Chapter 450: the Child has met him

Then, they stopped talking and went into the washroom.

Tang Xiaowei stood in front of the sink in the girls' washroom.

She was close to the door, but the people outside couldn't see inside.

She could just avoid Huangfu Qiye by standing here, but she could also hear her son's voice. She would immediately take her son away when he came out.

The woman who had just spoken had an arrogant look on her face when she walked into the washroom. She raised her eyebrows and looked around. She saw that Tang Xiaowei was the only one inside. Although she was dressed normally, she was very beautiful. The woman immediately frowned and looked at Tang Xiaowei with ill intentions.

Tang Xiaowei could feel that the other party was looking at her. She did not know why, but she actually wanted to see what this woman who had come with Huangfu Qiye looked like.

She also turned around to look at the woman. Only then did she realize that the other party did not look very old. She looked like she was in her twenties. The clothes on her body were the latest style of a certain brand. Her hair was also meticulously groomed. Her makeup also looked very good. The only drawback was that she looked more ordinary. Therefore, when she looked unfriendly, she looked a little sinister and scary because of her heavy makeup.

"May I ask what's the matter?" Sensing that the other party's gaze was filled with unfriendliness, Tang Xiaowei felt surprised. She hadn't even met Huangfu Qiye face-to-face just now, so she had nothing to do with him. Why was this woman so angry at her?

Tang Xiaowei's feeling was right. The woman standing in front of her was called Wang Lu, the daughter of the local tourism industry overlord. In this city, the Wang family was definitely the richest, and this was a tourist area. Their family was like a hand supporting the sky.

She had been raised like a little princess since she was young.

Therefore, her personality was very arrogant and domineering, always making trouble for no reason.

The reason why she could be so gentle and obedient in front of Huangfu Qiye just now was completely because she was captivated by Huangfu Qiye.

Now, Huangfu Qiye had already gone to the next room. She was naturally angry when she suddenly saw a woman who was even more beautiful than herself. She was afraid that Huangfu Qiye would not like her if he saw this woman who did not even put on makeup.

Therefore, she immediately asked coldly, "Do you know who I am?"

Tang Xiaowei found it funny when she heard the other party's tone. "Do I need to know who you are?"

She had only hidden herself from someone and entered the bathroom. After that, she had been stared at by this woman. The woman had asked if Xiaowei knew her identity.

Could it be that this woman's identity was not ordinary?

That's right. Just now, this woman told Huangfu Qiye that they were going to Huangfu Qiye's hotel to discuss work matters. Therefore, this woman did not seem to be Huangfu Qiye's subordinate, so she must be his business partner.

To be able to work with Huangfu Qiye, she must not be a simple person.

However, this had nothing to do with her, Tang Xiaowei.

"How dare you answer me like this? Don't you think that I will get someone to teach you a lesson? " The more Wang Lu looked at the woman in front of her, the more uncomfortable she felt.

This woman was really very beautiful. She was even more beautiful than the girls around her. Moreover, this woman did not even wear makeup. Her face was smooth and her skin was delicate. It really made people incomparably jealous.

"We don't know each other, right? Young lady, why do you like to casually catch people outside and threaten them?" Tang Xiaowei felt speechless. This woman was really too weird.

For no reason, she wanted to quarrel and even threaten people.

Even if her identity was really not simple, this world could not belong to her family. She was too arrogant.

"If you don't believe me, then just wait. Anyway, you've made me very unhappy. I'll definitely teach you a lesson." Wang Lu inexplicably felt that she hated this woman in front of her. She completely disregarded her identity and threatened her angrily.

At this moment, a soft and cute child's voice with anxiety suddenly came from outside. "Mommy..."

Tang Xiaowei's expression changed. She didn't want to continue arguing with this inexplicable woman, so she turned around and walked out.

Wang Lu saw that she had left because she heard a child calling for his mother outside. Then, for some strange reason, she also walked out. She wanted to see if that child really belonged to this woman. If it did, then she might not be so angry.

After Tang Xiaowei walked out of the bathroom, she initially thought that only her son had come out. Then, she would take her son and leave.

However, when she walked out of the bathroom, she discovered that her son was actually standing together with Huangfu Qiye at the entrance to the men's bathroom.

She was completely stunned. She stared blankly at her son and the man opposite her.

Huangfu Qiye was actually standing together with An An. He didn't realize that the child was his son, right?

She suddenly felt very panicked and scared.

At the same time, Huangfu Qiye also looked at her. However, there was no extra emotion in his eyes, as if he just treated her as a stranger.

He said coldly, "Miss, is this your child? You can't even take care of your own child. You're really good at being a mother."

His tone was full of sarcasm.

Tang Xiaowei also knew that she really didn't take good care of Xiao Anan. If she had known that there was no one in the female washroom, she would have brought her son to the female washroom quickly and then left.

Now that she was met by Huangfu Qiye and ridiculed by him, she suddenly felt speechless.

She did not look at him and did not reply to him.

However, after hearing what he said, it seemed that he did not realize that An An was his son. She did not know why she felt relieved but her heart ached.

Wang Lu, who was beside her, said faintly, "Oh, so this really is your son. Your son is so young and you dare to let him go to the washroom alone. Where is his father? Why don't you ask your man to accompany your son? Or..."

"Miss, my matters are not your business. Please don't say anything, okay?" Tang Xiaowei did not want to talk to Huangfu Qiye, but it did not mean that she was willing to be bullied by strangers.

She glared at Wang Lu coldly and then waved at Xiao Anan.

Xiao Anan did not like to talk in a place with many strangers. At this moment, these were two strangers to him, so the little guy naturally did not speak.

Seeing that Tang Xiaowei was waving at him, he hurriedly ran from Huangfu Qiye's side to Tang Xiaowei's side and then hugged her leg. "Mom, I didn't see you when I came out just now. You scared me to death. So you went to the bathroom, too?"

"Well, did you wash your hands?" Tang Xiaowei picked him up and prepared to wash his hands.