Chapter 478: I think you're too overbearing

Xiao Bai was very happy and even asked her if she had eaten dinner. She was preparing dinner.

Tang Xiaowei was about to answer when she felt a pair of big hands grabbing her waist. She panicked and hurriedly said that she hadn't eaten yet. She asked Xiao Bai to help prepare two more portions and then hurriedly hung up.

She didn't dare to speak to An An over the phone because she was afraid that he would cry.

So after saying this, she immediately hung up the phone.

However, after she hung up the phone, she angrily turned around and looked at Huangfu Qiye. "I'm on the phone, why are you touching my waist?"

"Are you using your waist to talk to someone else?" Not only did Huangfu Qiye not retract his hand, he even glanced at her arrogantly.

Tang Xiaowei finally witnessed Huangfu Qiye's shamelessness.

He actually had so many crooked theories.

"Of course not."

"Then why can't I touch your waist? You're my woman, what part of your body is not for me to touch?" Huangfu Qiye's tone became more and more arrogant.

"How can you do this?" Tang Xiaowei couldn't accept his thoughts.

Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly and pressed his forehead against hers. He said in a deep voice, "I'm like this. Don't you like it?"

"I...I think you're too overbearing." Although she liked him and loved him, he was really too overbearing.

The two of them had only been together for one day and one night, but she already felt that his overbearing manner made her unable to breathe.

"You don't like my overbearing manner? My nature is like this. Are you looking down on me?" Huangfu Qiye's expression darkened and his voice became much colder.

Tang Xiaowei could clearly feel that he was angry. He might get angry in the next second.

She shook her head and hurriedly explained, "It's not like that. I'm not looking down on you. I just hope that you can stop being so bossy and be gentle."

"I'm not gentle enough? You're not feeling well. Haven't I been hugging you the whole time?" Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly again.

His heart ached that she had been tortured by him so much that she had been hugging her the whole time.

"I'm not talking about that." Tang Xiaowei was a little anxious.

"It's not about this. Did I not give you the phone you asked for just now? You haven't thought of an intimate nickname for me, and I didn't rush you. What exactly do you want from me?" Huangfu Qiye's voice was very calm. However, it could still be heard that he was really angry.

However, he was not as angry as she had imagined. He only looked at her calmly and gloomily.

This feeling made her no longer feel as sweet and relaxed as before.

She felt very depressed, and her heart started to throb.

She started to reflect on whether she had done something wrong.

Or maybe, she shouldn't have suddenly asked him to change himself like this.

Just now, he had asked her to change the way she addressed Ling Yijue, and she couldn't change it for the time being.

But she had asked him to change his overbearing personality and make him gentler.

Actually, speaking of which, he was really gentle to her now, so she should be content, right.

"I'm sorry, I won't say this again next time. I won't let you change yourself in the future." Tang Xiaowei's emotions were a little depressed, so she lowered her head and apologized.

Huangfu Qiye's heart sank, and pain followed.

He suddenly held her head and pressed her tightly against his chest.

"It's my fault too. I shouldn't have been angry at you. I'm sorry. I don't know how to get along with you well. I'll try my best to change myself in the future." Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly. He suddenly understood that he was angry with her just now. She was too willful.

They had only been together for one day with great difficulty. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

"I'll change too. If you don't like it, I'll try to do it less in the future." In the future, she would try to be less demanding in front of him and not use the intimate scale to call other people, especially men.

She knew that he did not like it.

She also knew that since she had chosen to be with him, she had to be responsible for him. Her heart, intimacy, and ambiguity were all his and could not be given to others.

After that, both of them were a little nervous, so they were very quiet and did not speak anymore.

It was not until the car stopped and Yuan Qi said that they had arrived that Tang Xiaowei moved her body. "We're here. Let's go down."

Huangfu Qiye responded. After the driver opened the car door, he directly carried her out of the car and walked into the coffee shop ahead.

Tang Xiaowei was a little uncomfortable. "Let me get down and walk. There are still people in the coffee shop."

"What's there to be afraid of? It's not like our relationship is shameful. Besides, can you leave now?" Huangfu Qiye's tone was unyielding. After saying that, he carried her into the coffee shop.

She blushed at his words and didn't dare to say anything else.

There were a lot of customers in the cafe, especially young girls. Of course, there were also some couples.

When they appeared, almost everyone's eyes were on them.

Some of the couples' girls hurriedly tugged at their boyfriends' sleeves. "Look, look, their boyfriends are so thoughtful. They always carry their girlfriends when they go out."

The man who was tugged awkwardly quickly coaxed his girlfriend, saying that he would carry her back later. Only then did the girl become happy.

The single girl started chattering excitedly. "Look, that man is so handsome, and so gentle."

"Yeah, it's really rare to see such a handsome and gentle man. That woman is so happy."

"I've been here for coffee before. That woman seems to be the owner of this cafe. Last time, there was a particularly handsome man who was with her. I heard that he was her friend. This time, the man who hugged her must be her man."

"She's really happy. She's surrounded by beautiful men every day. I get excited just thinking about it."

"Ha-ha-ha, me too. I'm so jealous."

"If only I could have such a handsome boyfriend."


Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye heard the whispers of the guests in the cafe.

Tang Xiaowei was a little shy, after all, to be commented on in public, but in addition to being shy, she was really feeling very happy, with a sweet heart.

Huangfu Qiye's face was gloomy, and no one could tell his emotions. He just carried her and walked very quickly.

When the employees in the shop saw her return, those who were free hurried up to greet her with a smile.

After Tang Xiaowei hurriedly greeted the employees, she said to Huangfu Qiye, "There are stairs in the office in front to the second floor."

In fact, there were also elevators outside to the second floor, but Huangfu Qiye didn't choose to go up from the elevator outside, so he could only go up from the stairs in the coffee shop.

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye answered, then carried her into the office.