Chapter 414: making use of

Tao Xian immediately turned around and hurriedly walked towards the room where Tao Yuyan was staying.

After Tao Xian left, the people who were originally kidnapped were released at this moment.

Some of the injured were receiving treatment from the doctors on the ship.

Those who were not injured saw how brave and powerful Tao Xian was, as well as how mysterious and rich Huangfu Qiye was. Then, someone cautiously approached Yuan Qi. He asked, "Sir, are you going to invite that gentleman and his girlfriend to your ship? Can You bring us along, too Our ship is too dangerous. Since you've saved us, please help us and bring us to your ship as well."

Hearing that, Yuan Qi smiled coldly and pushed away the women who were approaching him.

"Not everyone can board our ship." He invited Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan on his own accord for the sake of his young master.

His young master hated to be touched by strangers, so these strangers were not qualified to board his ship.

They were not satisfied after just being saved. They even wanted to board his ship. Yuan Qi sneered. These people must be dreaming.

"Sir, please take me on your ship too. If you take me with you, I can do anything you want." Even though Yuan Qi refused, some women still dared to go forward and tried to persuade Yuan Qi to take them with him.

After all, these uninjured women had just seen Huangfu Qiye under the lights on the opposite ship.

Such a handsome man did not seem to have an ordinary background. Furthermore, he had so many subordinates with guns in their hands. Such a man was definitely not an ordinary person.

After being frightened by the pirates, these women were very fond of men of high status. After all, only a man who was not simple could make them feel safe.

Yuan Qi's face turned black when he saw these women who had just been rescued still clinging to him. Then, he reached out his hand to call for two bodyguards and said coldly, "Drag these people away and knock them out. It's so noisy!"

The women were immediately frightened by his cold words.

However, it was useless even if they were frightened. A bodyguard immediately came over and dragged them away. They did not even have the time to ask for help before they were knocked out by the bodyguards and thrown onto the deck.

Although the other people at the side felt that their ship was not safe and wanted to follow Yuan Qi and the others, they did not dare to speak anymore.

At that moment, after Tao Xian reached the door of the room, he opened the lock and knocked on the door. "Yuyan, open the door. It's me."

Inside the door, Tao Yuyan heard his voice and carefully opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Tao Xian carried her into his arms. He said gently, "Yuyan, everything is fine now. Those pirates have been captured. However, this ship is not particularly safe. There are still two days of journey ahead. Huangfu Qiye's people saved us just now. Let's go to his ship."

"What? Huangfu Qiye? Why is he here?" Tao Yuyan was very shocked when she heard Huangfu Qiye's name. She forgot that Tao Xian was carrying her, so she forgot to push him away.

Tao Xian knew that Tao Yuyan did not like Huangfu Qiye, so he was not jealous that she was so shocked when she heard Huangfu Qiye's name. He nodded. "That's right, it's indeed him. I think he came here because of Tang Xiaowei's engagement. Anyway, our destination is the same. Let's go to his ship."

Tao Yuyan shook her head when she heard that. "No, I don't want to go to his ship. I think this ship is pretty good. Let's continue staying here."

Tao Yuyan recalled that Xiaowei had said that she did not want to see Huangfu Qiye, and she did not want to tell Huangfu Qiye about the little boy.

The day after tomorrow, Xiaowei would come to pick her up.

Tao Yuyan did not want to meet Huangfu Qiye when Xiaowei came to pick her up. If that happened, Xiaowei would definitely be angry with her.

Tao Xian had wanted to persuade Tao Yuyan again, but no matter what he said, she was unwilling to leave. In the end, Tao Yuyan simply pushed him out of the door and closed it. She said firmly, "I'm not going, anyway. If you want to go, you can go by yourself."

Tao Xian had no choice. Since she refused to go, he could only choose to stay. Therefore, he went to tell Yuan Qi that they were not going.

Yuan Qi was silent for a moment and did not insist. Then, he told them to pay attention to their safety and left with his bodyguards.

After Yuan Qi returned to Huangfu Qiye's ship, he immediately went to see Huangfu Qiye. Then, he began to suggest, "Young master, at this time, we met Miss Tang's friends here. I think Miss Tang's friends must have contacted Miss Tang. I wanted to invite them over just now. I had hoped that when we dock, we could see Miss Tang more easily. But they didn't agree to come. However, our ship can still dock with them. When the time comes, I'll keep a close watch. I'll definitely be able to rely on them to find Miss Tang faster."

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye looked at Yuan Qi with satisfaction. "That's a good idea. Then let's do it this way. I'll give you a bonus this month."

Hearing this, Yuan Qi hurriedly thanked him and left.

Huangfu Qiye Sat on the sofa. The room was very spacious. Although it was on a ship, the advantage was that the ship was big. This place had been remodeled, so not only was the space big, but the decorations were also very beautiful.

However, he was not in the mood to appreciate it. He was thinking about the idea that Yuan Qi had just mentioned.

In fact, he had already thought about this when he met Tao Xian just now.

Originally, when he saw the news, he was indeed able to confirm that Tang Xiaowei was in country K. However, although country K was an island country, this island was not small. If he wanted to find someone here, and if the locals here wanted to help them hide, it would definitely take a lot of time for Huangfu Qiye to find someone.

Therefore, since he met Tang Xiaowei's friend, it meant that Tang Xiaowei must have contacted her friend.

As long as he stayed close to Tang Xiaowei's friend, he would definitely be able to meet Tang Xiaowei. Huangfu Qiye did not need to spend all his effort to search the world.


Two ships, one at the front and one at the back. The distance between them was not too far, but it was not too close either, so no one could detect any abnormalities.

The next morning, Tao Yuyan hurriedly called Tang Xiaowei.

After the call was connected.

Tao Yuyan first briefly told her about the encounter with the pirates yesterday, then explained that she was fine. Tao Yuyan then carefully said, "Xiaowei, we met the pirates yesterday and our people were saved by another ship. Guess whose it is?"