.

It was not difficult to not see each other in the future.

Anyway, she was only a child adopted by the Tao family. This was not her home. She could completely leave this place. She would not stay and disturb anyone in the Tao family.

She slowly stood up, supported her aching body, and walked upstairs step by step.

Returning to her room, she endured the pain and changed into a new set of clothes. She cleaned up the blood on her body, then took out a suitcase and put away all her clothes.

She tried her best to take the cheap clothes, and she didn't take any expensive ones. She didn't take the jewelry gifts Tao Xian and her parents had given her before, and then she took her ID card.

Half an hour later, she carried a small suitcase in one hand and covered her abdomen with the other, slowly walking out of the door of the Tao family.

No one knew that she had left.

However, she didn't want anyone to misunderstand what had happened to her.

So, after walking out of the door of the Tao family's residential area, she hailed a taxi and got in. She sent a message to Tao Xian's father: 'Dad, mom, I'm moving out from today onwards. Don't worry about me, and don't look for me. When I graduate, I'll make money. I will definitely earn money to repay you for your upbringing.'

After sending the message, she immediately turned off her phone.

The taxi took her to a very small guest house. It only cost 100 yuan a day. The security was decent, and she also had the internet.

She only had a few hundred yuan in cash on her. Her card originally had more than 10,000 yuan, but after the surgery today, she had spent more than 5,000 yuan. Now, there were only about 8,000 yuan left in the card. She would not go to the Tao family to ask for money in the future, so she could only spend this money carefully.

She paid for two days at the reception of the guest house and planned to rest for a day the next day. After all, she had just undergone surgery today. The doctor had warned her to rest well when she went home. She had not been able to rest when she went back just now, so no one would bother her when she stayed in the guest house. She could rest in peace.

There was only a bed and a small cabinet in the small single room of the guest house. On the cabinet was an old television set.

She lay down on the hard bed and curled up her aching body.

Today was Friday, so she took the day off for surgery. Tomorrow and the day after was the weekend. After she rested, she went to find a house to stay in. After that, she needed to continue resting, or else her body would collapse.

She simply sent a message to her teacher and asked for a week's leave.

After doing all this, she closed her eyes.

But because of the pain in her body and in her mind, she could not fall asleep at all.

She tossed and turned throughout the night. Because of the pain, she had been tormented beyond words.

The next day, she did not even go out. She slept in the guest house for a whole day.

On the third day, she looked a little better. She also had some strength, so she could get up and walk around.

On the third day, she left the guest house and planned to rent a room in the neighborhood next to the school. She was lucky. Soon, she rented a small and simple single room with a kitchen and a bathroom in the neighborhood next to her school. Although the place was small, the rent was cheap, and the security was not bad.

She paid the rent for three months in one go, then bought a new quilt and some daily necessities. The total cost was about three thousand yuan.

At present, she only had about five thousand yuan left.

She didn't dare to spend money recklessly anymore.

She went to the supermarket next to the neighborhood to buy some food, then returned to the small rental house. She took a shower, casually soaked some instant noodles and ate them, then lay down to rest.

Perhaps it was because of the surgery, she was really weak these few days. She was so tired that she fell asleep the whole night and didn't wake up until the next morning.

Moreover, when she woke up, she was woken up by someone knocking on the door.

She sat up and listened carefully. Sure enough, someone was knocking on the door of her small rental house.

She felt strange. She had paid her rent, so it was impossible for the landlord to knock on the door.

And she had just moved here, so no one knew that she was here. So who was knocking on the door?

Just as she was surprised, a familiar male voice came from outside with indescribable anger. "Tao Yuyan, open the door for me, do you hear me?"

Tao Yuyan was stunned. It was Tao Xian.

How did he come here?

Why was he looking for her?

He had clearly said that he would not see her in the future. If she left, wasn't that what he wanted?

She sat on the bed and did not move. Her heart was throbbing violently, but she did not want to open the door at all. She did not want to see him.

That was it. If she did not open the door, perhaps he would get bored after knocking for a while and then leave.

However, after that, Mama Tao's voice rang out, "Yuyan, open the door. I know I was wrong. I should not have said anything about you that day. Do you know that we have been looking for you ever since you left. Your cell phone could not be reached. It was not easy for us to find you here. Please open the door."

Tao Yuyan heard Tao's mother's voice. Tao's mother's voice was filled with tears.

Although she did not want to see Tao Xian again, Tao Xian's mother had been very good to her since she was young. She was like a biological daughter.

That day, Tao Xian's mother was angry. It was also because the child had been aborted that she had said those words. Therefore, Tao Yuyan could not reject Tao Xian's mother at all.

She thought about it and wiped away her tears. She got out of bed, walked to the door, and opened it.

After the door was opened, Tao Xian, who was about to continue knocking, almost lost his balance and rushed into the house.

Tao Yuyan hurriedly turned her body aside. She remembered that he said he would not see her again, so she did not look at him. Instead, she looked at Tao Baba and Tao Mama.

After not seeing her for a few days, Tao Yuyan saw Tao Mama, who was standing in the corridor, crying. She felt bad.

But she did not dare to go up and hug Tao Mama. She could only sob, "Papa, Mama, why are you here?"

"Yuyan, we..." Tao Mama wanted to explain.

Tao Xian suddenly interrupted Tao Mama. He looked at Tao Yuyan and then looked at the situation of the rented house. He immediately frowned.