Chapter 446: I've found Huangfu Yuner's whereabouts

Having Ling Yijue here would help her attract more customers to come over for coffee.

But now Tang Xiaowei wanted to talk about her son, so she didn't want to continue talking here.

Ling Yijue nodded, so the two of them walked out of her office together. The office was a small room beside the counter. After the two of them walked in, the door was closed, and the people outside couldn't see them anymore.

Therefore, the girls who were staring at Ling Yijue just now.. They hurriedly asked the shop assistant, "Beauty, that girl just now seems to be your lady boss, right? The man who is with her is so handsome. Who is he? Could he be your boss?"

"Yes, yes. I have been drinking coffee in your shop for a few days on this trip, but I haven't seen him. He just came today, didn't he? He is really handsome."

"What's his name? How old is he?"

"If he's not your lady boss's man, remember to give us his contact information."

"This is the first time, the first time I've seen such a handsome man in real life. Oh my God, I feel like I'm going to faint."

With these words of the female customers, the shop assistant who was asked was also very helpless. "I'm sorry, everyone. I've actually only met that gentleman a few times. Including the time just now, it's the third time. But he shouldn't be our lady boss's man. He looks like an older brother."

"So he's an older brother. Isn't that better? Then quickly give us his contact information. I want to chase after him." Immediately, someone stood up excitedly.

The shop assistant was even more helpless. "I really don't have that gentleman's contact information. If I did, I would have chased after him long ago."

Hearing this, many girls laughed, including the shop assistant who said this.

She wasn't wrong. The gentleman who had just entered the office with their boss was really very handsome. His temperament and way of dressing were also very charming. The way he treated the boss just now was also very gentle. Who wouldn't like such a high-quality man?

Therefore, the girls just now no longer questioned the shop assistant. Instead, they ordered some food and drinks, intending to continue waiting in the shop. This way, they might have a chance to wait until the handsome man came out before personally asking for his contact details.

The atmosphere in the shop also gradually warmed up because of the little episode just now.

Many girls even took photos of the shop and posted them on the internet, helping them to do promotions.


After entering the office, Tang Xiaowei casually sat down on the sofa and looked at Ling Yijue. "You sit too."

For the past three years, she had been getting along with Ling Yijue like they were normal family. He was like a brother to her, and she no longer brought up the topics that made both of them silent.

Therefore, she gradually felt a lot more relaxed in front of him.

Ling Yijue sat down opposite her. He looked around and found that there were some new small items in her office. He had not seen these when he came last time. He smiled and said, "You went out to shop again recently?"

Tang Xiaowei looked around and nodded. "Yes. Last week, I took An An to climb a mountain and go camping. An An saw a few rocks and liked them very much. Then, he carried them back."

"Yes. An An is only so lively when she is with you." Ling Yijue nodded helplessly.

Although An An was not his child, he felt that he liked this child very much. Perhaps it was because he loved him as much as he loved her. That was why he had helped take care of An An when he was in England.

However, it was fine if An An could not speak when he was young.

However, after he was more than a year old, An An could speak, but his personality was very strange. Only in front of Tang Xiaowei was he willing to speak, to laugh and be lively like a normal child.

However, in front of others, he was very quiet. Even if he fell and got injured, he would not make a sound.

When he first discovered this problem, he naturally found a doctor to look at An An.

However, the doctor said that there was nothing wrong with the child's body. Perhaps it was just that he was born with a lonely personality, and his willingness to be lively in front of his mother was probably due to his personality.

Therefore, these problems could only be addressed when he grew up.

"Oh right, why did you suddenly come over today?" Tang Xiaowei did not think that Ling Yijue would suddenly come over without saying anything. Something must have happened.

However, Uncle Tian's body had been very healthy for the past few years. His company was managed by him and Ah Jue, and it was also very profitable. No one dared to offend the two of them with their identities.

Therefore, what else could happen?

Ling Yijue's expression became serious when he heard this. He looked at Tang Xiaowei. "Xiaowei, I know that although you want a quiet life now, you still hate someone. I've been looking for this person's whereabouts for the past few years. Now, I finally have a clue, so I rushed over to tell you this news."

Tang Xiaowei was stunned.

The person she hated was probably only Huangfu Yuner.

So, Ah Jue had found Huangfu Yuner's whereabouts?

Huangfu Yuner had disappeared and hid for almost four years. Was she finally found?

"Is it Huangfu Yuner?" Tang Xiaowei asked tentatively.

Ling Yijue nodded. "Yes, I found out that there will be a party on international waters three days from now. The organizers will use a cruise ship to carry guests to spend a day or two at sea. However, the party is just a pretense. Those who go to the party are all there to gamble. I found out that Huangfu Yuner, who has undergone plastic surgery, will go to the party that night."

"Plastic surgery? Huangfu Yuner has undergone plastic surgery?" Tang Xiaowei was surprised to hear that.

Ling Yijue nodded. "That's right. Maybe she did it to avoid being chased by people. And she did successfully hide for four years because of it, didn't she?"

"Then do you have a photo of her?" Tang Xiaowei really wanted to know what her enemy looked like now.

In three days time, she would definitely go to that cruise ship and take revenge on her enemy personally.

Ling Yijue was silent for a moment when he heard that.

Tang Xiaowei looked at him in surprise. "What's wrong? Nothing?"

If there was no photo, then how did Ah Jue know that Huangfu Yuner had plastic surgery. And if he didn't know what Huangfu Yuner looked like now, it would be hard to find someone to take revenge on her three days from now.

"Of course there is, and she has changed her name now. Take a look, this is all her current information." Ling Yijue opened a bag beside him and took out a stack of information.

Tang Xiaowei took the information and looked down.

Soon, when she saw Huangfu Yuner's current name and photo, Tang Xiaowei was a little shocked.