Chapter 451: Heart numbing pain

The little guy said, "That uncle helped me pull up my pants and washed my hands."

"That uncle?" Tang Xiaowei was stunned. Could the uncle the little guy was talking about be Huangfu Qiye?

However, she hadn't seen him for three years, and he treated her as a stranger just now. At first, she was very nervous, and her heart was aching. Unfortunately, when she saw his cold look, she secretly scolded herself for being too neurotic.

They hadn't seen each other in the past three years, so it should have been over.

She did not take the initiative to look for him, and he did not take the initiative to look for her. Their time together was already a thing of the past.

But why was Huangfu Qiye, who had never cared about anyone in the past, willing to help the little guy without knowing that this child was his son.

She looked at Huangfu Qiye in surprise.

Only now did she truly see what he looked like three years later.

It turned out that there really was such a person.

Even after three years, he was still as handsome and charming as when she first met him.

No wonder there were still women following him.

"Thank you for helping my son just now." Tang Xiaowei looked at him and said this for some reason.

However, Huangfu Qiye replied with an extremely cold smile, "Is that so? This is your son? If I had known that this was your son, I wouldn't have helped him just now. Instead, I would have drowned him in the bathroom!"

"Ah?" Wang Lu didn't hear Huangfu Qiye, who was like a prince, say such vicious words so coldly. She wanted to scream in fear. Then, feeling that she shouldn't scream, she reached out to cover her mouth.

Tang Xiaowei's entire body turned cold, and she withdrew her injured gaze.

As for Xiao Anan, although he didn't know Huangfu Qiye, this handsome uncle had indeed helped him in the bathroom just now. Moreover, he gave him an inexplicable feeling that made him not reject him so much.

But at this moment, hearing this handsome uncle say that he wanted to drown him, he was still so scared that his little face turned white, and his little body began to tremble.

Tang Xiaowei naturally also felt that the child was trembling. Her heart ached, and she was very worried.

Therefore, she did not say anything more and did not stay any longer. She hugged the child tightly and prepared to walk out.

Today, she had only met him by chance. Since three years had passed and everyone was still in such pain and suffering when they met, it would be better for everyone to leave as soon as possible.

She left in a hurry.

She also left quickly with the little fellow in her arms.

The little fellow lay on her shoulder and looked behind him. Its big eyes met with Huangfu Qiye's. The little fellow's naivety and innocence instantly made the man who was still standing stiffly on the spot feel his heart drop.

Ever since he left three years ago, he had made up his mind to stop investigating her.

He hated her.

At first, he had decided to forget her and find a few other women.

Unfortunately, he could not forget her at all and could not accept other women.

But he hated her. How could he find her again? He had been muddle-headed for the past three years. He did not expect to bump into her today. Moreover, her son had grown up and looked like her.

She would be here. Her prince and husband must be here, too.

Huangfu Qiye did not want to stay here any longer.

His face was a little pale as he turned around and walked out.

Wang Lu did not have time to go to the bathroom just now. She was too busy arguing with Tang Xiaowei. Now that she had left, she hurriedly caught up to him. "Mr. Huangfu, are you leaving?"

"That's right. As for work matters, let's meet again tomorrow to talk about it," Huangfu Qiye said coldly. Then, he strode out of the restaurant. At the door, Yuan Qi saw him coming out and quickly opened the car door.

After Huangfu Qiye got into the car, he said in a deep voice, "Go back to the hotel."


Then, the car drove away.

In the darkness, it slowly blended into the night.


Tang Xiaowei carried the child and hurried back to their private room. After closing the door, she could finally take a deep breath in a relaxed manner.

Ling Yijue had been waiting for her for a long time. When he saw her coming back, he wanted to help her carry the child, but the child was hiding. He could only awkwardly withdraw his hand and ask her, "What's wrong? Why are you so pale?"

"I...I just met him at the bathroom door." Tang Xiaowei's expression was not very good. She frowned, tidied up, and took her bag. She said to Ling Yijue, "I want to go back now. What about you?"

Ling Yijue was still shocked at the 'him' she had just mentioned. The only person that Tang Xiaowei could describe as 'him' was probably Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye actually came here?

What on earth was he here for?

He should not normally come to such a remote city.

Also, since he was here and had just seen Xiaowei and the child, he did not immediately take them away. Did this mean that he had given up completely?

Ling Yijue thought about it a lot, and his head hurt.

In the end, he only said, "I'm going back, too. Let's go back together. I'll send you home first, then I'll go to the hotel."

"Okay, that's fine. I'll have to trouble you." Tang Xiaowei was in a bad mood now, and it was not convenient for her to drive. She could only be at ease if she had someone familiar to help her drive.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei told the staff that she was going to leave first and that she would definitely pay the bill before she left.

Therefore, with everyone saying farewell, she carried the child. Ling Yijue helped her carry her bag. The two of them went to pay for the meal and then walked out of the restaurant.

The cars from before were parked not far away.

After the two of them came out, Ling Yijue went to get the car. Tang Xiaowei stood at the entrance of the restaurant with the child in her arms and waited.

On the opposite street, she did not know that in a car that had just left and returned quickly, the man was staring at her intently.

He guessed that since she and her child were here, her husband must be here as well.

But why did Su Jin not appear when she came out?

Instead, the man who appeared was Ling Yijue?

Could it be that she was no longer with Su Jin but with Ling Yijue instead?

At the thought of this, Huangfu Qiye felt his heart, which had been numbed by pain for the past three years, begin to ache again.

It turned out that he had not seen her for three years and thought that he could still persist in not seeing her. But now, the moment he saw her, he started to break down, right?

Who exactly was she with now? He actually still particularly wanted to know this.