Chapter 454: Gentle and quiet

Then, he squeezed the children's toothpaste onto the child's toothbrush and began to brush his teeth obediently.

Tang Xiaowei, on the other hand, was brushing her teeth as she thought about doing that strange thing just now.

She had clearly discussed it with that kindergarten yesterday. Although she did not say that she would insist on her son going to their kindergarten, she had said that if he were to go, she would definitely leave a spot for her son Why did the other party say that they would not recruit anyone now?

Wasn't there still more than a month before the next semester?

What exactly happened?

She really could not figure it out.

However, she did not particularly like that kindergarten. Since the other party said that there were no spots, she had also made an agreement with Ah Jue to go to other kindergartens today. It was better to find another kindergarten for Xiao Anan.

There were quite a lot of kindergartens in this city, and it was not the only one just now.

Thinking about it, her mood was a little better.

After she washed, the little guy wasn't done yet, so she didn't urge him. She let him slowly learn to brush his teeth and wash up for her. Then, she went out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

At 8 o'clock sharp, the doorbell rang outside.

Tang Xiaowei rushed out of the kitchen and placed all the breakfast on the dining table. Then, she smiled and pinched her son's little face. "An An can eat his own portion first."

After she finished speaking, she saw her son eating his breakfast obediently and contentedly. Then, she hurriedly ran over to open the door.

Outside the door, Ling Yijue looked at her gently. In his hand, he held a tray with some fresh vegetables, fruits, and meat. "When I just came over, I passed by the market. I heard that the dishes are the freshest at this time, so I bought some for you guys."

"Thank you. Thank you for your hard work." Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to take it and then give him her shoes. "Breakfast is ready. Come in and eat. I'll go put the dishes away first."

After she finished speaking, she carried the bag to the kitchen.

There were not many things, so she could still carry them.

Ling Yijue changed his shoes and walked into the dining room. He saw Xiao Anan, who was wearing a bib, eating an exquisite and delicious breakfast obediently.

In the past three years, in order to take care of Xiao Anan's body, Tang Xiaowei had taken time out to learn how to cook, so the food she made was very delicious.

And these delicacies were almost all enjoyed by Xiao Anan alone.

When Ling Yijue saw that he had come, Xiao Anan only glanced at him and did not pay him any attention, nor did he call him uncle. He did not know whether to laugh bitterly or be happy.

He glanced in the direction of the kitchen and found that Tang Xiaowei had already nimbly put all the vegetables and food into the refrigerator. She should be coming over to eat soon, so he didn't go over to help her Of course, he sat down in the dining room.

Not long after he sat down, Tang Xiaowei washed her hands and walked out.

She sat down beside Xiao Anan and said naturally, "Ah Jue, I contacted the kindergarten yesterday and they said that it won't be hiring next semester. We really have to find a kindergarten soon."

"Leave this to me. I will definitely help you find a kindergarten that is suitable for An An. Don't worry," Ling Yijue said gently.

"Then let's go find it together later. I'm also worried about leaving An An alone at home," Tang Xiaowei said. Then, she saw that Xiao Anan's chin was stained by the sauce while eating. She hurriedly took out a tissue and gently wiped the child clean.

Ling Yijue didn't know how much he liked her like this.

Gentle, quiet, and full of maternal radiance.

Unfortunately, she did not love him, and the child was not his.

Otherwise, he would feel that he was definitely the happiest man in the world.

The other man, who clearly had the chance to become such a happy man, did not know anything, which made Xiaowei very lonely.

Ling Yijue really felt that Huangfu Qiye deserved it and was stupid.

An hour later, the cafe downstairs opened for business.

Tang Xiaowei and her son went downstairs with Ling Yijue, ready to go out and look for the kindergarten.

As soon as the shop opened, all the employees came to work, and immediately, many customers came to the shop.

Tang Xiaowei hugged her son and hurriedly greeted the employees, then walked out of the shop.

After getting into the car outside, Ling Yijue took out a document and handed it to her. "Take a look first. These are some of the best kindergartens in the city. If you still don't like them, let An An go to England. My father and I will find a better kindergarten for him there."

Tang Xiaowei took the document and settled her son down. After the car drove away, she looked at it carefully.

Some of these kindergartens were really good. She had wanted An An to go to these kindergartens before. Unfortunately, when she went to the kindergartens to inquire about them, they said that they were not hiring. The students in the kindergartens were not ordinary people who could go in and study.

Although she felt that it was very exaggerated, the other party said that they would not randomly recruit people, so she did not continue to ask and left.

Now that these documents had been taken over by Ling Yijue, did this mean that if she randomly chose any of these kindergartens, Ah Jue would be able to get An An a place in the school?

She felt that she had to ask a little more clearly. "Ah Jue, can An An go to all the kindergartens mentioned in the documents?"

"Yes." Today, Ling Yijue did not drive. He sat in the front passenger seat, and the person driving next to him was Willam.

He turned around and answered Tang Xiaowei, saying seriously, "See which one you think is the best of these kindergartens in a while. We'll all go and take a look. I'll take care of everything. In the future, when An An goes to school there, no one will bully him."

"This is actually what I'm worried about. I've always heard that some teachers in kindergartens will hit children." Tang Xiaowei's expression became serious when she heard this.

"I can't control others, but if it's An An, no one will dare to hit himr unless she doesn't want to live anymore." Ling Yijue sneered, then he smiled gently and looked at her. "Anyway, don't worry. I've arranged everything."

"Well, thank you, Ah Jue." Tang Xiaowei finally stopped worrying when she heard him say this.

"Silly, do we still need to say thank you for our relationship?" Ling Yijue glanced at her and then looked away.

Tang Xiaowei didn't think too much about it. She felt that their relationship could be considered family and Ah Jue was like her brother. He really didn't like to hear her say thank you.

After that, the car was very quiet.

The two adults stopped talking and Xiao Anan didn't speak either. He sat for a while and felt a little sleepy. Then, he began to yawn.

Tang Xiaowei reached out and touched the little guy's head. She said gently, "Are you sleepy? Then you sleep for a while."