Chapter 408: The so-called love and affection

Mother Tao was so angry that she clenched her phone tightly. "The brat usually doesn't turn off his phone, but he turned it off at such an important time. What on earth has he gone to do?"

Tao Yuyan was actually not very sure whether she should tell Tao Xian that the child was actually an ectopic pregnancy.

Now that she heard mother Tao say that Tao Xian's phone was turned off, she felt that it was God's arrangement. Perhaps God did not want her to tell anyone about this matter.

Hence, she grabbed Tao Xian's hand and said in an indifferent voice, "Mom, it's better not to tell him about this first. I think, if there's a chance, I will tell him personally."

"Hmm, that's good, too. Anyway, you are going to school tomorrow, and he will definitely be there. When the time comes, you can find an opportunity to tell him about it." Tao Xian's mother also felt that this was very good and convenient, so she was relieved.

After that, Tao's mother's mood was much better, and she left the rental house that Tao Yuyan lived in.

Tao Yuyan was a little absent-minded.

The next day.

Although her body had not fully recovered, she still went to school.

However, when she entered her own class, she realized that the atmosphere in the classroom was a little different. Many people were whispering to each other.

Her deskmate, Qin Kexin, hurriedly walked in front of her and asked her with concern, "Yuyan, why did you suddenly take a week off? Where have you been this week?"

Qin Kexin was the girl who was the closest to Tao Yuyan after Tang Xiaowei left. She had a good personality, so Tao Yuyan was on good terms with her.

Hearing Qin Kexin's voice, Tao Yuyan's voice was a little weak, "I'm not feeling well, so I took a week off."

"Oh, I see. Are you feeling better?" Qin Kexin asked worriedly.

Tao Yuyan replied, "I'm much better."

After she said that, her eyes were attracted by a scene in the classroom. She was stunned, and her heart began to throb wildly.

Her face also became even paler.

Yesterday, mother Tao was indeed right. Today, Tao Xian would definitely come to school for class.

However, she did not expect that he did not come alone. At this moment, there was a girl sitting next to his seat. That girl was the school belle. She had been chasing Tao Xian for a long time, but Tao Xian had never promised her anything.

Tao Yuyan also knew about this matter.

However, today, Tao Xian was sitting next to this school belle. The school belle was initially sitting on a stool, but very quickly, she sat on Tao Xian's lap. She smiled sweetly, and Tao Xian was also looking at her gently. The two of them did not look like ordinary friends at all, but rather like sweet lovers.

Tao Yuyan felt as if her heart was being squeezed by a pair of big hands. Her heart was about to be crushed. The pain was something she could not describe with words.

Qin Kexin noticed her gaze and looked over as well. Then, she saw Tao Xian and the school belle showing off their sweet love. Qin Kexin said angrily, "Yuyan, you don't know. These few days, when you didn't come, this school belle hooked up with your younger brother. Previously, your younger brother clearly said that he didn't like her. I don't know why, but these few days, they became boyfriend and girlfriend. I heard that these few nights, they would go to the nightclub to dance all night. Do you know?"

After hearing Qin Kexin's words, Tao Yuyan shook her head stiffly. Then, she forced herself not to show a pained expression. Then she said coldly, "I don't know, and I don't want to know. Tao Xian and I are no longer brother and sister. Kexin, don't mention him in front of me in the future."

Qin Kexin was stunned. In the past, Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian were not particularly close in school, but at least when Tao Yuyan mentioned Tao Xian, Tao Yuyan would not show such a cold expression and voice.

Especially when Tao Yuyan actually said that Tao Xian was not her brother.

Qin Kexin felt very strange and wanted to ask about it, but Tao Yuyan had already walked forward to her previous position, which was in front of Tao Xian, and sat down. Therefore, Qin Kexin did not ask any more questions.

After Tao Yuyan sat down, it was as if she did not see the presence of Tao Xian and the school belle. Her body stiffened as she took out a book and started reading.

She could vaguely feel a sharp gaze staring at her back.

However, she tried her best to ignore it.

Although she was reading the book in her hand, she could not see anything.

She recalled Tao Xian's previous words of liking and loving her. She suddenly pursed her lips.

So this was Tao Xian's so-called love and affection.

After misunderstanding her, it didn't take long for him to be able to fall in love with someone else and fool around with someone else.

Fortunately, she didn't open her mouth to say that she liked him, and fortunately, she was able to withdraw in time and didn't sink into it.

Otherwise, she wouldn't even know how she would die in the future.

Hearing the continuous flirtatious words of men and women coming from behind, her heart felt as if it had been cut by a knife.

She gritted her teeth and kept urging herself not to listen to it, not to care about it.

She went to class in a daze for the whole day and listened to the words of the two people behind her. By the time she returned to the rented house at night, she was already weak and powerless.

However, just as she took a shower and was about to rest, someone knocked on the door fiercely.

She seemed to have lost her soul. She put on her clothes and forgot to ask who was outside. Then, she opened the door stiffly.

After the door was opened, a person suddenly rushed in. Before she could see anything clearly, she was hugged tightly by someone.

A familiar smell entered her nose. Her eyes turned sour, and then she smiled sarcastically.

Tao Xian?

What was he thinking?

Why was he looking for her again?

Didn't he already have a girlfriend?

Huh, he actually came to hug her in the middle of the night. Didn't he say that he would never see her again?

She fiercely pushed him away and said coldly, "Tao Xian, what's the matter? I can call the police for breaking and entering in the middle of the night."

"Yuyan, I'm sorry. I've been with that school beauty for the past few days. It's all fake. I didn't touch her at all. I already know the truth. My mother has already told me that the child was an ectopic pregnancy. I've also gone to the hospital for an investigation. I've wronged you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Come home with me." Tao Xian looked at her in pain. After explaining, he wanted to come forward and hug her again.

Tao Yuyan took a few steps back, a desolate smile on her lips. "It's all fake? You know the truth? Go back with you? Tao Xian, what do you think I am? Your toy? You want it if you want it, throw it, if you don't? So what if you know the truth?"