Chapter 484: You met a bad person?

However, after she had settled everything in the kitchen, she came out to find that the bathroom light was still on and the door was still closed. This meant that the person inside had not come out yet.

She was a little worried, so she knocked on the door outside the bathroom.

"Ye, An An, how is it? How is the shower going?"

"Mom, come in and help me." Xiao Anan's voice sounded a little anxious from inside.

Tang Xiaowei's heart tightened. She suddenly remembered that Huangfu Qiye's hand was injured. Although she had bandaged it, it could not touch the water.

She had completely forgotten about it because she was dizzy from his kiss.

Therefore, he couldn't give An An a bath at all. She didn't know what was going on inside now.

She really felt that she couldn't be so stupid right now.

She frowned and pushed open the bathroom door.

Sure enough, the bathroom was full of water and bubbles.

At this moment, Xiao Anan was naked in the bathtub full of bubbles. Even his hair was covered in bubbles.

As for Huangfu Qiye, he was standing in front of the bathtub drenched in water. He frowned slightly.

The place that he had just bandaged was indeed wet from the water. There was even a ball of white bubbles on it.

"An An, sit there obediently and don't move. Mommy will come in and help you bathe in a while, understand?" Tang Xiaowei quickly instructed her son. After seeing her son nod, she pulled Huangfu Qiye's hand and walked out.

"I just forgot that your hand was injured. Did you forget it yourself? You clearly knew that you couldn't touch the water, so why didn't you remind me?" She was a little angry and dragged him into the bedroom in a huff.

Huangfu Qiye suddenly hugged her, and his charming voice rang in her ears. "I just want to help take care of the child. I don't want you to be so tired. I want to feel what it's like to take care of the child. I'm sorry for making you worry."

After saying that, he kissed her on the cheek again.

Tang Xiaowei's anger had all dissipated, so she couldn't say anything more about him.

She could only resign herself to fate and redo his fingers, then bandage them again.

After putting away the medical box, she said to him, "I don't have any clothes for you to wear here. I only have a relatively large bathrobe. I'll go get it for you. You can change out of the wet clothes you're wearing."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye's eyes lit up and he nodded.

Tang Xiaowei found her largest bathrobe and gave it to him. Then, she hurried into the bathroom and began to bathe Xiao Anan.

Xiao Anan was playing with bubbles. Seeing that she had come, he frowned and told her about what had happened just now. "Mommy, Daddy's hand seems to be injured, but he didn't even cry when I accidentally touched him just now. He's so powerful." The little guy's eyes showed admiration again.

"Okay, so in the future, An An should be like dad. Don't cry, okay?" Tang Xiaowei took the opportunity to use this teaching material to teach her son.

Then, she began to bathe Xiao Anan.

Xiao Anan nodded vigorously. "Okay, I will learn kung fu from dad in the future, just like in the movies. I will be very powerful."

"Learn kung fu? Who told you that he knows kung fu?" Tang Xiaowei was very surprised.

Huangfu Qiye did learn some boxing or taekwondo, but how did An An know?

"I saw it myself. I had a fight with my mother and ran out. I met a bad person in the park. It was my father who appeared and kicked the bad person to the ground like a martial arts master and saved An An," Xiao Anan said rememnering the scene. He looked completely intoxicated.

"You met a bad person?" Tang Xiaowei's heart tightened.

If Huangfu Qiye hadn't rushed over, would something have happened to An An? Just thinking about it made her feel afraid.

Feeling that her mother must have been frightened, Xiao Anan quickly reached out his chubby hand and patted the back of hismother's hand. He comforted her, "Don't be afraid, mommy. Daddy is here anyway. Daddy will protect An An."

"Yes, I know." Tang Xiaowei felt a little dizzy after hearing that.

After that, she gave her son a bath and put on his pajamas. The little guy put on his little slippers and said that he would go back to his room to sleep.

Tang Xiaowei nodded and stayed behind to deal with the bathroom.

On the other side, Xiao Anan walked out of the bathroom and first went to his mother's bedroom. He stretched out his little head and looked inside. When he saw his father in a bathrobe, he immediately asked worriedly, "Daddy, is your hand better?''

Huangfu Qiye got up and strode to the door. He bent down and picked up the little guy. After thinking for a while, he kissed the little guy's face. This was his first time kissing his son's face.

Therefore, he was a little uncomfortable, and the little guy was also a little uncomfortable.

However, he immediately diverted the little guy's attention. "After you take a shower, daddy will send you back to your room to sleep."

"Okay." The little guy hurriedly nodded.

Therefore, a few minutes later, Huangfu Qiye sent the little guy into his room, then left and walked to the bathroom.

The bathroom door was gently closed after he entered.

Tang Xiaowei had already cleaned the bathroom, but she was already sweating.

She simply put in hot water and prepared to take a bath.

However, after she put in the water and was about to get up, a pair of big hands suddenly appeared on her waist. A familiar voice sounded in her ear, "The child is already asleep. Now, it's time for us to take a bath."

"Your hand is injured. You don't need to wash it today." Tang Xiaowei could clearly feel what he wanted to do. She was a little embarrassed, but at the same time, she was worried about the injury on his finger.

"It's okay. I'll try my best not to let the injured area touch the water." Huangfu Qiye was not a person who would change his mind so easily.

Tang Xiaowei understood him a little. She knew that he would not change his mind if he said that unless she got angry.

However, now that she was being hugged by him, she felt that she really could not get angry.

"Xiaowei, since you're worried about my hands, can you help me wash them?" Huangfu Qiye saw that she was silent and started to tease her again.

"I'm a little tired, I..." Her face was very red, and the thought of helping him wash it made her feel uncomfortable all over.

"Then I can wash them myself. When I bathed An An just now, there were a lot of bubbles on my body. I really can't sleep without washing them off," he continued to persuade her.

In the end, Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to help him wash.

However, because of helping her, she was still carried out by him when she finally came out.

At this time, she was already sleepy.

Huangfu Qiye carried her back to the bedroom, put her down, and asked gently, "When are you coming back with me?"

Tang Xiaowei opened her eyes and looked at him in a daze. After thinking for a while, she finally understood what he was asking.