Chapter 412: Encounter with pirates

However, Tao Xian had hurt Yuyan in this way.

Yuyan had suffered alone. Tao Xian did not know the truth and misunderstood Yuyan. He even went to get involved with other women.

Even though Tao Xian said it was fake, Tang Xiaowei was very angry. Even though Tao Xian had helped her in the past, Tang Xiaowei was also angry that Tao Xian had hurt Yuyan in this way.

As expected, there were no good men in this world, right?

Everyone talked about love, but in the next second, they went to find another woman. Why was everyone like this?

Huangfu Qiye was also like this before.

Tang Xiaowei blinked her eyes and blinked back the tears that suddenly came. Then, she took a deep breath and reminded herself not to think about that man.

"Yuyan, don't be sad. Come to me first when you arrive." Tang Xiaowei hid her emotions and did not know how to comfort Tao Yuyan on the phone. She could only wait for her to come over.

Because at this moment, she could only give Tao Yuyan a big hug.

But after all, they were still so far away. She could only wait for Tao Yuyan to come over.

Hearing this, Tao Yuyan smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. After all, it's been a few months. I just haven't told you all this time. Now that it's suddenly brought up again, I'm a little sad. Actually, it's not as painful as it was in the beginning."

"Well, then I'll wait for you to come over. When the time comes, you can stay here for a while more. I'll accompany you to heal your wounds and help you forget all this last bit of pain." Hearing her smile, Tang Xiaowei hurriedly said some encouraging words.

Tao Yuyan's mood was indeed much better after receiving the comfort of her good friend.

After that, the two of them chatted for a while more before hanging up.

After hanging up, Tao Yuyan became sleepy and fell asleep.

Tang Xiaowei stood on the balcony for a while and thought about Yuyan's matter. However, she couldn't figure it out and could only wait for Yuyan to come over.

Then, she went back to her room to take a shower.

After taking a shower, the Little Milk Bun was still in a deep sleep. After drying her hair, she lay down and fell asleep.

At that moment, on the ocean.

Other than the ship that Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian were on, there was another ship far in front of them. Huangfu Qiye was on this ship at this moment.

This ship was under his name, so the people on the ship were all his people.

He originally planned to use the three-day journey to rest, but unfortunately, after sleeping for a day, he could no longer fall asleep.

Therefore, in the middle of the night, he could only get up and go to the deck. He casually grabbed a few bodyguards and had them compete with him in drinking.

The so-called competition was to get people to take out a lot of wine from the ship's wine storage room. Then, without playing any games, they would directly have a one-on-one drink with him. Whoever finished drinking first could go back to sleep.

Therefore, there were many bodyguards competing with him in drinking. In the end, Huangfu Qiye was not drunk at all. A few bodyguards were drunk and were dragged off to rest.

In the end, Huangfu Qiye felt bored, so he did not let anyone drink with him.

He sat alone on the chair and looked at the black night sky like a statue. The sky was extremely dark, but there were some twinkling stars dancing faintly.

However, when he heard the sound of the waves, he felt empty in his heart.

Ever since he decided to be with Tang Xiaowei, he always had this feeling of emptiness in his heart.

Until that time, she spent three days with him on a private island in England. The sweetness she gave him during those three days could finally fill the emptiness in his heart.

However, it was only for those three days. After that, his heart began to feel empty again.

Until now, his heart was still empty.

He knew very well that he could not live without Tang Xiaowei.

He could not live without her in this life.

Huangfu Qiye retracted his gaze and poured himself another half a bottle of wine.

A very long time had passed. He had been drinking in silence and did not care about the things around him.

However, an hour later, Yuan Qi cautiously stepped forward and said, "Young master, something seems to have happened to a ship behind us. I don't know if it's someone we know. Do you need help?"

Huangfu Qiye came back to his senses and glanced at Yuan Qi. "When did it happen? If there's anyone alive, then we'll save them. If not, then forget it."

Yuan Qi replied, "It happened just now. I don't know what happened either. Our people only saw a signal for help from someone behind us. We don't know if there are still people alive on the ship behind us."

Huangfu Qiye fell silent.

If it was the old him, he naturally wouldn't care about the lives of others. He wasn't the one who caused others to be in trouble, so he couldn't be bothered to care.

However, the purpose of this trip was to find the person he loved deeply. Therefore, he really wanted to do something good. This way, the heavens might repay him and make it easier for him to find Tang Xiaowei and take her away.

Therefore, he was silent for a while before saying, "Let's turn around and go back to save them."

Although Yuan Qi was slightly surprised that the young master was so anxious to find Miss Tang and was actually willing to spare some time to save others, he still did not say anything and went to instruct the crew.

Very soon, their ship arrived at the ship that was in trouble.

At this moment, on the ship that was much smaller than Huangfu Qiye's ship, there were many injured people lying on the deck.

At this moment, there were more than ten men holding weapons in their hands as they stood up fiercely. Only then did the injured men on the ground not dare to stand up.

When Huangfu Qiye arrived, he saw the ship that was in trouble. From the situation on the ship, there seemed to be two groups of people. One group of people was injured and lying on the deck. If there were some shivering people who were not injured squatting next to them. The other group of people were not injured at all. They were arrogantly threatening the injured people on the ground.

The people who were standing were obviously some pirates who were dressed very fiercely.

The injured people lying on the ground were just some ordinary tourists.

There were also some people who were not injured beside the injured tourists. There were men and women. Everyone was hugging their heads and squatting on the ground.

From the looks of it, this scene proved that this ship had been robbed by pirates.

Huangfu Qiye's expression was calm. The corners of his lips curled up. These pirates were really unlucky today. Since they had met him, although he was not a saint, he wanted to do good today. Naturally, he would exterminate all these pirates.

Hence, he was prepared to instruct Yuan Qi to arrange for people to go over and capture those pirates.

Those pirates had long seen their arrival, so naturally, someone came over and said arrogantly, "Hey you! If you don't want to end up like the people on this ship, don't come any closer."

These pirates actually only dared to snatch the people on the small ship.