Chapter 413: Be careful, don't hurt me

As for those who were not to be trifled with, they did not dare to make a move.

Therefore, at this moment, these pirates saw that Huangfu Qiye's ship was not only large but also very luxurious.

Furthermore, they saw that Huangfu Qiye and the people beside him were very fierce and looked very menacing. Therefore, these pirates wanted to scare Huangfu Qiye and the others away.

After this pirate finished speaking, a few other pirates immediately came over, wanting to scare Huangfu Qiye and the others.

However, no matter what they said, Huangfu Qiye and the people around him didn't pay any attention to those pirates.

On the contrary, it was Huangfu Qiye's people who had already pulled out their guns and pointed them at those pirates.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye speak, "If you don't want to die, then throw your weapons away, put your hands on your heads and crouch down."

Not everyone of those pirates had guns. Out of more than ten of them, only five had guns.

Therefore, a few people who didn't have guns were frightened by Huangfu Qiye's people. Their legs went weak and they were about to throw their weapons away and crouch down.

However, at this moment, the pirate leader immediately took out his own gun. Then, he shouted at his men, "Don't listen to that man. If we put down our guns, we'll be finished. Don't worry about anything else. We'll immediately retreat to a safe house at the back and drive the ship away."

After the pirate leader finished speaking, his men would only listen to him. Since he had spoken, although everyone was afraid of the men in black on the opposite ship, they were also afraid of the guns in their hands.

However, these pirates still followed their leader and began to retreat.

However, just as the pirate leader was retreating, his back was suddenly blocked by a sharp blade, and then a chilling voice rang in the pirate leader's ear, "If you don't want to die, tell your subordinates to throw away their weapons and immediately crouch down."

The pirate leader thought that there was no one behind him. He thought that all the people on the ship had been chased to the deck, but at this moment, his back was blocked by a sharp blade. He knew that he couldn't ignore the words of the person behind him otherwise, he would definitely be stabbed.

The leader of the pirates was most afraid of death. He hurriedly shouted to his brothers in front, "All of you, don't retreat. All of you, crouch down. Quickly crouch down, or I will kill all of you!"

The subordinates of the leader of the pirates were all surprised. Then, they turned around and looked at him.

With one look, they saw that their boss was being threatened with a knife. Moreover, the person who threatened their boss with a knife did not seem to be someone to be trifled with. Therefore, the dozen or so people did not dare to say anything. They threw their weapons away and crouched down again.

Seeing that those people had squatted down, the pirate leader carefully said, "Sir, can you let go of me now? This knife doesn't have eyes. Be careful, don't hurt me."

The person standing behind the pirate leader sneered. Then, he ignored the fear of the pirate leader and pressed the knife closer to the pirate leader's head. Then, he raised his head and looked at the handsome man on the opposite ship.

"Mr. Huangfu, you won't leave us to die, right? Since you're here, help us and catch these scum."

When Huangfu Qiye saw that the pirates were disobedient and unwilling to crouch down, he wanted his men to capture them violently.

After all, he didn't like to play tricks. He liked to attack directly. Speed, ruthlessness, and accuracy were his rules.

However, with his sharp eyes, he noticed that in the direction where the pirate leader was retreating, there was a familiar and skilled young man hiding there. He was looking for an opportunity to capture the pirate leader.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye not let his men shoot directly. Instead, he silently watched the show. He wanted to see if the other party could save themselves if he didn't make a move.

Now, seeing that the other party had already taken control of the pirate leader, if he did not make a move, the man on the opposite ship who had grabbed the pirate leader with a knife alone would not be able to save everyone on the entire ship.

Thinking of the man who called him, he seemed to be Xiaowei's classmate and friend. Huangfu Qiye only remained silent for a few seconds before ordering Yuan Qi, "Go and capture those pirates. When we reach country K, they will be of use."

Thus, after saying that, Huangfu Qiye turned around and left.

Yuan Qi immediately brought a dozen bodyguards onto the ship that was being hijacked by the pirates.

Then, he quickly captured those pirates.

After those pirates were captured, Yuan Qi walked to the young man who had just captured the pirate leader and said, "Mr. Tao, long time no see. I wonder why Mr. Tao is here? Are you here alone?"

The man who had just captured the pirate leader was Tao Xian.

Their ship was suddenly ambushed more than half an hour ago. Because there were only two useless security guards on this ship, all the people on the ship were captured very quickly.

As he had heard the commotion, he had asked Tao Yuyan to hide in her room. Then, he hid in a secret location, planning to kill these pirates at any time.

However, he had not expected to meet Huangfu Qiye.

It was fortunate that he had met Huangfu Qiye. Otherwise, Tao Xian would have suspected that he was facing more than a dozen pirates. Furthermore, there were five of them with guns, so his chances of winning were not very high.

Hearing Yuan Qi's question, he had nothing to hide. "I came with someone. However, seeing your young master, I think we are all here for the same thing."

Hearing that, Yuan Qi roughly knew that Tao Xian must have come with Miss Tang's good friend, Tao Yuyan. And they came here just like his young master, knowing that Miss Tang was going to be engaged to someone else.

Therefore, Yuan Qi wanted to rope in Miss Tang's friend for the sake of his young master's happiness.

Then, he didn't inform Huangfu Qiye first. He suggested to Tao Xian, "Mr. Tao, since you came with Miss Tao to look for Miss Tang, then we happen to be on the same journey. The ship you're on isn't very safe. You'd better bring Miss Tao to our young master's ship."

There were still two days of journey ahead.

Tao Xian also felt that the ship he and Tao Yuyan were on wasn't very safe. After all, they had just encountered more than a dozen pirates, and they had almost all been captured.

Therefore, he thought about it. Although his relationship with Huangfu Qiye wasn't good or bad, at least when he was on Huangfu Qiye's ship, he would be able to guarantee his safety.

So, he nodded. "Thank you in advance, but wait for a while. I'll go pick up someone."

Yuan Qi nodded his head and stood where he was, waiting for him.