Chapter 409: "I will never forgive you. "

Tao Yuyan's tone was cold. "I hate you and I will never forgive you. Let me tell you, I will never forgive you even if I die. I will never have anything to do with you again. Leave, I don't want to see you."

So what if he knew the truth?

How did he treat her when he did not know the truth?

She only knew that she had fallen in love with him, but he did not even listen to her explanation and did not investigate the situation clearly. Then, he went to be with another woman. If he said that he did not touch that woman, was it true?

She did not know what they had done after going to the nightclub for a few nights. But today, she had seen with her own eyes that woman sitting on his lap. They had even talked about love all day behind her back.

When he had said that he liked her and pursued her, he had not said so many words of love.

He could say it to others.

She would never trust him again, and she would never forgive him.

Anyway, she had never thought that they would be able to achieve anything.

"Yuyan, I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. I was just too angry. I thought you didn't like me. I thought you did it on purpose to get rid of the child. I'm sorry. Give me another chance." Tao Yuyan saw that she was unwilling to forgive herself. His heart sank. The pain made his voice tremble.

Tao Yuyan's voice was gentle. But her smile was cold. "I've said it before. I won't forgive you. I never like to quarrel with others, but that doesn't mean I can be so cheap that I can be played around with. You don't have the right to want me or throw me away. Go away. If you don't leave now, I'll call the police."

She took out her phone and said these words. When she lowered her head, tears fell quietly.

Tao Xian went forward unwillingly and hugged her tightly. "I didn't think of you this way. I didn't want to throw you away like I did. I never wanted to throw you away. It's all a misunderstanding."

"I listened to your romantic talk with others today. Was that also a misunderstanding?" Tao Yuyan sneered. "Ha, could it be that what I saw today was fake. Tao Xian, you don't know love at all, yet you hurt me in the name of love. You're really shameless. You're even more vicious than me!"

Tao Xian was heartbroken. "Yuyan, come home with me first. We'll talk about it properly when we get back. What I did today was all fake. I just wanted to agitate you. I thought you didn't love me. I was very angry. I was angry that you aborted the child. But now I know the truth. I also know that I was wrong... "

"Agitate me? Don't you think I'm agitated enough by you?" Tao Yuyan pushed him away fiercely and walked out. "I don't want to see you again. Since you won't go, then I'll go."

Tao Xian didn't want her to run out in her pajamas in the middle of the night. He had no choice but to rush out of the door and lower his head. "I'll go. Don't go. It's too dark outside. It's not safe for you to go out alone. Don't go out. I'll go, I..."

Before he could finish his words, Tao Yuyan retreated back into the room and closed the door with force.

Tao Xian's voice stopped.

He looked at the tightly shut door for a few seconds, then raised his hand and slapped himself a few times.

He was really an idiot.

Why didn't he listen to her explanation that night?

Why didn't he go to the hospital immediately to find out?

Why was he so angry for so long? Why did he neglect her for so long when she needed to recuperate? Why did he even go out with another woman? Why did he even say those disgusting words of love to that woman behind her back today?

Although he really didn't touch other women, he only had some small physical contact and said some irrelevant words of love.

But he knew very well that those were all fake. He just wanted to provoke Tao Yuyan.

Although Tao Yuyan had always been very cold, he did not know if she had been provoked by him.

But tonight, just as he was leaving school and going to the nightclub, he remembered that his phone had been turned off for a long time, so he turned it on.

Then, he received a call from his mother.

After hearing his mother's words, he immediately went to the hospital. As expected, he found out that Tao Yuyan was indeed having an ectopic pregnancy and had to undergo surgery.

At that time, he was completely dumbfounded.

A few seconds later, regret, heartache, and all the sad emotions came to him.

He immediately rushed over.

However, after just a few minutes, he was already very clear that Yuyan would not easily forgive him.

Even though judging from his mother's tone, Yuyan might have liked him a little, but the things he had done in the past few days, especially when he was flirting with another woman in front of her today, definitely made her heart go cold.

Tao Xian touched his cheek that was burning hot from his beating, but he was still not satisfied.

How could he be such a jerk?

Yuyan was the woman he loved so deeply. How could he hurt her like this?

But it was because he loved her that he could not accept the fact that she had aborted the child.

He leaned against the wall in pain and closed his eyes. Tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Yuyan. I'm sorry."


Ever since Tao Xian found out the truth, he had been following Tao Yuyan every day, whether it was inside or outside the school.

The school belle who had been entangled with him before was also chased away by him.

The school belle saw that he was unusually friendly towards Tao Yuyan and started to be suspicious. She then found someone to bully Tao Yuyan

Unfortunately, all those people were almost disabled by Tao Xian.

In the end, everyone was scared and did not dare to find trouble with Tao Yuyan. Tao Xian also went to the police station because of this matter, but he came out a few days later.

After he came out, he continued to stay by Tao Yuyan's side. No matter what happened every day, he was never absent.

Tao Yuyan's heart was already cold towards him. No matter what he did, she did not want to look at him anymore, nor did she want to pay attention to him.

Even if Tao Xian's mother came to visit her every week and talked about Tao Xian with her, and asked her carefully if she could forgive Tao Xian, Tao Yuyan would choose to answer coldly. She would not forgive Tao Xian, definitely not forgive him.

She was a person who was unwilling to turn back after she had made up her mind about something.

Since Tao Xian had disappointed her, she would not trust him again.

After that, mother Tao still came to visit her every week, but she began to talk less about Tao Xian.

At the same time, Tao Xian continued to pester her every day.

But Tao Yuyan did not want to care about this anymore.

Because she did not want to continue spending the Tao family's money, she did not have much money left. So other than going to school, she used her other time to look for a job. She found a job as a waitress in a big coffee shop. She only needed to go to work on weekends. Because this coffee shop's specifications were very high, the salary was higher than other coffee shops. She would have a salary of more than 500 yuan every day.