Chapter 489: A man who loves her so much

Tang Xiaowei thought for a moment. It was indeed because of An An that most of her thoughts were focused on him.

Even though she felt very happy to be here with Huangfu Qiye, she was worried that An An would miss her if she went back too late. Therefore, she subconsciously ignored Huangfu Qiye's feelings.

They had just reconciled not long ago, and he had such a personality.

Therefore, he definitely did not want to be disturbed by others. Even if that person was his son, Huangfu Qiye would definitely not be happy.

Seeing that she was deep in thought and did not reply, Huangfu Qiye's expression became even more unsightly. At the same time, his tone became stern and unyielding. He held her hand and walked towards the lover's bridge. "If you continue to focus on that brat, I will send him somewhere else to be taken care of. You can forget about seeing him in the future."

When she heard this, she immediately frowned and looked at him with some anger. "How can you do this? An An didn't do anything wrong. I am just a normal mother who is worried about him. You actually want to send him away?"

"He has disturbed our interaction. It's really difficult for me to get used to you thinking about other people besides me." The gentleness on Huangfu Qiye's face had long disappeared. At this moment, his entire body was filled with a chill It made one feel a trace of fear.

Tang Xiaowei slowly noticed the change in his mood at this moment.

She knew very well that his personality was like this. It was impossible for him to change his personality, or rather, it was impossible for him to change it in a short period of time.

However, she really couldn't accept him thinking that a child like him would disturb their interactions openly.

She began to push his hand away. "Do you hate An An so much because you suspect that he might not be your son?"

She had always been sensitive, and it was easy for her to overthink things, especially now that they had just reconciled. Although he said that he didn't need to do a paternity test, she had a vague feeling that he didn't like An An very much At this moment, he had repeatedly threatened to send An An away, and she couldn't help but overthink things.

"In your eyes, am I that untrustworthy?" He stopped walking and stopped, but he held her hand even tighter, not allowing her to back down.

He had clearly said that he believed that the child was his and didn't need a paternity test.

The reason he was threatening her was because he wanted to be alone with her so badly that he didn't want to be disturbed. Even if that person was his son, he wouldn't allow it.

"This isn't a matter of credibility. If you really don't feel at ease, we'll take An An to the hospital together..." Tang Xiaowei didn't dare to look at him and looked at the river beside her.

However, before she could finish her words, his hand grabbed the back of her head. In the next second, her lips were fiercely kissed by him.


She was instantly stunned.

Huangfu Qiye picked her up and let her legs clamp around his waist. He kissed her and carried her up the lovers' bridge. During this time, he didn't let go of her, nor did he let go of her lips.

She was almost knocked out by his kiss and didn't have the strength to break free.

When he reached the middle of the lovers' bridge, he finally let go of Xiaowei, who had almost fainted because she could not breathe normally.

He also slowly let go of her body a little bit. She slid down from his body, but her legs were weak and she could barely stand. She subconsciously grabbed his arm.

He seemed to be in a better mood. He took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist and then lowered his head. His charming and hoarse voice rang in her ear, "Now this is the middle of the lovers' bridge. We kissed just now, so we will never be separated. Do you understand what I mean?"

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment, and then her face began to turn red. At the same time, she understood what he meant.

He was showing her that he only loved her.

"The child is not young anymore. I will arrange for someone to take care of him. You can see him often, but I hope you can spend more time with me. I haven't seen you for a few years. I just want to be alone with you now, do you understand?" Without waiting for her answer, he continued to speak.

This time, his tone was even more urgent than before.

"Don't say anymore. I understand. I won't go back. We'll stay here for another two days." Tang Xiaowei really couldn't do anything to reject him. After all, she was a man who loved her so much. If she continued to reject him, she would feel that her blood was too cold.

Hearing that she agreed, Huangfu Qiye's expression became a little better.

At this time, he took out an exquisite silver lock and handed it to her. "Where do you want to hang it?"

"We'll write our names on it." Tang Xiaowei took the lock, but she realized that they had only bought the lock and forgot to buy a pen.

"That's easy." Huangfu Qiye touched his body and took out a small Swiss knife. Then he took the silver lock from her hand and asked her, "What do you want to carve?"

Tang Xiaowei also felt that words carved with a knife could be preserved for a longer time than words written with a pen. She thought for a while and said, "Just carve our names, Wei Heye. But you have to be careful not to get hurt."

"How can I not do such a small thing well?" Huangfu Qiye was very dissatisfied with her worry.

"I know you're good, but I'm still worried about you." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly smiled.

Her smile made him feel even better. "Be good, wait for me to finish carving right away."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and began to carve seriously.

Her gaze was fixed on his fingers, the small knife, and the silver lock.

The movements of his hands were as smooth as flowing water, very fast and beautiful, as if he was playing some kind of magic trick.

In less than two minutes, he had carved these two words.

"Okay, see if you like it." He put away the knife, took out a handkerchief from the two handkerchiefs he had on him, wiped the metal fragments on his hands and the fragments on the lock surface, and then threw away the dirty handkerchief. After doing this, he handed the clean lock to her.

She took the lock and carefully looked at his hand. After making sure that nothing happened to his hand, she shifted her attention to the lock.

He had carved two words on it. It was indeed the night of harmony that she had mentioned. There was even the date of today, 20xx x month x day.

These words were not only clear, but also very beautiful. Even if she used a pen to write, it was impossible for her to be as beautiful as he was.

"Have you learned this before?" She was extremely shocked. She felt that with his skills, he could easily carve words for others on the streets. Although he was the CEO of Huangpu Group, he did not need to do such a job.