Chapter 455: was He pranked?

"Yes, yes." The little guy nodded and yawned again. He closed his eyes and leaned in her direction before falling asleep.

Tang Xiaowei looked at Xiao Anan's sleeping face gently.

The little guy looked a little like her and also a little like Huangfu Qiye, but he looked more like her. If one looked carefully, they might think that he looked like Huangfu Qiye.

This was the reason why Huangfu Qiye didn't realize that the child looked like him even though he saw the child and helped the child yesterday.

When she saw the child's face, she could clearly see how much the child looked like him, and she thought of him.

When she thought of him, her heart began to throb wildly.

It was not that she did not love him, but the past made her feel that they were not suitable for each other.

However, even after three years, she still had not forgotten him. Although she usually only focused on taking care of the child and did not want to think of Huangfu Qiye, every time she thought of him, she could still feel her heart ache.

This time, when she suddenly saw him, the part of her heart that hurt the most seemed to have been awakened again. It was not like before, where she would only feel pain once in a while. Now, every moment, her heart was in pain.

She was really afraid that if she saw him again, she would not be able to control herself and pester him.

She did not know what kind of situation he was in now, and she did not dare to ask.

She was afraid that if he had a lover, she would disturb his happiness.

She was even more afraid that if he had a lover, she would be in even more pain.

Therefore, she really did not dare to ask for all the news about him now.

She lowered her head and reached out to touch Xiao Anan's face. She should be content with the current situation. Since they had endured being separated for three years, she shouldn't bother him anymore.

"Xiaowei, we're already here. Get out of the car." After an unknown amount of time, the car finally stopped. Ling Yijue turned around to wake her up.

Tang Xiaowei was originally in a daze. After she was awakened, she hurriedly nodded.

Then, she looked at the child in the car with some worry. "But An An is still sleeping. Why don't you help me watch him here? I can go in and ask him myself."

"Just let Willam keep an eye on him. You Know Willam too. He's quite capable and will protect An An well. If we go in together, we should be out soon. An An won't wake up for a few minutes. What do you think?" Ling Yijue was worried that she would be bullied if she went in alone. He wanted to accompany her.

Tang Xiaowei looked at Willam who was driving just now. She did know this Willam. He was a very capable Englishman by Ah Jue's side.

Since she had let Willam take care of the child, she was relieved.

"Then I'll have to trouble you, Willam. If the child wakes up, call me immediately." Tang Xiaowei looked at Willam with a smile.

Willam hurriedly smiled and spoke standard Chinese, "Miss, don't worry. I will definitely protect the young master well."

Thus, after leaving the sleeping child in Willam's care, Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue got out of the car together and walked to the kindergarten in front.

However, when they entered the kindergarten, at first, the people in the kindergarten thought that they were a good match and that they were very friendly when talking to them.

However, when the other party knew Tang Xiaowei's name, her expression immediately changed.

"Miss Tang, it's like this. Our kindergarten is already full for the next semester. Why don't you go to another kindergarten to take a look?" The person in charge of the kindergarten was still talking to her with a smile just a second ago After knowing her name, he started to reject her immediately.

Tang Xiaowei felt very surprised. From the person in charge's words, this kindergarten should still be able to recruit students, right?

Why did he start saying that it was not recruiting after knowing her name?

Also, the kindergarten that they talked about yesterday was also very strange. It also called very suddenly and said that it was not recruiting anymore.

"Why is it so sudden? From your tone just now, isn't your kindergarten still recruiting? Moreover, we won't default on the tuition fees and other things. We also have all kinds of documents," Tang Xiaowei tried to ask. She wanted to know why.

Unfortunately, the other party only shook his head and then said helplessly, "Miss Tang, our kindergarten really is not recruiting anymore. You guys can go out. You guys can go to other kindergartens to take a look. Maybe you can find a kindergarten that can accept your son."

Tang Xiaowei immediately heard the question in the other party's tone and words.

Can accept her son?

She did not say whether her child was a boy or a girl just now. She only said that she had a child and wanted her child to come here to attend school.

The other party was unwilling to accept her son after knowing her name, and the other party even knew that her child was a son.

Then, this kindergarten and the kindergarten that called her previously, were they all doing this on purpose?

But why would they do this on purpose?

Just to prevent her child from going to kindergarten?

She and Xiao Anan had only come to this place for a few months and had not offended anyone. Why would someone bully them so brazenly?

The more Tang Xiaowei thought about it, the more she felt a headache. She did not continue to stay in the kindergarten. Instead, she walked out of the kindergarten with Ling Yijue.

Ling Yijue also felt that something was wrong. When that responsible person had said that An An was a boy, he had also sensed that something was wrong.

He said in a deep voice, "Xiaowei, have you offended anyone in the past few months? I think this matter isn't as simple as the kindergarten not hiring anymore. Someone must have warned these kindergartens, so maybe we'll continue to go to other kindergartens. That's what those people said."

"I haven't offended anyone. In the past few months, I've been managing the business of the coffee shop from the start. The rest of my time is taken up with caring for An An. The places I go most often are the market and the supermarket. I've never quarreled with anyone. It's also because I'm looking for a kindergarten that I came out. Otherwise, I would spend every day with the child on the second floor." Tang Xiaowei also felt very distressed.

There was nothing wrong with her memory. She really had never offended anyone before.

If even Ah Jue felt that something was wrong, then someone really was deliberately messing with her.

But, who was it?

"Xiaowei, let's go back first. You go home and take care of the children first. I'll help you deal with it. I'm sure we can find a kindergarten with good conditions to let them accept An An." Ling Yijue thought for a moment and patted her shoulder to comfort her. He spoke seriously.

Tang Xiaowei looked at him in surprise. "Can we really find it?"

"Yes, I'll send you and An An back first. I'll definitely give you good news tonight." Ling Yijue nodded solemnly.

Tang Xiaowei knew her identity as an ordinary person and didn't have much money.