Chapter 407: The truth

Tao Xian's face was gloomy. "Tao Yuyan, good for you. You did something bad and yet you didn't allow anyone to talk about you. You ran away from home after we said a few words and even lived in such a place as this. Do you want others to think that our Tao family is bullying you?"

Tao Yuyan was in no mood to see father and mother Tao.

Tao Xian's sarcastic words made her heart ache.

She originally wanted to explain, but since she had already decided to leave the Tao family, she couldn't.

She bit her lip. She revealed a cold smile. "Yes, I ran away from home and will never return to the Tao family again. But I didn't mean for others to misunderstand you. I just did as you said and will never see you again."

Tao Yuyan said, "So, since you hate me so much, then please leave. I don't want to see you either."

"Fine, you don't want to see me either. Fine, I'll do as you wish." Tao Xian heard this and glared at her fiercely, his gaze almost killing her.

He clenched his fists. After he finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left without a pause, leaving quickly.

At the door of the rented house, Only Papa Tao and Mama Tao were left.

The two adults were extremely anxious. On the way here, their son was worried about Yuyan. Why did the two of them quarrel when they saw each other now?

They even said that they would never see each other again.

Mama Tao was extremely anxious and hurriedly came forward to hold Tao Yuyan's hand. She advised her earnestly, "Yuyan, it's mama and papa's fault. Don't be angry. If the child is gone, it's gone. If you don't like Ah Xian, we won't force you. It's just that you can't live here alone. Come back with us. You're still our daughter. Don't talk about earning money and raising her."

"Dad, mom, I'm sorry. I can't go back. I'm not young anymore anyway. Let me learn how to be independent." Tao Yuyan had already made up her mind not to go back, so she definitely wouldn't go back.

The person who used to be gentle had now become much more tenacious.

"Yuyan, we're very worried about you being out alone. Also, I really like you. If you really don't like Ah Xian, would you still be willing to be my daughter?" Mother Tao hugged Tao Yuyan's arm pitifully, refusing to let go.

Tao Yuyan had no choice but to nod her head and agree to be the daughter of the Tao family in the future. However, she wanted to live independently outside and did not want to go back.

No matter how Tao Baba tried to persuade her, it was useless.

In the end, Tao Baba agreed and persuaded Tao Mama for a while before she finally came to her senses. She said that she would come to visit Tao Yuyan every week or she would take Tao Yuyan away directly.

Tao Yuyan could only promise that Tao Baba would come to visit her every week before sending the crying Tao Baba and the helpless Tao Mama away.

However, before Tao Baba and Tao Mama left, they originally wanted to leave a card for Tao Yuyan. Tao Baba said that there was 100,000 yuan in the card and that she could spend it whenever she needed it outside. In the future, he would transfer money onto the card every month.

Tao Yuyan wanted to refuse. Tao Baba's face darkened. "Yuyan, you're living alone outside and the conditions here aren't good. We're already very worried. If you don't accept the money, your mother and I will be even more worried about you. Moreover, your health isn't good and you need money. If you don't accept it, your mother and I will not leave today."

Tao Yuyan was helpless. She could only accept the money and send the two of them away.

However, she thought that it would be fine after she sent them away. But, the next day, mother Tao brought the nanny of the Tao family and a lot of nourishing soup to her house.

The reason was naturally that after mother Tao understood the situation, she knew that she had just gotten rid of the child. Her body was very weak and needed to be nourished properly.

It was fine if she had not found her a few days ago.

But now that she had found her, she naturally had to help her get well.

Tao Yuyan could not refuse, so she drank all the soup.

Actually, she was very touched.

Because, mother Tao cried that night. She must have been looking forward to having a grandchild, but in the end, the child was still aborted by her.

But mother Tao still had her in her heart. So even though mother Tao would feel sad about losing the child, she was still willing to treat her well and did not hate her because of this matter.

Tao Yuyan was so touched by mother Tao that she cried several times.

Finally, under the care of mother Tao and the nanny every day, Tao Yuyan's body recovered very quickly.

A week's holiday was coming.

When she was preparing to go to class the next day, she pulled mother Tao, who was about to go back, and threw herself into mother Tao's arms. She burst into tears. "Mom, thank you for not hating me and taking care of me like this. I really feel lucky to have a mother like you."

"Silly girl, don't cry. Your body has not fully recovered. You have to go to class tomorrow. If you cry again, your body will collapse." When mother Tao heard Tao Yuyan cry, she felt very sad. However, she did not want to cry anymore. Instead, she smiled and patted Tao Yuyan's head to comfort her daughter.

Tao Yuyan couldn't help but say in a low voice, "Mom, actually...actually, the child was an ectopic pregnancy. The doctor said that it must be aborted immediately, so I..."

"What?" When mother Tao heard this, her heart instantly tightened.

She pushed Tao Yuyan away and reached out to wipe the tears off Tao Yuyan's face. She asked in disbelief again, "Yuyan, what did you say?''

Tao Yuyan cried until she was out of breath. "The child...the child was an ectopic pregnancy. The doctor said that it must be aborted, so I made the decision to abort the child."

At this moment, mother Tao knew the truth. She did not know whether to let out a sigh of relief or cry bitterly.

Her greatest feeling was heartache.

She felt heartache for this silly child, Yuyan. She had actually suppressed this matter in her heart alone and felt uncomfortable.

Moreover, hearing Yuyan's words and the way she cried, mother Tao must have guessed that Yuyan had feelings for Ah Xian.

Otherwise, the previously gentle Yuyan would definitely not have left home in anger because Ah Xian had misunderstood her.

Mother Tao hurriedly hugged Tao Yuyan. She said anxiously, "Yuyan, I'm sorry. We had misunderstood you before, especially Ah Xian. He didn't know the truth at all, so he was especially angry. Now that mother has told him the truth, can the two of you reconcile?"

Tao Yuyan had been suffering during this period of time. After being comforted and taken care of by mother Tao for a week, her heart gradually melted.

She did not say whether she would agree or not. She just remained silent.

However, her silence was taken as her agreement by her mother.

Therefore, her mother immediately took out her phone and wanted to call Tao Xian's phone. However, she soon heard the mechanical sound of the other party's phone turning off.