Chapter 410: Pestering

In this way, she could earn about 4,000 yuan a month. She would not have to worry about food and drink anymore.

Although this money was not as much as what the Tao family had given her when she was living with them, she was already very satisfied. As for the card that Tao Xian's mother had given her, she did not plan to spend the money inside.

After graduation, she could find a better job.

Just like that, with Tao Xian following her every day, she quickly advanced to sophomore year.

During the summer of her sophomore year, she saw the news of her long-lost friend, Tang Xiaowei, on the internet.

She didn't know about the fake news of the plane crash created by Ling Shitian. She only thought that Tang Xiaowei was still traveling abroad.

When she suddenly saw the news and learned that Tang Xiaowei was going to be engaged to the prince of Kingdom K, Tao Yuyan was both curious and worried.

Hence, she called Tang Xiaowei.

It was only after they had been separated for almost 10 months that they spoke again.

Previously, she had been pestered by Tao Xian every day and did not have the time to think about talking to Xiaowei on the phone.

After the phone call, Tao Yuyan decided to take a leave of absence for a period of time and then go to country K to visit Xiao Wei.

Therefore, after she sent a message to her teacher and a message to the coffee shop to take a leave of absence, she took her wallet and walked out of the room.

However, as soon as she opened the door, she saw Tao Xian leaning against the wall in the corridor.

She frowned slightly and pretended not to see him. She closed the door and walked towards the stairs.

There was no elevator in this building. She lived on the fifth floor, so she could only walk down the stairs.

Tao Xian saw her leave and his expression darkened, but he still hurriedly followed her.

"Yuyan, where are you going? It's already so late, aren't you going to rest?" Tao Xian followed after her voice and asked worriedly.

Tao Yuyan couldn't be bothered with him and walked forward silently.

Tao Xian knew that she was still unwilling to forgive him, so he was also unwilling to talk to her. He could only shut his mouth and quietly follow behind her.

However, when he followed her to the supermarket next door and saw that she had bought a low-priced suitcase that did not look very good, he felt strange.

He went forward and held her hand. "You want to buy a suitcase? Don't tell me you want to go away? Since you need it, I'll go and buy you a better quality suitcase. Not only does the one you're holding look ugly, it might only be used once before it breaks."

Tao Yuyan pushed his hand away. "I don't need you to care about my matters."

She didn't have much money, so of course she couldn't buy a good one. Besides, this suitcase couldn't be broken after only using it once like he said.

"Yuyan, your business is my business. I can't just leave it alone." Tao Xian looked serious.

Tao Yuyan just wanted to sneer, but she didn't laugh out loud. She ignored him, took a small suitcase, and went to the cashier to pay the bill.

Tao Xian saw that he couldn't persuade her, so he could only follow her.

"Here." Seeing that she wanted to pay, he hurriedly took out two 100-yuan bills and handed them to the cashier. The price of the suitcase was more than 100 yuan.

Tao Yuyan also handed two 100-yuan bills to the cashier. "Use mine."

The cashier looked at each of them and then said to Tao Yuyan, "Miss, use your boyfriend's."

Tao Yuyan shook her head. "He's not my boyfriend. I don't know him."

The cashier was stunned, then she had to take Tao Yuyan's money and start to give her change.

Tao Xian could only remain silent and could not deny anything.

He was indeed not her boyfriend. Previously, he could be said to be her younger brother, but he was not willing to be her younger brother at all. Now, she was not willing to admit that he was her younger brother.

Therefore, their current relationship was really a little difficult to explain.

She did not take his money, so Tao Xian could only take the money back.

After walking out of the supermarket, he still did not give up. "Do you want to go out? Do you want to go somewhere and travel?"

"Tao Xian, please don't follow me anymore. I feel very uncomfortable when I see you, do you know that? " Tao Yuyan stopped and looked at him coldly and seriously.

Tao Xian felt his heart begin to ache.

He liked her. He had liked her for many years. Ever since he knew how to like someone, the person he liked was her, Tao Yuyan.

He clearly lived in the same house with her. There were many opportunities for him to get the upper hand. This kind of opportunity was not something that others could be envious of.

However, because of his own actions, he had ruined all his good fortune. Now, he and Yuyan had started to walk further and further away.

"Yuyan, since you won't tell me, then I won't ask. However, I want to see you return safely before I'm willing to go home. Let's go, I'll send you back." Tao Xian didn't dare to ask her why she bought a suitcase.

After saying that, he reached out his hand and wanted to help her carry the suitcase, but she avoided him.

In the end, he wanted to forcefully snatch it for her, but she looked at him coldly and didn't want to leave. He could only pass the suitcase to her again before she was willing to leave. Tao Xian didn't dare to snatch the suitcase anymore.

Tao Yuyan saw that he did not snatch the suitcase anymore and did not ask any more questions. She also knew that she had not returned to the rental house and it was impossible for him to leave, so she could only ignore him and walk towards the building where she lived.

After more than ten minutes, she finally returned to the rental house where she lived.

After entering the door, she closed the door and started to pack her clothes.

Outside the door, Tao Xian stood for more than an hour until the lights in her room dimmed. Only then did he leave silently.

However, after he left, he began to look up Tao Yuyan's information.

Soon, he found out that Tao Yuyan used her ID card to order a plane ticket and a ticket to country K on the internet.

Why would Yuyan go to country K?

Tao Xian thought it was strange, so he looked it up again. When he saw that Tang Xiaowei and the prince of Country K were about to get engaged, Tao Xian knew why Tao Yuyan suddenly ordered a plane ticket, a boat ticket, and a suitcase.

He also immediately bought himself a ticket to the same flight and the same boat as her.

He had to go with her. Otherwise, when Yuyan saw Tang Xiaowei, she would tell her about their affair. Judging from how unwilling Yuyan was to forgive him, Tang Xiaowei would definitely persuade Yuyan not to forgive him.

He knew that Tang Xiaowei hated people who bullied Yuyan the most. This time, he had indeed bullied Yuyan.

When that time came, not only would Yuyan be unwilling to forgive him, but there was also Tang Xiaowei supporting her. It would be even harder for him to make Yuyan fall in love with him.

Thinking of this, Tao Xian ordered all the tickets to go with Tao Yuyan. Then, he told his parents that he and Yu Yan would be going on a long trip. Only then did he start to pack his clothes.