Chapter 491: Still so shy?

"At night, they will call back to report the situation," Huangfu Qiye said softly. Then, he reminded her unhappily, "From now on, except for special matters, you are not allowed to think about other people. You can only think about me."

Tang Xiaowei was already in his arms. At this moment, she looked at him and realized that his expression couldn't be more serious.

"Okay, I promise you." She couldn't think of a reason to reject him, so she smiled and agreed. Anyway, he said that he had sent people to keep an eye on Huangfu Yuner, and An An also had people to take care of him, so she really didn't need to worry about anything.

For now, she only needed to be with him, and the two of them would spend these two days together forever.

After she finished speaking, she saw that his forehead was also faintly sweating.

She searched her body and finally found the handkerchief that he had taken to wipe his sweat and was about to throw away, but he had left it behind.

He had brought a total of two handkerchiefs, and one had been wiped with metal fragments and thrown away.

At present, only there was only this one left.

She didn't bring her bag today, so she didn't have any tissues or anything.

"You're sweating, but this is the only one. Do you want to wipe it?" She held a small green handkerchief and looked at him.

"Help me wipe it." He didn't dislike it, nor did he refuse. His voice was so gentle that it could make one intoxicated, and his gaze was also gentle as he looked at her.

She only felt a warmth in her heart, so she moved her body a little closer and wiped his sweat for him.

However, what she didn't know was that when she moved her body, she touched a place that she shouldn't have touched. This caused Huangfu Qiye's whole body to tense up, and he almost pressed her down and ate her.

In the end, he was still concerned that they were inside the cable car, and they were still in midair.

He could only suddenly hug her tightly, and his voice was low and depressed. "Don't move, let me hug you for a while."

She hadn't even wiped his sweat clean for him when he suddenly hugged her. When she heard that there was something wrong with his voice, she immediately understood, and her face turned red again. She could only obediently let him hug her, and then she replied in a low voice, "Okay."

The ten minutes on the cable car were unusually long.

Huangfu Qiye felt like he was going to suffocate.

Lie Xiaowei was also worried that he would suffocate.

Fortunately, when the cable car stopped halfway up the mountain, the staff came up to them with a smile. They said that they had reached the depths of the valley and that the hotel room was ready, inviting them in to rest.

Thus, Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei and strode into the hotel room that the staff had prepared.

Along the way, they were not in the mood to see the surrounding scenery.

After the door was closed, there were only two people in the room. Before Tang Xiaowei could recover, she was fiercely kissed by Huangfu Qiye.

Then, the two of them went to the bathroom.

A few hours later, the drowsy Tang Xiaowei was carried out of the bathroom by Huangfu Qiye.


Tang Xiaowei slept in the room until the sky was completely dark before she woke up.

When she woke up, she found that the room was dark and she couldn't see anything clearly. She was suddenly a little afraid.

Her body shrank under the blanket, and a big hand immediately appeared on her waist.

Huangfu Qiye immediately turned on the bedside lamp, then sat up and scooped her up, letting her lean into his arms. "You're awake?"

His deep voice was still hoarse from just waking up. Obviously, he had just woken up.

After seeing the lights, Tang Xiaowei also saw him clearly.

She nodded and was no longer afraid. "How long have we been sleeping?"

"I'm not sure, but since you're awake, you should be hungry too. I'll get someone to prepare food for you." Huangfu Qiye put his arm around her shoulder, gave her an extremely lingering kiss, and then got off the bed.

He wasn't wearing any clothes, so she hurriedly averted her gaze and blushed slightly.

Huangfu Qiye saw her and smiled. "It's not the first time we've met, yet you're still so shy?"

"Quickly find some clothes to put on." Tang Xiaowei didn't dare to answer him and was still too embarrassed to look at him.

Huangfu Qiye was afraid that she was hungry, so he didn't tease her anymore. He took a bathrobe from the side and put it on. Then he walked to the cabinet, took out his phone, and called the food and beverage department downstairs. He ordered them to prepare dinner and bring it over.

After the call ended, he turned around and realized that the shy little woman who had been in bed earlier had also put on a bathrobe and got out of bed. She was lowering her head and tying the belt around her waist.

He walked over and reached out to grab her. She was immediately pulled into his arms.

"I'll have dinner later. Do you want to go out and take a look? "

"But it's dark outside. It's better to go out tomorrow at dawn." She was most afraid of the dark, so she tried her best not to go out at night.

Especially since they were in the valley, and it was a place that was unfamiliar to her. Even with him by her side, she did not dare to go out.

He didn't force her. "Okay, then we'll go out tomorrow."

After that, the two of them ate the dinner that the hotel staff sent over.

Tang Xiaowei took his phone and called An An. She was originally going to comfort An An and say that she would definitely go back in two days.

However, after the call was connected, she told An An that she would probably return in two days. An An only asked her, "Mom, are you with dad?"

Tang Xiaowei: "Yes."

An An immediately said in an open-minded manner, "Mom, then you can play outside with dad for a few more days. I'm going to learn taekwondo every day and have fun. Also, Uncle Yuan Qi will be my bodyguard. Many people in the new school are envious of me, so An An doesn't have time to take care of mom. Let Dad take care of mom."

Tang Xiaowei didn't expect her son to not only not cry and call her back, but also hope that she and Huangfu Qiye would play outside for a few more days.

It turned out that the little guy actually liked to learn about kung fu so much. At present, the little guy had only learned taekwondo and was already obsessed with it.

She felt gratified but also a little overwhelmed. In the end, she could only gently exhort, "An An, when mom and dad are not back, you must listen to Uncle Yuan Qi. Don't get into trouble and don't get lost, okay?"

"Yes, yes, I know. Mom, then good night, mwah!" Xiao Anan was obviously very happy, but he was also very tired, so after a short while, his voice sounded a little tired.

Tang Xiaowei also sent a 'Mwah' to her son, and then hung up the phone reluctantly.

This was the first time An An had not relied on her as a mother because of other circumstances.

She knew that this was a good thing. After all, the child would not be able to rely on her forever after he grew up. She had been worried that An An's personality might be too withdrawn and that he would not be able to make good friends in the future.