Chapter 456: bully her, bully her, bully her

So she definitely couldn't beat these kindergartens, and she wasn't even a local.

But Ah Jue was different. He was the heir of the Moqi family, so he could definitely help her.

However, she still reminded him, "Ah Jue, after all, we're not locals. Don't get into trouble because of me and An An. So if there really isn't a kindergarten willing to accept him, don't make trouble with them. In the end, if there's really no other way, we can send An An to England to study."

"Okay, I understand. Don't worry." Ling Yijue nodded.

Thus, the two of them got into the car. In the car, An An had not woken up, so no one continued to speak, afraid that it would disturb the little one's sleep.

Willam drove the car back and sent the mother and son to the entrance of the coffee shop. Tang Xiaowei carried An An and got out of the car. Ling Yijue knew that he did not like to be carried by others, so he could not help.

He wanted to help Tang Xiaowei deal with the child's school matters by the end of the day, so he did not stay too long and quickly left with Willam.

Tang Xiaowei carried the sleeping An An into the elevator silently.

Across the street from the coffee shop, in a black Maybach, a handsome man's face was gloomy.

"What did the kindergarten say just now?" The man's voice was low and pleasant to the ear, but because it was too cold, the surrounding air was almost frozen.

Someone immediately answered respectfully, "Young master, the kindergarten just called and said that Miss Tang indeed went to their kindergarten. They also rejected Miss Tang according to your wishes."

"Did she say anything?" Huangfu Qiye's voice became even colder.

Just last night, he had already gotten people to contact all the kindergartens in the city, asking them not to accept the son of a woman named Tang Xiaowei.

Whoever dared to accept it would be waiting for their kindergarten to close down.

Naturally, no one dared to defy his authority.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei and the others went to a kindergarten just now, and the rejection was completely within his expectations.

However, he still did not know what Tang Xiaowei said.

"Young Master, Miss Tang asked the person-in-charge of the kindergarten why she was unwilling to accept her child. The person-in-charge did not say anything and only asked her to go to another kindergarten to take a look. She did not ask again and left," Yuan Qi answered carefully.

"Since she was asked to go to another kindergarten, why didn't she go? Why did she suddenly come back?" Huangfu Qiye's car had been secretly following Tang Xiaowei and the others. Even Ling Yijue did not notice it.

Therefore, they only knew that Tang Xiaowei had returned home when they followed her to the cafe. It seemed that she was not going to go out to look for a kindergarten anymore.

She clearly seemed to care about her child. Did she not want to find a kindergarten for her child to study in?

Huangfu Qiye was puzzled. He wanted to take advantage of the fact that she could not find a kindergarten to threaten her.

In the past, he could not threaten her, but now that she had a child and a weakness, as long as he threatened her child, she would definitely listen to him obediently.

He admitted that what he did was cheap and vicious.

However, he could not forget her. Now that they met again, he felt as if his heart was once again gripped by her.

If he could not see her, he would really feel that he could not breathe.

No matter what, he wanted to continue getting involved with her.

He would not let go so easily.

"This...this subordinate does not know." Yuan Qi did not know why Tang Xiaowei did not continue to look for the kindergarten and suddenly returned home.

"Go and investigate, immediately!" Huangfu Qiye was not a good-tempered person. He glanced at Yuan Qi coldly.

Yuan Qi immediately shivered and nodded vigorously. "Okay, okay, I will go and investigate immediately."

After Yuan Qi finished speaking, he prepared to get out of the car.

However, Huangfu Qiye frowned and asked, "When exactly was the day that we found out that Huangfu Yuner would appear?"

The main reason why Huangfu Qiye came to this city this time was because he found out about Huangfu Yuner's whereabouts and knew that she would appear in the next few days.

The second reason was because he was cooperating with the Wang family.

Huangfu Yuner was Huangfu Qiye's enemy. He had been looking for her for a few years with the goal of killing her and taking revenge.

Since he knew her whereabouts, he would definitely come over.

However, because he had met Tang Xiaowei in the past two days, Huangfu Qiye's entire heart and all his thoughts could not help but revolve around the matter of Tang Xiaowei. He could no longer remember when Huangfu Yuner would appear.

He did not want to miss this opportunity because if he missed it, Huangfu Yuner might hide again.

That b*tch knew how to hide very well. She had been hiding for almost four years. After catching her this time, he must make her pay everything she deserved.

"Young master, it's the night after tomorrow." Yuan Qi remembered this matter very well, so he immediately answered.

After hearing this, Huangfu Qiye knew that this wouldn't disrupt his current plan to ruin Tang Xiaowei's life the night after tomorrow, so he heaved a sigh of relief. He waved his hand impatiently. "Go, quickly and find out why she stopped looking for a kindergarten. Could it be that she still wants to take her child overseas to go to school?"

He had actually been worried before, but he was afraid that he had gone too far. Her child wouldn't be able to go to school here, so she would take her child overseas.

In the past few years, she had been living abroad. She had only come to this city a few months ago, and it seemed that she was planning to stay here for a long time.

If he pushed her too hard, he was really worried that she would disappear for a few more years, taking her child with her and never returning to the country.

Huangfu Qiye frowned in distress.

This time, no matter what, he would not allow her to leave this country again.

Even if they could not be together, even if he could only observe her in the dark and even bully her.

He would not allow her to leave either.

Of course, before she accepted him, he would not stand out like before and forcefully seize her.

He would only bully her, and bully her secretly. He would let her live in his sight and under his control forever.


When he reached home, Xiao Anan heard the sound of the door opening. He slowly opened his big eyes and asked in a childish voice, "Mom, weren't we going out to find a school for me? Why are you back? Did you find one?"

"Not yet, but we came back first. Your uncle is helping you find it." Tang Xiaowei saw that her son had woken up and quickly answered him gently.

Then, she placed him on the ground and stood still. Only then did she free her hands to prepare to change her shoes.

Xiao Anan hurriedly ran over and took her slippers. He smiled and handed them to her. Then, he bent down and said, "Mom, let me help you change your shoes. Your hands must be sore from hugging me just now."