Chapter 457: Lovers'names on Weibo?

"Sure." An an had done these small things many times. Although Tang Xiaowei doted on her child, she also felt that a boy should not be spoiled too much.

Therefore, she would not stop An An from doing these small things occasionally.

Moreover, she had just carried the little guy in from outside. It was very hot outside, so although her hands were not sore, she was sweating all over, and she accepted her son's service.

Xiao Anan reached out his chubby hands and happily changed his mother's slippers. Then, he changed his mother into her cute little slippers and obediently ran to wash his hands.

Tang Xiaowei walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water.

After drinking half of the water, there was the sound of footsteps at the kitchen door. Then, Xiao Anan appeared at the door and looked up at her. "Mom, I want to eat ice-cream. Can you make me ice-cream?"

"An An, eating too much ice-cream is not good for your body. You are still young, so you need to eat less." Tang Xiaowei looked at her son, put down the cup, and earnestly explained and warned him.

Unfortunately, Xiao Anan tugged at his little clothes, twisted his body, and said in an extremely envious tone, "But I saw on TV that many children are allowed to eat very cute ice-cream. Mom, I want to eat it, too."

Tang Xiaowei thought about it and was helpless. She couldn't bear to disappoint her son.

"Alright then. I'll make you handmade ice-cream later, but you can only eat a little bit to satisfy your craving, understand?" Tang Xiaowei didn't plan to go out and buy other people's ice-cream because it was too sunny outside and she didn't want to go out. Moreover, she didn't want to take Xiao Anan out anymore.

Anyway, she had all kinds of ingredients and tools at home that she had bought before, so she could make her own handmade ice-cream.

When Xiao Anan heard this, he was overjoyed. He ran over to hug her leg happily and giggled, "Mom is so good. Mom, I love you so much."

"You're quite sweet today." Tang Xiaowei pinched her son's cheek and asked, "Do you want to go and watch anime, or do you want to make ice cream with mommy?"

"I'll make ice cream with mommy first. When the ice cream is ready and frozen, I'll go watch anime." The little guy's mind was very clear. He had analyzed everything.

Tang Xiaowei was naturally very happy. Although her son would be more lively when facing her, he was more afraid and withdrawn in front of others.

But at least the child was still smart. This made her feel much more at ease.

After that, the mother and son made handmade ice cream together. They made many portions and froze them all. Then, they washed their hands together and sat down in the living room.

Tang Xiaowei accompanied the child to watch anime for a while. The child was very engrossed in it. However, she had already watched all of these anime, so she took out her phone and started surfing the internet.

She had once thought that she would never log on to Weibo again.

Because at that time, she was too sad and thought that she would die.

However, she didn't die in the past few years and was able to live well. Therefore, she naturally downloaded Weibo, re-entered her Weibo account, and logged in.

She didn't delete the previous few Weibo posts, but they had been suppressed by the Weibo posts she had posted in the past few years.

Her current Weibo posts were almost once every few days, and every time, it was a beautiful photo of the food she made for Xiao Anan.

Because she didn't want to expose her child on the internet, she didn't post the photos of her and Xiao Anan.

However, because she had gone to learn cooking, the food photos she posted still attracted a lot of fans.

Especially those fans who had followed her in the past. They kept praising her, saying that she was becoming more virtuous. They said that the food she made now looked even more delicious than the ones she had posted before.

At this moment, she had posted two photos. They were the finished products of the ice cream she had just made. In the cute mold, there was a fruit ice cream quietly placed.

It looked delicious and cool.

She wrote that she made it for her son, so after she posted it on Weibo, people immediately commented, saying that they envied her son. They also said that the ice-cream looked very delicious and hoped that she could write a tutorial.

Tang Xiaowei read through all of them and then replied to some netizens.

At this moment, she found that she had a few new fans, so she clicked on it to take a look.

After looking around, she found that there was nothing unusual about several fans. Only one fan was very strange. It seemed to be a new account, and there wasn't a single Weibo post. The name was Black Cloud, and it only followed her. It also liked her just now.

She felt that this account was strange because her Weibo name was White Cloud.

This person's account looked like a man's, and he even followed her. He was also called Black Cloud, and it looked like they were a couple. It would be difficult for her not to notice him.

However, she only felt that it was strange for a moment, and she didn't directly ask him anything.

She quickly logged out of Weibo, and when she realized that it was about time, she called Xiao Anan. The two of them were ready to go to the kitchen to see if the ice cream was ready.

When Xiao Anan heard this, he skipped happily to the kitchen with her.

At that moment, in a car on the street opposite the coffee shop, Huangfu Qiye was holding his phone. There was a photo on his phone.

He had asked Yuan Qi to look up all of Tang Xiaowei's information, so he naturally found her Weibo Account.

Then, he registered an account and followed her.

Currently, he only saw her latest Weibo post, which she had just posted. It turned out that she had just returned home and made handmade ice cream with her child.

This photo looked so good, so it must be very delicious.

Although President Huangpu himself did not like to eat these cold things, thinking that she had made them, his heart began to stir.

However, he was still unable to enter the house, so he could only watch and enjoy it.

However, after a while, he felt angry.

Although he was sitting in the car, the roof of the car was still under the sun, but Tang Xiaowei and her son were better off than him. They could still eat handmade ice cream comfortably.

He was no longer in the mood to look at her Weibo, so he directly logged out of Weibo. Therefore, he did not see the Weibo posts that Tang Xiaowei posted three years ago.

If he looked down, he might be able to see the Weibo posts that she posted when she was in pain.

After he logged out of Weibo, the car door beside him was opened. Yuan Qi got into the car with sweat all over his forehead. He said anxiously, "Young master, there's been an accident. I just received a call that the best kindergarten in the city was suddenly bought by someone. And the person who bought it was Ling Yijue. So, the kindergarten that was bought will no longer listen to us."

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye was only stunned for a second.