Chapter 486: Xiaowei, listen to me

"Let me help. You can teach me and do anything." Since Huangfu Qiye had entered the kitchen, it was impossible for him to go out again.

He had lured An An to study and attend classes in order to make room for him to spend more time with Xiaowei.

Now that there were only the two of them in the house, he was not willing to sit outside and wait for her.

He found it much more interesting to accompany her inside, even if it was just washing vegetables and cutting vegetables.

"Just stand by and watch. You can't help with anything if your hand is injured." Tang Xiaowei still rejected him, but she gave him a chance to stay.

Huangfu Qiye glanced at everything in front of him and found that she had prepared a lot of ingredients. In fact, there was nothing much to help with.

He nodded and stood beside her, looking at her gently.

Tang Xiaowei soon felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

So, when she was cutting vegetables, she accidentally cut her finger.

"Ah!" Her face immediately turned pale from the pain, and she put down the knife.

The next second, a big hand stretched out from the side and grabbed her injured hand tightly. Her finger was held by him, and her face was red and white. She endured the pain and hurriedly said, "It's okay. It's just a small injury. I'll put a band-aid on it."

Huangfu Qiye looked at her seriously. "Don't talk."

She could only shut her mouth and not speak.

She did not expect that when he was worried about her, even though he was so serious, he could still make her feel happy. She thought that she had really been poisoned by him, and it was the type of poison that was not shallow and completely sunk in.

After Huangfu Qiye had drained the blood from her hand and treated her, he took her out of the kitchen.

The two of them returned to the bedroom. He took the medical kit and squatted in front of her. He gently and carefully applied medicine on her before bandaging her.

Finally, he said in a deep voice, "Don't cook by yourself anymore. I'll get someone who knows how to cook and clean to come here and take care of us later."

"No need to trouble others. I'm very free at work now. I can take care of the house by myself. It was just an accident just now." When Tang Xiaowei heard that he was going to get someone to come over and help clean and cook, she immediately became anxious.

She didn't like the idea of strangers living in her small house.

She had always lived alone with An An. Now there was Huangfu Qiye because he was special. After all, he was the person she loved and An An's father.

However, she couldn't accept the idea of someone else living in this house, even if it was just the person who came to clean and cook.

"Xiaowei, be good. Don't make me worry anymore, okay?" Huangfu Qiye frowned. He couldn't stop her even if he was worried when she cut her finger just now, so he didn't want to see such a thing happen again.

"But I don't like strangers living here." Tang Xiaowei could only say what she was thinking.

"This is easy. Can't we just find an hourly worker?" Huangfu Qiye thought she was doing this for some reason. Since it was just a small problem, it was simply too easy to solve.

"Forget it. I'll go back to the forest manor with you. It's more normal to have a maid at home there. If we hire someone here, others will talk about it, and I'll feel uncomfortable, too." Tang Xiaowei thought about it and still felt that she shouldn't hire someone.

It was better for her to go back to the forest manor with Huangfu Qiye. He had already suggested it last night.

Although she liked this place, if he stayed here with her and her son forever, the house here would be smaller and not suitable for him.

Moreover, there was nothing for him here. His company was also on the other side of the forest manor. If he continued to live here, it would be inconvenient for him to work.

She didn't want to make him tired and troublesome just because she didn't want to move.

"Are you sure you want to go back with me?" Huangfu Qiye looked at her gently when he heard her.

"Yes, the school there seems to be better. An An can go to kindergarten there after the summer vacation." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Then, she frowned slightly when she talked about the kindergarten. She said to him, "Oh right, a very strange thing happened. I originally found a kindergarten for An An near here. At first, they promised to let me bring An An to class after the summer break, but the next day, they said that they wouldn't hire anyone. When I went back to other kindergartens, they didn't want An An either. I felt that someone was deliberately trying to make things difficult for us, but after thinking about it, I didn't offend anyone. Now that you're free, help me check it out."

After she finished speaking, she looked at him expectantly.

Huangfu Qiye was stunned.

He had an impression of what she had said. He seemed to have stopped her on purpose, which was why the kindergartens nearby didn't dare to accept An An.

But at that time, he didn't know that the child was his, nor did he know that she still loved him.

He had done such a thing out of anger because he was too jealous. He wanted her to appear and force her when she had no other choice.

At that moment, when he thought of this matter, he suddenly felt that he was a scoundrel and had no morals.

However, he still did not feel regret. After all, the kindergarten here was not that good. When he returned to forest manor, the kindergarten there would be as good as it could be. His son should be attending classes there.

However, seeing that Xiao Wei should be very unhappy about this matter, he naturally would not foolishly expose his shortcomings and say that this matter was done by him.

He nodded with a calm and serious expression. "Don't worry, I will get someone to investigate. Whoever dares to bully you like this, I will definitely not let him off."

"Forget it, just find out who did it and let me know. Don't be impulsive and hurt others. Although I'm leaving now, I plan to leave the house here and continue to open the cafe. I'll come over occasionally when I'm free." Tang Xiaowei reminded him not to hurt others. At the same time, she also explained her thoughts.

Although she agreed to go back with him, it didn't mean that she would give up everything here.

She didn't want to have nothing in the future and only stay in the villa in a daze every day.

"There's no need to go to so much trouble to run around. Sell this place. When we go back, I'll open a new shop for you. You can do whatever you want." Huangfu Qiye didn't want to see her always running back and forth between two places for this coffee shop in the future. He would feel sorry for her, but he would also be reluctant to part with her.

"Isn't it troublesome to do this?" Tang Xiaowei began to think seriously after hearing what he said.

Huangfu Qiye chuckled. "For you, perhaps nothing is troublesome in my eyes."