Chapter 453: "The child is actually Ling Yijue's? "?

Although he had never seen the child before, the child's age was still very close to that child's.

He had just seen the handsome and obedient little boy in the washroom who could not lift up his pants. For some strange reason, he had actually helped the little boy. Only after he came out did he find out that this little boy was actually Tang Xiaowei's child.

The more Huangfu Qiye thought about it, the more alarmed he became. He almost thought that the child that Tang Xiaowei was carrying might be his child. That was why the Queen of K Kingdom was unwilling to acknowledge this little daughter-in-law when she found out about this. That was why she and Su Jin were not successfully engaged.

That was why she was able to take this child away now.

However, he then saw the last few pages of the information that Yuan Qi had just given him.

According to the information, after Tang Xiaowei returned to England, she continued to attend school and did not leave the Ling family's castle again.

When she was at school, she was also taking care of the child. Of course, Ling Yijue was also helping her take care of the child.

Huangfu Qiye saw a few photos of Ling Yijue holding a very small child gently like a father. Tang Xiaowei stood at the side and looked at them with a smile.

These photos made them look like a family.

Huangfu Qiye looked at the photos and thought of Tang Xiaowei, Ling Yijue, and the child he had just met. He was instantly enraged.

So the child was not Su Jin's. The child was actually Ling Yijue's?

Therefore, she was not with Su Jin back then. Instead, she was with Ling Yijue.

That's right. When she told him that she was breaking up with him, she had said that Ling Yijue was her first love. The person she loved was also Ling Yijue.

Thinking of the child who looked like Tang Xiaowei just now, Huangfu Qiye could no longer control his anger.

Tang Xiaowei was really amazing. Even though they had not seen each other for three years, even though he forced himself to forget about her, even though he forced himself not to think about her.

But at this moment, the moment they met, he was still in a complete mess and had no choice but to let her control all of his emotions.

He felt angry and painful.

He was not willing to leave just like that. Why was it that after three years of suffering, they could live happily together?

How could he, Huangfu Qiye, become a stepping stone for others to be happy? It should be that when he was happy, others were crying.

"Yuan Qi, is everything you've investigated true? Are you sure that Tang Xiaowei is looking for a kindergarten these few days?" Huangfu Qiye wanted to strike and torture people, so he must specifically pick on other people's pain points.

He was very clear that Tang Xiaowei should care about her son very much. Since that was the case, he would make sure that her son would never be able to enter school.

As long as it was in China, as long as he spoke, no school would be willing to accept her son.

Huangfu Qiye had never been a kind person.

And he was not someone who would not take revenge.

Now that the person he hated could lead a happy life, he felt that he would not be able to breathe if he did not destroy it.

"Yes, young master. Miss Tang has indeed been looking for a kindergarten in the past few days. She seems to have contacted a private kindergarten today. The conditions are quite good. She has talked to the principal and can bring the child to school after the summer vacation," Yuan Qi replied seriously.

Huangfu Qiye sneered, "Give me the number of the principal of this kindergarten."

"Oh, ok." Yuan Qi immediately obediently phone up.


Tang Xiaowei took the child back home because he had begun to yawn.

"Sleepy litle lazy worm?" Tang Xiaowei smiled and put the child on the sofa, exhorting him: "Don't move, a fall to the ground will be very painful. I will go first to run hot water for you, a moment later to carry you to take a bath, then you can sleep."

"Yes yes, I will be good, An An will not move." Xiao Anan hurriedly and obediently nodded.

He didn't like it when he made a mistake and caused his mother to be troubled.

He knew very well that all the children around him had a father and mother, and he only had a mother and no father.

Only children with a father and mother could always act spoiled and mischievous, because when their mother was tired, they would have a father to play with.

However, he only had a mother. His mother was already very tired from taking care of him, so he didn't want to cause his mother trouble just because he wanted to play.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know that the child could think so much at such a young age, but she could feel that the child was very obedient.

She smiled and got up to look outside the window. After seeing Ling Yijue get into the car and leave, she heaved a sigh of relief and went to get the bath water for the child.

After giving the child a bath and coaxing the child to sleep, she went to the bathroom and filled the bathtub with water before putting her exhausted body into the bathtub.

When she saw Huangfu Qiye just now, he still looked like he hated her so much. He must have left this place by now.

She hoped that he would think that she was just here for a vacation and that this was just a coincidence. After he left, he wouldn't come back.

She couldn't take it anymore.

If he came back again, she was really worried that she would break down.

After taking a quick shower, Tang Xiaowei went back to her room to rest.

The next day, she was woken up by a phone call.

In a daze, she picked up the phone. "Hello."

"Hello, is this Miss Tang?" Yesterday, you came to our kindergarten to talk about your child coming to school. Do you still remember? We originally agreed that once the summer vacation was over, your child would come straight to school. But now the school has issued a rule that no one is allowed to attend anymore, so I called to inform you," the other party said in a cold and hard tone.

Recently, Tang Xiaowei had been troubled by the matter of her child going to school. Now, she was finally completely awakened by the other party's call.

She hurriedly sat up and asked in surprise, "Why? Didn't we have a good talk yesterday? Moreover, it's not even the next semester yet. How could you not recruit? What exactly happened?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Tang. Our principal told me to say this to you. You just need to know that our kindergarten won't be accepting anyone. That's all for now. I'm hanging up," the other party said hurriedly and hung up.

Tang Xiaowei held her phone, unable to recover from her shock.

Her son, Xiao Anan, suddenly came out of the children's room next door and walked to her door. He knocked on the door, pushed it open, and stood at the door. He rubbed his eyes with his small hands and asked her, "Mom, what's wrong? Are you arguing with someone?"

"No, you heard wrong. Mom isn't quarreling; she's just talking to an Auntie." Tang Xiaowei sighed and put down her phone. Then she got out of bed, walked to the door, picked up her son, and walked into the bathroom. She put her son on a chair at the side and stood properly. "Brush your teeth by yourself. When you're done washing, mom will make breakfast for you."

"Okay, okay." The little guy hurriedly nodded.