Chapter 469: Miscarriage

She also felt a little regretful. She remembered that she didn't have any money now, and the last person by her side was still with Wang Lu.

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have been so angry at Eric for betraying her.

She should have swindled some money from Wang Lu and spent the next two nights and one day. Then, after she got off the cruise ship, she would have asked grandpa Huangfu to help her catch Eric and punish him.

But she was too angry just now, and it was too late to regret it.

She couldn't bring herself to beg anyone.

She could only look at Eric and Wang Lu with resentment. She sneered, "Wang Lu, be careful. I won't let you off. As for you, Eric, I'm the one who gave you your face. Since you dare to betray me with this face and let this woman offend me, then when I get off the cruise ship, it will be your death!"

Huangfu Yuner was a person who had lived with violence for a long time. She liked to use violence to punish those who betrayed her or made her unhappy.

Therefore, now that Eric had betrayed her, she was already thinking about the many cruel ways to kill Eric!

Eric knew Huangfu Yuner's nature. He knew that if he let her off the cruise ship, he would definitely die.

He secretly pulled Wang Lu's arm and said in a low voice, "Lu Lu, this woman means what she says. I'm very afraid. You must protect me."

It was not easy for Wang Lu to meet a man who looked like Huangfu Qiye. Although this man did not have the temperament and perfection of Huangfu Qiye, he could make her feel a trace of tenderness.

Therefore, Wang Lu naturally would not see the man she just got killed by Huangfu Yuner.

She comforted Eric in a low voice, "Don't worry. As long as you are still my person, I will protect you well."

When Eric heard this, he immediately became happy.

At this time, Huangfu Yuner saw that they were whispering, and the people around them were watching the joke. Moreover, there seemed to be security guards coming over not far away.

She immediately pounced forward angrily, wanting to push Wang Lu and Eric into the sea.

Wang Lu and Eric did not expect her to suddenly act like this, so when they were pushed in front of the guardrail, they were so scared that their faces turned pale.

The bystanders naturally would not help them, and the security guards had not arrived yet, so this incident only happened in a few seconds.

Huangfu Yuner sneered at the two of them, "You two b*tches, I will definitely kill you. You two can go into the sea and feed the fish!"

Wang Lu and Eric were both very scared, and their legs turned to jelly. They could only reach out to push Huangfu Yuner.

However, Huangfu Yuner did not know what had happened to her. Because of her anger, she was very strong. Wang Lu and Eric, the gigolo, could not push her away at all.

However, Wang Lu had brought bodyguards with him today. Her bodyguards did not react in time. When they saw that something had happened to their master, they rushed over angrily and pushed Huangfu Yuner away. Then, they kicked Huangfu Yuner's stomach hard and sent her far away.

Only then did the bodyguards help Wang Lu stand up.

Wang Lu and Eric clenched their hands and stuck close to the bodyguard.

On the other side, after Huangfu Yuner was kicked away, she fell heavily onto the deck.

She could feel that her stomach was in a lot of pain, and something seemed to be flowing out of her stomach.

She touched it and looked at it. It was red.

She knew that her period was not due, so she was shocked. She screamed in pain, "Murder! Murder! Help! Murder!"

When she shouted, the people around her looked at her, so they saw the blood on her body.

However, almost everyone on the cruise ship had seen the world and did not think it was scary. They just watched coldly.

As for Wang Lu and Eric, when they saw Huangfu Yuner bleeding, Wang Lu sneered, "What are you shouting for? Who wants to kill you? You were the one who wanted to kill us first. So many people here are witnesses."

When Eric saw Huangfu Yuner bleeding, he also looked away and said nothing with a cold expression.

Huangfu Yuner only felt pain in her stomach and blood was still flowing out.

She did not have the strength to talk to Wang Lu and Eric. She stretched out her blood-stained hand and asked the people around her for help, "Help me call a doctor. Help me."

Seeing her like this, a few people could not stand it anymore and walked over. These people were the security guards who came to arrest her. Now that they saw that she seemed to be injured, they helped her up. Then, they walked to the room behind the cruise ship.

Because there was no one to stop them and no one to manage the scene, many people who were watching the show still followed them.

Wang Lu and Eric didn't follow them, but they still stood where they were.

But soon, Huangfu Yuner's scream came from the other side. Then, her dress was covered in blood. Ignoring the pain, she pushed the crowd aside and ran in Eric's direction.

"B*stard man, you actually made me pregnant. I'm going to kill you." Huangfu Yuner loved Huangfu Qiye very much, but she wouldn't mistreat herself, so there was never a lack of men around her.

However, she was only willing to give birth to Huangfu Qiye's child, so before she got together with Huangfu Qiye, she decided not to give birth to any man's child.

However, the doctor on the cruise ship just took a look at her and said that she had already miscarried.

The only man that Huangfu Yuner had recently was Eric, so it was Eric's doing.

Every time she got together with Eric, she did not take her medicine, but Eric would always be prepared. She would never get pregnant. After more than a year, she did not expect that she would fall for it now.

And the man who had fallen for it had betrayed her and even had another woman's bodyguard kick her child away.

She didn't want this child, but just the thought of Eric scheming against her and deliberately making her pregnant made her angry.

She had to kill Eric!

When Eric saw her running over like crazy, he hurriedly pulled Wang Lu back.

Yes, he had just looked away when he saw Huangfu Yuner bleeding. He knew very well that Huangfu Yuner was pregnant, so the child naturally belonged to him.

However, he did not want the child. He was afraid that Huangfu Yuner would abandon him, so when Huangfu Yuner repeatedly asked for contraception, he secretly did something to hope that she could get pregnant so that she would not look for other men After giving birth to their child, she might treat him better.

That was what he thought. After all, at that time, he was afraid that Huangfu yuner would abandon him.