Chapter 487: Lover's bridge

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, she looked at him in surprise. "What do you mean? Do you think I'm troublesome?"

"Idiot, you've misunderstood. That's not what I meant." Huangfu Qiye didn't want to explain. He raised his lips and revealed a smile. He reached out to hug her shoulder and kissed her.

Tang Xiaowei was soon kissed until she was dizzy. After that, she didn't have the mood to think about anything else.

After that, the little guy still hadn't returned. After Huangfu Qiye kissed her until she fainted, he told her to lie down and rest. He made a call and had someone immediately send over two sets of exquisite lunch.

After the two of them ate lunch, the weather outside looked good.

Huangfu Qiye wanted to stay in his room and take advantage of her. Tang Xiaowei had been scared of him for the past two days, so he pulled him out of the door. "Let's go out for a walk. The weather outside is good, and the surrounding scenery is also very beautiful."

Huangfu Qiye knew that she wanted to avoid his crazy kissing and warmth.

Regarding this matter, he also felt that he had gone a little overboard.

Because he had not seen her for a few years and had not touched a woman for a few years, he could not control himself now.

But since she could not take it anymore, he had to control himself.

So he said, "Okay. After we go out, get someone to come in and pack up. When An An comes back, we will leave this place tonight."

Thinking of the sudden departure, Tang Xiaowei felt a little sad. "We will leave tomorrow. I will go downstairs later. I want to talk to the employees in the shop and pay them all their wages."

"If you like them, you can still open a coffee shop when you go back and let them follow you there." Huangfu Qiye felt that this kind of thing was too easy to deal with. As long as he could afford it. These employees would definitely be willing to follow them.

"I'll ask them. If they're willing, that's great. If they're not, I won't force them." Tang Xiaowei nodded at his suggestion.

Then, the two of them went downstairs together.

After Tang Xiaowei asked the store manager to put up the sign that said the store was closed, the number of customers in the store quickly decreased.

In the end, when there were no more customers, Tang Xiaowei gathered all the people in the store and told everyone that she wanted to sell the store and the house and planned to leave this place.

Soon, everyone made their stance clear. Only the shop manager, Ah Cheng, and the shop assistant, Xiao Bai, agreed to go with her. The others said that they could not go with her.

The shop manager said that it was because he liked this job very much. Xiao Bai said that she originally went to school in the city over there. It was only because this was her hometown that she would come here to work during the summer vacation.

After making an agreement with everyone, two men in black walked over. They were carrying suitcases in their hands. When the suitcases were opened, they were all RMB.

The things that happened after that were done by the man in black who came over here to help Tang Xiaowei.

Those who were willing to go with her received their salaries, and they were even paid three times as much. This was because they were told to rest from today until she opened the shop.

As for the others, because they were fired at the last minute, they were also given double salaries, and then everyone dispersed.

In the end, the manager, Ah Cheng, said goodbye to Xiao Bai and then left.

At this moment, it was just past one in the afternoon.

Tang Xiaowei looked at the empty cafe. It had only been open for more than three months. The business was not very hot, but it was still pretty good.

She had thought that she would have to live here forever with her children.

However, she did not expect that after meeting Huangfu Qiye, all her arrangements would have to be overturned and she would have to start all over again.

There was no one here at the moment. They would be sold very soon after they left tomorrow.

She would temporarily become a jobless person. Thinking about it made her feel relaxed and slightly uncomfortable.

"What are you thinking about?" Suddenly, she felt a warm, broad, and hard chest leaning over from behind her. Huangfu Qiye's gentle voice rang in her ears.

Tang Xiaowei expressed her emotions in a low voice. "I've abandoned everything here to go back with you. You have to treat me better, understand?"

"Yes, I'll listen to you." Huangfu Qiye didn't pause or hesitate and answered her directly.

His answer made her feel more at ease. After that, she didn't say anything and leaned into his arms.

Although she felt a little sad about losing this shop and the small memories of living here, she believed that she would be happier with him in the future.

Therefore, she didn't want to care about the small sadness at this moment.

Huangfu Qiye hugged her. He could feel that she was actually reluctant to let go of everything here.

However, she still chose him in the end. He wasn't touched, but he was very happy.

After all, he won against a coffee shop, so this feeling was really subtle.

"Are you going out later?" He continued to bite her ear.

She trembled and stuttered, "Of course...of course I'm going."

"Alright, let's go out now. As for the other things, you don't have to worry about them." He directly carried her and walked out.

After getting into the car, he personally drove the car and she sat beside him.

Before he started the car, he asked her, "Where do you want to go?"

Tang Xiaowei thought for a moment and finally said a name shyly, "Lover's bridge."

Upon hearing this, although Huangfu Qiye didn't quite know where that place was, he could understand from the literal meaning and her blushing face that it was definitely a place that couples liked to go.

"Okay, then let's go to the lover's bridge." After he navigated the way, he immediately drove the car out.

Tang Xiaowei's face was still red, and it was getting redder and redder.

She had lived here for more than three months, so she naturally knew that this was a scenic area, and she was also very clear about some of the more famous places here.

The lover's bridge that she mentioned just now was the most famous.

It was said that as long as a couple stood on the bridge together, hung a lock on it, and threw the key into the river, the couple would kiss in the middle of the bridge, and the couple would be together forever.

She had been alone with the child in the past. Although she had heard of the lover's bridge, she had never had the chance to come over, so she had never come over to see it.

But now, she had someone to accompany her, and it was the person she loved the most.

Since she was leaving tomorrow, she wanted to take this opportunity to go to the lover's bridge with him.

The more she thought about it, the redder her face became. In the end, she did not even dare to look at him. She could only turn her head to look at the scenery outside the car window.

It was precisely because she was looking outside the car window that she did not notice what Huangfu Qiye was doing at the moment.

He freed his hands to send a message, then looked at her with satisfaction. He found that her face was unbelievably red, which immediately made his heart itch.