Chapter 411: Forced Kiss

The next day, Tao Yuyan pulled her suitcase out of the door and saw Tao Xian standing at her door.

She didn't have time to say anything.

Tao Xian went forward and took the suitcase from her hand. He said, "The suitcase is too heavy. I'll carry it for you."

"Tao Xian, what do you want? I'm not going to school. I'm going on a long trip. Don't delay me from getting on the plane. Give me the suitcase." Tao Yuyan went forward in anger and wanted to snatch the suitcase back.

It was one thing for him to block her every day, but now he wanted to take her suitcase.

She was going to catch the plane in a while. If she was late, she really didn't know if she would stab him to death with a knife.

Tao Xian smiled at her tenderly. "I won't delay you from getting on the plane, because I'm on the same flight as you. My suitcase is downstairs, and our car is waiting for us downstairs. Hurry up and get down, or it will really be too late."

Tao Yuyan didn't understand at first, until Tao Xian brought her downstairs and saw that the Tao family's car was indeed parked downstairs.

Tao Xian put her suitcase away and then pushed her into the car. He then got into the car and fastened her seatbelt before driving out.

His series of actions were unbelievably fast.

When she came back to her senses and wanted to reject him, it was already too late.

"Tao Xian, what did you mean just now?" Tao Yuyan frowned. Tao Xian actually said that he was on the same flight as her. Did he know where she was going?

She remembered very clearly that when he went to the supermarket with her last night, she did not tell him where she was going today.

"I'm sorry. Because you didn't want to tell me, I did some research last night. After that, I found out that you were going to country K, so I was worried about you, so I planned to go with you," Tao Xian explained as he drove and looked at her.

Tao Yuyan's expression became even uglier. "Where I go is my freedom. Why do you have to pester me like this?"

"I'm not pestering you..." he was just worried about her.

"Not pestering! You said it yourself, don't let others care about my life and death. I'm especially vicious. You don't want to have anything to do with me. Since you can say that, then you have to do it. Stop the car, I won't go with you." Tao Yuyan started to unbuckle her seatbelt angrily.

Tao Xian immediately parked the car in the driveway.

He had no choice but to frown and grab her hand to stop her from unbuckling her seatbelt. "Do you know that it's very dangerous for you to do this?"

"Let go of me." Tao Yuyan did not want to listen to what he was saying. She just wanted to push him away and get out of the car.

Tao Xian suddenly hugged her tightly. Before she could react, he kissed her.

She was stunned for a few seconds. When she finally reacted and wanted to push him away, he gently bit her lips. Then, he took a few steps back and held her face with both hands He warned her sternly, "I'm really worried about you going to K country alone. This time, no matter how you stop me, I have to go with you. Unless you don't want to go, then we will continue to stay here and not leave."

After he finished speaking, he hugged her tightly, as if she did not agree to let him accompany her. Then he would just leave her here and not let anyone go toK country.

Tao Yuyan was so angry that she gritted her teeth. He kissed her, but she could not free her hands to wipe her mouth.

She was forced to do so, and she hated him even more.

"Okay, I promise you. If you want to go, then go. Drive now. If you miss the plane, I won't let you go." Tao Yuyan had no choice but to compromise and agree to go to country K with him.

Hearing that, Tao Xian revealed a satisfied smile. Then, he let go of her and started to drive. "Yuyan, you must feel that it's a very wise choice to have me accompany you."

Tao Yuyan only looked at him unhappily and fastened her seatbelt. She did not speak to him at all.

Tao Xian was already very satisfied that he could go to country K with her and continue to protect her, so he did not force her to express anything.

After all, he had suddenly kissed her and threatened her. He had no choice but to do that. He did not know if she would hate him even more because of this.

He was right.

Tao Yuyan, who was at his side, felt even more uncomfortable because of his forceful kiss and his threats.

However, she did not say it out loud. She took out a wet tissue to wipe her mouth, opened the car window, and looked outside. She was very quiet the entire way.

Very soon, they arrived at the airport. There was no time for them to delay because Tao Xian had already informed his assistant in the company to wait at the airport. Therefore, after he handed the car to his assistant, he boarded the plane with Tao Yuyan.


A day later.

Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian transferred to the ship.

They each had a small room. After Tao Yuyan took a shower and changed into her pajamas, she lay on the bed alone and called Tang Xiaowei.

Very soon, the call went through.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei was not sleeping either. She had just coaxed the little boy to sleep and was about to take a shower.

When she heard the ringtone of her phone, she saw that it was Yuyan. She picked up her phone and walked to the balcony and closed the door to avoid waking the little boy. Then, she happily answered the phone, "Yuyan, are you here?"

"Yes, Xiaowei, I'm already here. I'm on a ship right now. I'll arrive around the afternoon of the day after tomorrow." Tao Yuyan's voice was soft. "Xiaowei, I'm not here alone this time. Tao Xian also came with me."

"It's okay for him to come. He's also my friend. The last time I was poisoned by Huangfu Yuner, it was all thanks to him and you taking care of me. He even went to find out about the hospital under Uncle Tian's name and saved me." After Tang Xiaowei finished speaking with a smile, suddenly, she remembered the incident between Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan. She was stunned for a moment.

Then, after hearing what she said, Tao Yuyan also fell silent. Tang Xiaowei became even more worried. "Yuyan, did something happen between you and Tao Xian during this period of time? Is it because of the previous incident?"

"Yes, that's right. It's indeed because of that incident." Tao Yuyan finally spoke. Her voice sounded very tired. She softly told Tang Xiaowei everything that had happened during this period of time.

Initially, when she called that day, she almost couldn't help but say it.

But at that time, because she heard that Xiaowei had a child and that the child had been born, Tao Yuyan's heart felt warm. Then, she couldn't bring up the matter of her aborting the child because of an ectopic pregnancy.

However, she couldn't hold it in anymore and really wanted to tell her best friend about this matter.

Tang Xiaowei also never expected that Yuyan would encounter such a thing.

Moreover, she didn't expect that Tao Xian really treated Yuyan well.