Chapter 470: I want to take you back

That's why I wanted to design a child for myself.

But now that Huangfu Yuner was a pauper on this cruise ship, he naturally didn't care about that child anymore, much less Huangfu Yuner's life or death.

He and Wang Lu watched coldly from the side and didn't say a word. They looked at Huangfu Yuner mercilessly.

Huangfu Qiye was blocked by Wang Lu's bodyguards, and a security guard ran over to pull her away. So, she stood there for a while, and before Eric could even touch her hand, she was forcefully pulled away.

She struggled frantically. "Let go of me, let go of me, I want to kill Eric."

"Wang Lu, I won't let you off either."

"You two b*tches, just wait for me to come and take revenge on you."

However, no matter how much Huangfu Yuner shouted and cursed, she was still pulled away by the security guards in the end.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue, who were standing behind the crowd, saw that Huangfu Yuner had been pulled away, so they left the place.

However, Tang Xiaowei did not return to her previous room. She slowly walked to a place where there were fewer people.

Although she did not know how the man and woman had hooked up and then betrayed Huangfu Yuner, Tang Xiaowei was very satisfied with the current situation. Almost without her doing anything, someone had helped teach Huangfu Yuner a lesson.

Moreover, she did not expect Huangfu Yuner to be pregnant and the woman her man found had kicked the child away.

So, was this karma?

Tang Xiaowei thought of this and could not help but want to laugh.

Huangfu Yuner, this sl*ut finally had this day. She was hurt by life and had a miscarriage.

She really deserved it!

If she had known that she was pregnant, she would have taken the devil poison and fed it to her. At that time, she would have seen with her own eyes how painful it was for her to have a miscarriage.

However, even if she had a miscarriage now, she was still alive.

Tang Xiaowei's heart was abnormally excited and irritable.

She opened her bag and rummaged through it. Very quickly, she found a small bottle. Inside was the devil's medicine.

It was the devil's medicine that Huangfu Yuner had bought on the black market and injected into her, causing her to have a miscarriage.

The poison of this potion was not for miscarriage, but to torture the poisoned person to death.

Back then, Tang Xiaowei miscarried after being injected because she was pregnant. The effect of this potion was too strong, and her body could not bear it, so the baby miscarried.

She was going to use this potion to inject Huangfu Yuner now. The pain she had suffered must be endured by Huangfu Yuner.


More than half an hour later.

Huangfu Yuner, who had been taken to the infirmary on the cruise ship, had fainted and fallen asleep because she had been struggling and shouting. She had been injected with a tranquilizer.

No one was willing to visit her, and no one was here to take care of her and watch over her.

Tang Xiaowei changed into a nurse's outfit, put on a mask, and came in alone.

When she came in and saw that Huangfu Yuner was in a deep sleep, she did not feel any softness at all.

How much she hated her back then, how much she still hated her now.

Not only did Huangfu Yuner cause her to lose a child, but she also caused her to lose Huangfu Qiye.

All of this was Huangfu Yuner's fault. From today onwards, she would make Huangfu Yuner suffer the pain that she had suffered before.

She took out a syringe and injected the devil's medicine into it.

In order not to waste time and not to be discovered by others, Tang Xiaowei disguised herself very well. However, at this moment, she did not want to delay any longer, so she hurriedly pulled Huangfu Yuner's hand out from under the blanket. Then, she stuck the syringe into her arm and injected the medicine into it.

A few minutes later, Tang Xiaowei left the infirmary with a pale face.

She went straight to the bathroom.

After pushing open the washroom door, she felt a little dizzy and weak. She felt as if she was stepping on cotton instead of the ground.

This was the first time she had done something like this. After all, if she did this, Huangfu Yuner's poison would take effect later. If she did not take the antidote, she would not live for more than two years. During these two years, Huangfu Yner would keep vomiting blood and be in terrible pain.

She had experienced this kind of pain before.

Now, it was going to be Huangfu Yuner's turn.

However, Tang Xiaowei still felt her whole body trembling.

It wasn't that she was soft-hearted, she was just scared. She didn't expect that her heart could be so ruthless, to actually take revenge for her.

At that moment, the bathroom door was closed, and her entire body was suddenly hugged tightly by a pair of big hands.

"You did very well just now. I thought you couldn't do it. I was just about to shoot that b*tch. Since you've made your move and want her to suffer the pain, then we'll slowly wait to see what happens to that b*tch."

The familiar voice did not have a sense of irony this time. There was only a thick gentleness.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned and her entire body froze.

How could it be?

Why was Huangfu Qiye on this cruise ship?

And this was the ladies' room. He was actually inside?

Also, what he said, could it be that he saw her enter the infirmary just now and do something?

"Why are you here?" She quickly regained her senses and was extremely surprised.

"I have the same goal as you." Huangfu Qiye did not hide anything.

He was here to kill Huangfu Yuner, but when he saw Tang Xiaowei injecting the medicine into Huangfu Yuner, he thought that since Xiaowei wanted to take revenge in this way, then he would not make a move.

In any case, the medicine that Xiaowei injected just now was definitely not simple. Huangfu Yuner, this b*tch, definitely would not live for long.

"The same goal as me? I don't understand what you're talking about." Tang Xiaowei felt awkward when she thought about this matter.

Perhaps their goal today was the same. She and he might have come to look for Huangfu Yuner for the sake of their child.

But now that they were no longer together, it was still awkward to think about it.

Thinking of this, she remembered that she was still being hugged by him.

She reached out to push him. "Let go of me."

"I won't let go." Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly Then, he started to pull the nurse's uniform and mask off her. "I saw the way you took revenge for our child just now. I've already made up my mind. No matter who you're with now, I won't tolerate it anymore. I'm going to snatch you back."

After saying this in a low voice, Huangfu Qiye also quickly took off the nurse's uniform and mask off her body and threw them into the trash can at the side.

She still had the clothes she was wearing before. Fortunately, this nurse's uniform was only casually worn on her body, so after he pulled it off, she didn't expose herself.

However, before she could regain her senses, he turned her body around and made her face him.

He cupped her face with both hands and domineeringly forced her to look at him.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her. His dark eyes were deep, expressing his seriousness and seriousness. "Tang Xiaowei, I've had enough."