Chapter 452: find out what happened to her in the past

He really felt that he would never be able to find someone more despicable than him.

He had been abandoned by a woman and forgotten by her. She already had a lover and a child once again. However, he still remained where he was. Because he was afraid of pain and loss, he did not dare to walk out, nor could he walk out.

"Yuan Qi, go and find out who she is with right now." His voice was trembling from the pain in his heart.

Yuan Qi had been seeing his young master's pained expression for the past three years.

The reason why his young master was like this was all because of Tang Xiaowei.

Therefore, when he saw Tang Xiaowei outside, he naturally knew who his young master wanted him to find out about.

He nodded. "Don't worry, young master. I'll bring the information over to you right away."

"Let's go." Huangfu Qiye retracted his gaze and no longer looked at the woman outside. At this moment, she had already waited for Ling Yijue to drive over. She carried the child and got into the car. Their car had already left.

He had no reason to continue staying.

Their car had finally disappeared into the night.


And in the other car, Ling Yijue was driving in front.

Tang Xiaowei sat in the back while Xiao Anan sat beside her.

Tang Xiaowei was in a bad mood and didn't want to say anything. However, Xiao Anan stretched out his small hand and tugged at her skirt. He asked her in a childish voice, "Mom, did that uncle just now make you angry? Then the next time I see him, I won't need him to help me, okay?"

"An An, be good. We won't meet him again." Tang Xiaowei was stunned when she heard her son mention Huangfu Qiye. She remembered how angry Huangfu Qiye looked just now. He definitely wouldn't come to see her again. Maybe he would leave this place tonight.

"Why won't I meet him again?' 'Xiao Anan was curious and couldn't help but ask.

"Because mom has to work and An An has to go to school. We don't have time to go out, so we won't meet him." Tang Xiaowei thought for a moment and could only smile to coax her son.

Xiao Anan heard this and nodded. "That's right. I forgot that An An will have to go to school in the future. But, Mommy, will you go to school with me? An An will be afraid if she goes alone."

The more the little guy spoke, the more timid his little face became.

This was Xiao Anan's situation. If he didn't have Tang Xiaowei's company, he would be afraid to cry if he had to stay alone in a crowded place.

He was still young and would only be afraid. If he grew up and still remained like this, he would become more and more withdrawn.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei wanted to make An An accept the people around her as soon as possible. She didn't want to be afraid and withdrawn without her. After all, she couldn't be with An An forever.

She temporarily forgot about Huangfu Qiye and reached out to pinch her son's tender little face. She said, "An An, don't be afraid. When you go to school in the beginning, Mommy will definitely accompany you. When An An isn't afraid anymore and you make new friends, Mommy will come back to work, okay?"

An An wasn't sure if she would be able to make new friends in the future, but when he heard that mommy was willing to accompany him when he went to school in the beginning, he felt very happy.

He smiled until his little teeth were exposed, and his eyes were narrowed. His little face rubbed against the back of Tang Xiaowei's hand. "Mommy is so good. Mommy, I love you."

"Little fool, mommy loves you, too." Tang Xiaowei lowered her head and kissed her son's little face.

Her mood was slightly better because of her son.

Ling Yijue in front did not make a sound, but the feeling that the mother and son gave him at the back made him feel extremely happy.

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of the coffee shop.

Tang Xiaowei carried her son and got out of the car. "Ah Jue, we'll go up first. You should go back to the hotel early to rest."

"Xiaowei, be careful. If there's anything, remember to call me." Ling Yijue stood at the door of the car and did not suggest going to the mother and son's room. After all, he already knew very well that he no longer had the chance to be with Xiaowei. Xiaowei's love was no longer his.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "Yes, I know. Ah Jue, that's all for now. We'll go out at nine tomorrow. You can come over at eight. We'll have breakfast together."

"Okay, I'll come over at eight tomorrow morning." Ling Yijue smiled gently. Then, he watched the mother and son enter the elevator next to the coffee shop. He watched them go up. After a while, he saw the lights on the second floor light up again. Only then did he get in the car and leave in peace. He went to a hotel not far away.

In order to stay closer to her, he did not choose a better hotel in the distance. Instead, he chose this hotel that was not particularly well-off.

After entering the hotel, Ling Yijue took a shower and sat by the bed smoking. His handsome face was furrowed.

He still felt that it was strange. He felt that Huangfu Qiye's sudden appearance definitely would not disappear so easily.

He had to investigate it.

Thinking of this, he immediately called his subordinates, Willam and Jack. Currently, the two of them were waiting for orders at this hotel. He instructed Jack to search for the purpose of Huangfu Qiye's visit. Then, he instructed Willam to send more people to keep an eye on Tang Xiaowei. He did not allow any problems to occur on her side, nor did he allow anything to happen to the mother and son.

After doing all this, Ling Yijue collapsed onto the bed with a headache.


When Ling Yijue ordered people to look into Huangfu Qiye, Huangfu Qiye also ordered people to look into everything that had happened to Tang Xiaowei over the past three years.

Only now did he know that Tang Xiaowei and Su Jin were not successfully engaged back then. A few days after he left, the K country's officials released news saying that the engagement party had been canceled.

After that, Tang Xiaowei and Su Jin did not appear on the news of K anymore, and no one mentioned this matter again.

Su Jin had disappeared somewhere, and Tang Xiaowei had also disappeared from everyone's sight.

However, Huangfu Qiye hated Tang Xiaowei too much at that time. He did not want to know or hear anything about her. Therefore, he and the people around him did not dare to ask about Tang Xiaowei.

Moreover, the news of K could not be publicized in China every day. Therefore, he did not know that Tang Xiaowei was not engaged to Su Jin for three whole years.

When he first met Tang Xiaowei, he thought that Tang Xiaowei was at that restaurant, so her husband, Su Jin, must be there too.

However, since the engagement was canceled back then...

This meant that Tang Xiaowei and Su Jin were no longer related.

Then, why was she still able to appear with a child that looked to be around three years old?

And that child even called her mother?

Didn't Su Jin and Tang Xiaowei have a child together back then?

Now, it seemed that the little boy just now was very much like the child from back then.