Chapter 449: It's really Huangfu Qiye

Ling Yijue couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Xiaowei, let me feed the child. You eat some, too."

He peeled some for Tang Xiaowei and wanted to push it in front of her.

Tang Xiaowei shook her head and refused. "No need, Ah Jue. You eat first. An An doesn't eat much. I'll eat again when he's done. There's no rush anyway. There's still a lot of time."

Ling Yijue could only stop persuading her because he knew it would be useless.

Tang Xiaowei continued to feed An An. The shop assistants beside her also called out to her. Seeing that she was still focused on taking care of the child, they didn't bother her anymore.

Not long after, An An rubbed his belly and winked at her with a smile. "Mommy, I'm full. I can't eat anymore. It's your turn to eat."

"Are you really full?" Tang Xiaowei asked seriously.

Xiao Anan hurriedly nodded. "I'm really full."

The little guy liked to eat hairy crabs. Just now, because he was too hungry, he only cared about asking his mommy to feed him. Now that he was full, he remembered that his mother had not eaten yet, so he did not want his mother to feed him anymore. He wanted his mother to eat quickly so that she would not be hungry anymore.

Tang Xiaowei saw that the little guy looked like he was really full, so she did not say anything more. She told him to sit properly and not move. Then, she started to lower her head and silently peel the crabs for herself.

During the meal, there would occasionally be people who would tell a few jokes, and Tang Xiaowei could not help but laugh with them.

Ling Yijue looked at her current indifferent appearance, and he felt a little uncomfortable and helpless.

Because they didn't work overtime today, they came here after work, so there was still a lot of time. Therefore, everyone ate happily and chatted enthusiastically.

Tang Xiaowei ate for a while and was almost full.

She wiped her mouth and fingers and felt a small hand tugging at her sleeve.

She looked down at her son. "What's wrong, An An?"

Xiao Anan's delicate brows furrowed and he whispered, "Mom, I want to go to the bathroom. Take me there."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei knew that the child was still young and could not wait. She quickly carried Xiao Anan and prepared to walk out.

The others saw this and quickly asked, "Lady boss, what's wrong? Are you leaving? It's still early."

"No, you guys continue. I'll take Xiao Anan out to get some fresh air and will be back soon." Tang Xiaowei did not want to say that she was taking the child out to the toilet. She was afraid that it would affect the appetite of others, so she made up an excuse.

Fortunately, no one doubted it. They just thought that Xiao Anan was not used to the stuffiness in the private room.

Ling Yijue stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

Tang Xiaowei felt that when An An heard that Ling Yijue wanted to go with her, the little guy's body stiffened. She hurriedly said, "No need to trouble yourself. An An is not used to having too many people accompanying him. I'll go with him. I'll be back in a while."

Ling Yijue had no choice but to nod. "Alright then. You guys be careful and come back soon."

Tang Xiaowei nodded. Then, she carried An An and walked out.

After walking out of the private room, she asked the waiter in the restaurant and found the washroom.

Tang Xiaowei was worried about letting Xiao Anan go into the men's washroom alone, but she was afraid that if she brought Xiao Anan to the girls'washroom, it would make the girls who came to the washroom feel uncomfortable. Just when she was feeling troubled, Xiao Anan tugged at her sleeve, raised his little head to look at her, and said softly, "Mom, I can't go to the girls' washroom. I want to go to the boys'. You put me at the door, and I'll go in alone."

"Baby, mommy won't be at ease if you go in alone." Tang Xiaowei put Xiao Anan down, but she still felt uneasy.

Xiao Anan was a little anxious. "It's okay, Mommy. I can't hold it anymore. Let me go in. Didn't you teach me how to use the bathroom outside? I remember everything. Don't worry, Mommy."

Tang Xiaowei gritted her teeth and had no choice but to let go of her son's little hand. She then patted his little head. "Alright then. Be careful. If anything happens, call Mommy immediately, okay?"

"Yes, yes, I understand." An An nodded his head vigorously and ran into the washroom.

It was very quiet here at the moment. It felt like there was no one in the washroom.

However, even though Tang Xiaowei was worried about her son, she did not dare to barge into the men's washroom directly.

She waited anxiously at the door.

At that moment, a delicate female voice came from the corridor. "Mr. Huangfu, I'm really lucky tonight. I didn't expect to be able to invite you to eat hairy crabs together."

Tang Xiaowei was stunned. Mr. Huangfu?

Although she wasn't familiar with the voice of the woman who just spoke, the two words "Hu" and "Huangfu" made her whole body stiffen.

Who was the Mr. Huangfu outside?

It couldn't be that person, right.

It had been three years since she last saw him. Could it be that she would see him here today?

However, he wasn't from this city, and no one had ever said that he would come to here. This city was actually quite remote, so she chose to open a coffee shop here. She felt that this way, she would not meet him, and she would be able to live here with her child in peace.

Tang Xiaowei really wanted to hide, even if she did not know whether the person outside was that person.

However, she still felt afraid.

However, her son was still in the bathroom, and she could not leave him alone.

She could only lower her head and wait anxiously for her son, not daring to move her body.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps gradually approached, and until now, there was still no man's voice. The woman who had just spoken began to speak again. "Oh right, Mr. Huangfu, you're also here to use the restroom, right? After you use the restroom, I'll send you back to the hotel. I still have some work matters to discuss with you."

"Okay, no problem." The man finally spoke, and the two of them finally walked to a place not far in front of Tang Xiaowei.

After hearing the familiar voice, Tang Xiaowei wanted to immediately turn into air and disappear.

It was actually... It was really Huangfu Qiye.

Although she didn't look up at him, his voice hadn't changed. She still remembered it clearly.

At the moment, she didn't have the spare time or mind to think about why he suddenly came to this city. Moreover, he was about to bump into her at the bathroom door.

She was only worried that he would discover her and Xiao Anan.

Fortunately, she was dressed differently now. Her hair was longer than before, and her clothes were more mature than before.

She was wearing a low-key gray dress and flat shoes today.

Before she was seen by others, she immediately turned around and walked into the girls'bathroom, intending to hide inside.

She hurriedly walked into the girls' bathroom.

A man and a woman on the other side also walked to the bathroom door.