Chapter 490: Stupid Woman

However, she was still shocked by his sudden display of skills.

"That was the first and second time." Huangfu Qiye's expression was indifferent, but upon closer inspection, one could still see that he was in a very happy mood.

However, when he said that it was the first and second time, it was indeed true.

"You're awesome! " Tang Xiaowei could only look at him admiringly and give him a thumbs up with a bright smile.

He reached out and held her finger, smiling ambiguously and charmingly. "I'm pretty awesome. You'll slowly discover it in the future. I'll wait for you to discover it."

She realized that her mind was quite wild. To put it in current terms, it was a little dirty because she had just finished speaking when her mind was already full of thoughts.

"What are you thinking about? Your face is so red."

Huangfu Qiye lowered his head and kissed her face. "It's still very hot."

She felt extremely ashamed when he made her feel this way.

She hurriedly broke free and walked to the side with the lock. She pointed at it and said nervously, "Just...just hang the lock here."

Huangfu Qiye walked over with a light smile and nodded. "Okay."

A minute later, he was holding her hand. The two of them hung the silver lock with their names engraved on it on the iron chain bridge. They also threw the key into the river under the bridge. Soon, they disappeared into the river. Like many couples, they left their mark here.

Then, she thought of something and hurriedly called out to him, "Lend me your phone. We can't just hang the lock. Let's stand in front of the lock and take another photo."

"..." Huangfu Qiye was a little speechless.

He had originally agreed to hang the lock here with her, but he felt that it was a little childish.

However, he liked the implication of hanging the lock here, so he still agreed to it.

However, at that moment, it was foolish to take a photo in front of the lock. Huangfu didn't like doing that.

"There's no need to take a photo. We need to go inside now. It's getting late, and there's still some time before we can enter the hotel in the valley." He didn't agree with her. With a big hand, he pulled her toward the opposite side of the lovers' bridge.

Although Tang Xiaowei was a little disappointed, she had no choice but to put away the hand that she had reached out to borrow his phone.

She hadn't gotten her bag back yet, so she naturally didn't have her phone with her.

As she followed him to the other side, she thought for a moment and asked, "I haven't gotten my bag back yet, so you can lend me your phone later. You have to tell An An about us not going back today."

"Okay, I'll give you my phone when we reach the destination." Huangfu Qiye agreed without hesitation.

Her heart was finally at ease.

Across the lovers' bridge was a large field filled with lavender flowers. This season was the season when lavender flowers bloomed.

The two of them walked through a large field of flowers together. The air around them was filled with the faint fragrance of flowers and plants.

There would usually be a lot of tourists here. However, because Huangfu Qiye was here today, there were only the two of them. Therefore, Tang Xiaowei narrowed her eyes and thought about it. It was pretty cool to have such a powerful man.

However, the only bad thing today was that she felt that the weather was pretty good when she first went out. However, after walking around outside for a while, she was already sweating from the heat.

After the valley between the two mountains was developed as a tourist attraction, it was natural to develop a few routes into the depths of the valley to see the beautiful scenery.

The fastest route was the cable car.

Then, all that was left was some beautiful scenery surrounding the surroundings and some strangely shaped rocks that she slowly walked towards.

It might take them more than two hours to walk into the depths of the valley.

It would only take about ten minutes to take the cable car.

They could take the cable car from the main entrance of the valley. They had been in a hurry to get in just now, so they did not choose to take the cable car.

But at this moment, Huangfu Qiye's eyes were filled with heartache when he saw that she was already sweating from the heat.

He looked ahead and saw that there were still about ten minutes before they could reach the next place where they could take the cable car.

He simply squatted down and said, "Get up."

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment before she immediately knew that he was going to carry her.

She was actually not tired after walking for a while. However, when she saw his back, she felt very touched. Her heart was moved and filled with desire, so she did not reject him and obediently lay on his back.

She weighed less than 90 kilograms and was very light.

When Huangfu Qiye carried her up, he frowned slightly and asked, "What have you been eating these past few years?"

She actually did not grow any fat at all. It seemed that she was even skinnier than when he was with her.

He felt his heart ache just thinking about it.

She hurriedly explained, "It seems like it's because I was poisoned before, so I don't get fat from eating. Actually, I eat quite a lot."

She said it out of instinct. After she said it, she realized that he was silent and the atmosphere instantly became cold. Only then did she realize that she shouldn't have brought up the matter of being poisoned.

She bit her lip and was about to say that she wouldn't bring up this matter again in the future when Huangfu Qiye's deep voice rang out. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to accompany you when you weren't feeling well."

He was silent for quite a while. His heart was unusually uncomfortable, but at the same time, he was also very regretful. If he could go back in time, he really hoped that he could return to that time. He would definitely accompany her well and not let her fight against the pain alone.

"Don't apologize. It's all in the past anyway." She could hear the sadness and regret in his voice, so she hurriedly smiled to make the atmosphere less gloomy.

"Stupid woman," Huangfu Qiye said softly and then didn't speak again.

Tang Xiaowei, who was on his back, was originally comforting him.

She was also stunned when he suddenly called her a stupid woman. She could not figure out why he would say that.

Huangfu Qiye carried her on his back and quickly arrived at the second seat where they could take the cable car. There were also staff members here. When they saw that they had arrived, they immediately smiled and went forward to welcome them.

Soon, Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye sat in the cable car together.

Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly, and she also leaned on his chest softly.

After the cable car started, through the transparent glass, one could see all the scenery outside. The cable car rose higher and higher, and one could also see a large sea outside the scenic area.

That sea was the one that Tang Xiaowei and the others had gone to on the cruise ship.

Seeing that sea, Tang Xiaowei thought of Huangfu Yuner.

She frowned slightly. "I wonder how Huangfu Yuner is now?"

"I've already got people watching her."