Chapter 479: that uncle is a bad person

After entering the office and closing the door.

Tang Xiaowei looked up at him and asked, "Were you very angry just now? Don't you like to be talked about?"

"I don't like it, but if they are envious of us, I don't mind." Huangfu Qiye smiled and looked down at her.

She was stunned. "But you seemed a little angry just now."

"I'm not angry." Huangfu Qiye carried her to the stairs and walked upstairs.

"Liar, you clearly looked very unhappy just now." Tang Xiaowei only noticed his expression.

Huangfu Qiye did not answer her question and silently carried her upstairs.

He could not tell her that he was really not angry just now, but that he did not want others to see his smile.

His smile was only for Tang Xiaowei to see.

Tang Xiaowei saw that he was not willing to answer, so she did not want to force him anymore.

At this time, they had reached the door of the room on the second floor. Her keys were in her bag, and the bag was still on the cruise ship, so she said, "I don't have the keys, knock on the door."

Huangfu Qiye carried her to the door, and Tang Xiaowei reached out to knock on the door.

Bang, Bang, Bang! After the door was knocked, a series of footsteps immediately came from inside. Then, the door was opened from inside. Xiao Bai looked at Tang Xiaowei with joy. "Lady boss, you're finally back."

Then, when she saw Huangfu Qiye carrying Tang Xiaowei, Xiao Bai was shocked. "Lady boss, who is this handsome man?"

Moreover, the lady boss was being carried by this handsome man. It was really too eye-catching.

Could this man be the lady boss's man, Xiao Anan's father?

It had to be said that Xiao Bai's guess was right.

Seeing Xiao Bai's enthusiasm, Tang Xiaowei cleared her throat and was about to reply.

Huangfu Qiye, who was beside her, said coldly, "I am the husband of your lady boss."

After saying that, he did not care whether Xiao Bai was frightened or not. He carried Tang Xiaowei into the room.

In the room, there were also Willam and Xiao Anan. At that moment, Xiao Anan was playing with toys in the living room while Willam was guarding him.

Hearing the commotion, Willam and Xiao Anan looked over.

Xiao Anan saw that after his mother came back, she had been carried back by someone, especially this person whom he had seen before. In the bathroom, this uncle had helped him at first, but after that, he said that he wanted to drown him.

He was so scared that his little face turned pale, and he hid behind Willam. "Uncle Willam, quickly go and save mom. That uncle is a bad person."

Hearing this, Willam looked at Tang Xiaowei in surprise. "Miss, what are you doing?"

Willam had seen Huangfu Qiye before, so he naturally knew that Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei used to be lovers. But this time, it was clearly his young master and miss who went out. When they came back, it was miss who came back alone, and she even brought Huangfu Qiye with her?

"Willam, thank you and Xiaobai for helping me take care of An An these two days. Now that I'm back, let me take care of the child myself. You guys can go back and rest, too." Tang Xiaowei did not explain to Willam.

Willam also knew that he was only a bodyguard, and he was also Ling Yijue's bodyguard, so he could not ask too much about miss, although he really wanted to ask more questions so that he could go back and tell his young master. But since the eldest miss was unwilling to tell him, he didn't ask anymore.

He walked to the door with Xiao Bai and pulled the stunned Xiao Bai out.

In the room, only Tang Xiaowei, Huangfu Qiye, and Xiao Anan, who was standing alone, were left.

Seeing that Uncle Willam and aunt Xiao Bai, who had been taking care of him, had left, Xiao Anan immediately frowned, reached out to wipe his eyes, and cried, "Mom, that uncle is a bad person, why did you bring him back?"

Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye were stunned at the same time, and Tang Xiaowei's heart began to hurt.

"Let me down." Tang Xiaowei saw that her son was crying, and she also felt uncomfortable. Her eyes were filled with tears.

Huangfu Qiye had no choice but to let her go, and then he watched her run in the direction of the child.

He did not go over himself. He could clearly feel that the child hated him very much at the moment. If he went over now, it might make the child even more afraid.

He might as well go check on her house and see how the conditions were. If it was not good, he still had to relocate to a different house.

Tang Xiaowei's body was still a little weak, but she couldn't care about anything else. She walked over, squatted down, and pulled Xiao Anan into her arms.

"An An, don't cry. The uncle you mentioned isn't a bad person, and he's not an uncle either."

"But that day, uncle said he was going to drown me." Xiao Anan's memory was especially good. He remembered very clearly that it was this uncle who said he was going to drown him that day.

"He was joking." Tang Xiaowei also remembered the first time they met in the washroom that day, and she hurriedly found an excuse for Huangfu Qiye.

Although Huangfu Qiye must have said something in anger, she didn't expect that An An would remember it and be so scared.

It seemed that it was really difficult for An An to accept Huangfu Qiye as soon as possible.

"Really?" Xiao Anan's mother hugged him. He wiped his eyes with his small hands and cried until his little body twitched. He looked very pitiful.

Sure enough, he was very afraid of Huangfu Qiye. No wonder when he saw her being hugged by Huangfu Qiye, the little boy didn't dare to hug her at first sight. He could only hide behind Willam.

"Of course it's true, An An. He was just joking before. Let's not hate him, okay?" Tang Xiaowei coaxed the child, trying to get the child to slowly accept him.

"But I'm afraid of him." Xiao Anan was willing to believe what his mother said, willing to believe that the uncle who carried her mother back was not a bad person, but he was still a little afraid of him.

"It's okay. In the future, he will live with us. You will slowly like him." Tang Xiaowei patted her cold son's little head and comforted him gently.

"Is he going to stay with us in the future? Why?" Xiao Anan never thought that the uncle he was afraid of would stay in his house in the future.

He raised his little head and looked at Tang Xiaowei with his big eyes.

Tang Xiaowei reached out to wipe away the little guy's tears and asked him, "An An, don't you want a father?"

"Mom, I only need a mother. Why would mom ask that?" An An was stumped by the question and looked puzzled.

"But An An has a father. In the past, it was because of some things that dad separated from us. Now that dad is back, we want to be with dad. Is An An happy? " Tang Xiaowei smiled.