Chapter 485: HOW ARROGANT!

When he said go back, he meant go back to that forest manor.

After all, that was his home.

"But I've already bought a house here and opened a shop. I feel very comfortable living here." She was already used to living here and didn't want to move out.

"Okay, we'll leave when you want to go with me." Huangfu Qiye didn't force her. After saying that, he touched her face. "Sleep."

Tang Xiaowei was indeed very tired, and she quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Therefore, she forgot to ask him why he suddenly became so good with An An.


When she woke up the next day, Tang Xiaowei opened her eyes and saw Huangfu Qiye next to her. At first, she was so confused that she couldn't react.

"Why? Don't you recognize me?" Huangfu Qiye had woken up a long time ago, and he had been staring at her. Now that she was awake, he suddenly kissed her.

After being kissed by Huangfu Qiye, she came back to her senses and reached out to touch his lips.

"What time is it now?" Tang Xiaowei's face was slightly red. She sat up and realized that the sun was shining brightly outside.

Huangfu Qiye sat beside her and glanced at the time. "10 am."

"Oh no, I have to make breakfast for An An every morning before 7 am. Xiao Bai has been helping me make breakfast for the past two days. Why did I sleep so long today?" Tang Xiaowei heard that it was already 10 am. She was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat. She hurriedly jumped out of bed and ran outside.

Huangfu Qiye reached out and pulled her back. She fell into his arms. "Why did you pull me back?"

"At seven o'clock, I already had someone make breakfast for An An. Now the child has been sent to the summer school to attend classes," Huangfu Qiye explained patiently.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned when she heard this.

An An had been at home all this time and had never attended school. She had arranged to wait until the summer vacation was over before he would go to kindergarten to begin classes.

Why did Huangfu Qiye say that An An had gone to the summer school?

"How did this happen? You arranged it? When did you arrange it? How come I don't know? Is the school you found good? What does An An want to learn?" Because it was related to the child, her questions were thrown at him one after another.

Huangfu Qiye's face darkened. He wouldn't tell her because he didn't want to be constantly disturbed by Xiao Anan when he was with her. Therefore, when Xiao Anan repeatedly asked him to teach kung fu, he directly asked Yuan Qi to find a school for Xiao Anan that teaches taekwondo to children. Then, he sent Xiao Anan to school early in the morning.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems with what I've arranged. An An likes it very much and is very satisfied with it. The school is also very good. What he wants to learn is taekwondo," Huangfu Qiye explained calmly. Then, he got off the bed and walked to the side to pick up a pile of clothes that had already been folded. He started to put them on.

Tang Xiaowei naturally didn't have his clothes here. He had ordered someone to send them over in the morning.

After listening to his explanation, although Tang Xiaowei felt a little reluctant to part with An An, she believed that his arrangement was definitely for his good.

Therefore, even if she felt worried, she could only wait until An An returned in the evening to ask him about his thoughts.

She also got up, changed her clothes, and walked into the bathroom.

Not long after, he also entered the bathroom. His tall figure stood together with her. The two of them stood intimately in the mirror, making her heart feel warm.

She hurriedly washed and then said, "You take your time to wash up. I'll go make breakfast first."

Huangfu Qiye chuckled. "It should be considered lunch."

"Yeah, that sounds right." She smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her flustered back in the mirror and smiled gently.

After that, Huangfu Qiye came out. He wanted to go to the kitchen to see what lunch she had made.

However, the landline in the living room rang. He frowned and walked over to pick up the phone.

As soon as he picked it up, a gentle and worried voice came from the other side. "Xiaowei, I've already returned to land. Should I send your bag to you, or do you want to come here to get it?"

It was Ling Yijue.

Although Huangfu Qiye didn't like Ling Yijue as a person, when he heard that the other party's tone wasn't very ambiguous, his anger wasn't very great.

He said in a deep voice, "Tell me your address. I'll send someone over to help her get it back."

"Huangfu Qiye...why is it you?" Ling Yijue was slightly surprised. Although he had already learned from Willam yesterday that Tang Xiaowei had returned this time and brought Huangfu Qiye along.

Therefore, he thought for an entire night and didn't call.

At this moment, he mustered up the courage to call, only to find that it was Huangfu Qiye who picked up the call. This made him really uncomfortable.

It turned out that what Willam said was right. Huangfu Qiye had really returned to Tang Xiaowei's side, and from the looks of it, he probably didn't leave Xiaowei's room yesterday, which was why he was able to receive this call now.

The more Ling Yijue thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Huangfu Qiye didn't care what kind of thoughts the other party had.

He said coldly, "Is it very strange? Xiaowei is my woman, so it's normal for me to be in her house. Tell me the address, I'm very busy."

Huangfu Qiye took out a piece of paper and a pen, wanting to write down the address. As this was a landline, he couldn't receive messages, and he didn't want to tell Ling Yijue his number, so he could only do this.

However, Ling Yijue fiercely hung up the phone, saying nothing and leaving nothing behind.

Huangfu Qiye was stunned for a second, and then a cold smile hung on his lips.

"How arrogant!"

He actually dared to hang up on him.

He had long been displeased with Ling Yijue. This time, could he directly deal with Ling Yijue?

"Who was on the phone just now?" At this moment, Tang Xiaowei appeared at the kitchen door and looked at Huangfu Qiye from afar.

The cold expression on Huangfu Qiye's face immediately changed into a gentle smile.

He put down the phone and walked in her direction. "It's nothing. It was a wrong number."

"Oh." Tang Xiaowei did not doubt him. She nodded and said to him, "go wait in the restaurant. There's still some time before the meal is ready. If you're hungry, drink some milk first. There's some in the fridge. The fridge is there."

She pointed to the fridge for him.

However, Huangfu Qiye shook his head. He grabbed her hand and walked into the kitchen. "I'm not very hungry yet. How long will it take to cook? Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Your hand is injured. Just rest outside." Tang Xiaowei did not dare to let him help. Yesterday, when she asked him to help wash the dishes, he directly injured his hand. She really could not believe that he wanted to help in the kitchen.