Chapter 447: Uncle, you're here too?

So that's how it was. No wonder Ah Jue's expression was so strange just now.

After that, she frowned and threw down the documents. Her face was gloomy. "Ah Jue, I want to board that cruise ship in three days. I hope you can help me."

"I came to tell you this. Naturally, I've prepared everything. In three days, we'll go up together." Ling Yijue put away the documents on the table and put them into his bag.

"Okay. After I take revenge, I'll cook your favorite dishes for you." Tang Xiaowei's expression slowly returned to her previous gentleness and kindness.

Ling Yijue was stunned when he heard that. Although he was willing to do anything for her, he still couldn't get her love. However, he was already very satisfied that she was able to treat him as family and was willing to personally cook food for him.

Therefore, he smiled and asked, "Okay, that's of course very good. By the way, where's An An?"

At the mention of her precious son, Tang Xiaowei's smile widened. "When I just went out, he was sleeping on the second floor. I don't know if he's awake now."

"Let's go up and see him. I heard that you're going to treat the shop staff to dinner tonight, so you probably don't mind inviting me. Let's go together tonight and bring An An," Ling Yijue stood up and said gently.

Tang Xiaowei nodded and smiled. "Of course. Let's go up then."

There was a staircase in the office that led directly to the second floor.

Therefore, the two of them didn't walk out of the office and went straight to the second floor.

After opening the door, the sound of anime coming from the television came from inside. Tang Xiaowei's expression became gentle. It seemed that An An had already woken up and was watching anime.

As expected, after hearing the sound of the door opening, a short little ball wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and black pants immediately ran over. He hugged Tang Xiaowei's knees and raised his little head to look at her He said in a childish voice, "Mommy, where have you been? Why did you take so long to come back? If it wasn't because you said it wasn't safe outside and I couldn't go out alone, I would have gone out to look for you."

The little guy was very handsome. Due to his young age, he was also a little soft and cute.

He looked a little like her, a little like that person, but if one did not look closely, one would not notice it.

Tang Xiaowei reached out and touched her son's head. She praised him. "Our An An is really obedient. Mommy just went out to look for a kindergarten for you. You must remember to listen to mommy like this next time. When Mommy is not at home, you must stay at home obediently and not go out."

After An An heard this, he nodded obediently. "Yes, yes, I understand. I will be obedient."

After saying that, he saw that there was someone standing behind Tang Xiaowei. At first, he was a little shocked and the smile on his face disappeared. Later, he realized that it was an acquaintance. It was the uncle that his mother had told him about. Although he did not continue to smile, he still called out to Ling Yijue obediently, "Uncle, you're here too?"

It was not the first time Ling Yijue heard An An call him uncle, but every time, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Therefore, ever since an an grew up and the mother and son moved to China, he rarely came to see them. After Tang Xiaowei opened a coffee shop, he had only come a few times.

That was because every time he saw An An, An An would call him uncle.

He and Xiaowei were both adopted children by Ling Shitian, so it was normal for An An to call him uncle. However, he really could not accept it, but he could not reject it either.

His expression dimmed for a moment, and then he could only suppress the sadness in his heart. He smiled and patted an An An's head. "An An still remembers uncle. Uncle came over today and prepared a gift for An An." He took out a toy from his bag and gently handed it to An An.

An An looked at it and saw that it was the toy he liked. Hence, he looked at Tang Xiaowei to see if his mother would allow him to hold the toy.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. The little guy then smiled at Ling Yijue and said, "Thank you, uncle."

After he took the toy, he forgot about the people around him and returned to his room alone.

Ling Yijue saw that he had taken the toy and sent An An away. He did not know whether he should be happy or smile bitterly.

Happy felt that he could be alone with An An.

He smiled bitterly because he felt that he could only be Xiaowei's older brother now, even though he could not do anything even if he was alone with her.

After that, the two of them drank tea upstairs and chatted about the recent situation.

When they talked about the kindergarten An An was about to attend, Ling Yijue suggested that they would only go to look for Huangfu Yuner on the cruise ship after three days.

In that case, he would stay for the next few days. Tomorrow, he planned to accompany Tang Xiaowei to take a look again. He had to find a better kindergarten for An An.

Tang Xiaowei also wanted to find a better kindergarten for her son, so she naturally did not refuse. The two of them agreed to take a look again tomorrow.

Then, it was time to get off work in the afternoon.

Tang Xiaowei had previously promised to treat everyone, so tonight, Tang Xiaowei decided to give everyone a break.

Therefore, after the shop assistants downstairs got off work, Tang Xiaowei also changed An An's clothes and got dressed. Then, accompanied by Ling Yijue, the three of them went downstairs together.

Originally, Ling Yijue wanted to carry An An downstairs, but he did not like to be carried by anyone other than his mother, so Tang Xiaowei could only wear flat shoes and carry him downstairs.

Downstairs, seven to eight employees were waiting for them.

The shop was already closed and there were no more customers. All the tables and chairs were especially clean.

Seeing the three of them appear, someone immediately teased, "Sister Xiaowei, is this gentleman your friend? Is he going to have a dinner party with us tonight?"

When the employee who asked this said this, he was all smiles, and the other girls next to him also looked over with smiles.

Tang Xiaowei was about to explain, but Ling Yijue gave a glance to a fat man next to her. That fat man was secretly sent by him to protect and take care of Tang Xiaowei and her mother, and he wasn't the only one. Ling Yijue had also sent other people to protect her in secret.

That man was the manager of the cafe, but in Ling Yijue's place, he was a loyal subordinate.

The chubby man had long known Ling Yijue's identity. At this moment, seeing Ling Yijue's glance, he hurriedly pulled the girl aside who asked the question just now. He said with a slightly serious tone, "Alright, stop asking. Didn't you say that you ordered Zhou's hairy crabs? Time is almost up. If you don't go now, there won't be any seats there."

Zhou's hairy crabs were famous for their delicious food. At the same time, it was very difficult to get a seat at their house. It was not easy to get a seat, so everyone was overjoyed.

Thus, the girl who asked the question just now immediately became a foodie.