Chapter 492: I want to be gentler to her

Now, it seemed that An An was able to mention his classmates in the new school, and he was also able to accept Yuan Qi's care. This meant that he was changing, and she would be able to rest assured in the future.

However, she still felt a little disappointed.

After all, the Little Milk Bun that she had always raised was no longer so clingy to her now. She still felt a little empty in her heart.

"You and An An always talk like this?" At that moment, President Huangfu, who had always been silent as an audience, looked at her faintly.

"Eh?" She didn't understand, and when she looked at him, her face was filled with confusion.

"In the future, you can only say such intimate words to me." Huangfu Qiye's expression became serious. Then, he took away the phone in her hand and threw it to the side. With a pull, she was pulled over by him and sat on his lap.

The two of them were originally sitting on the sofa, but there was only a small distance between them.

At this moment, there was no distance at all.

"Intimate words? Are you talking about that kiss?"

Tang Xiaowei leaned into his embrace, looking extremely obedient.

She realized that An An didn't rely on her anymore, but Huangfu Qiye still relied on her very much. Her heart immediately felt much better.

"What do you think?" Huangfu Qiye lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips.

"But An An is our child. He's still young, so it's okay for him to say such things." She felt that this sentence was very normal. The people around her and the netizens on the internet often said this.

"I don't like to hear you say this to others, even if that person is our son." Huangfu Qiye grabbed her finger and bit it. When he raised his head, his gaze was unusually serious.

His sudden appearance made it impossible for her to continue.

She thought for a moment and nodded. "Alright then. From now on, I will only say this word to you. No one else will say it."

"It's not enough." Huangfu Qiye looked a little more, but he still felt unsatisfied.

"Why is it not enough?" She also felt confused.

"From now on, as long as there are words like this, you are only allowed to say them to me." He said it in an overbearing manner, and it was unusually tough. Just from his tone, it was clear that he would never allow her to reject him.

Tang Xiaowei was a little unhappy.

What he meant was that she had to think clearly about what she was going to say in the future. Moreover, she could only say intimate words to him. In this way, she felt that she would have no freedom of thought. She felt as if she was imprisoned in her language.

She frowned. "I know what you are thinking, but if I do as you say, I really can't accept it. I can not say overly intimate words to others..."

"Xiaowei, don't refuse, hmm?" Huangfu Qiye could tell that she meant to refuse, and his expression that had just eased immediately sank, and his tone became more serious.

"You said you wanted to change, so why are you still so overbearing?" Tang Xiaowei was a little annoyed.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he didn't say anything else. He just looked at her with a deep and heavy gaze. His black eyes seemed very calm, as if a terrifying storm was brewing.

She suddenly felt a little scared.

She clearly remembered that in the past, when Huangfu Qiye was angry, he was very irritable.

He would completely hurt people in his anger.

Her fear was immediately detected by Huangfu Qiye. He looked at her and sighed softly.

He wanted to treat her well and treat her more gently. Unfortunately, his possessiveness was too strong, but she could not completely listen to him. That was why there was always an argument.

However, after they were together this time, he would not let the argument escalate and the two of them would not go their separate ways.

He did not say anything. He suddenly reached out and grabbed the back of her head and kissed her.

She almost did not have time to think about anything else. She was completely controlled by him in his arms.

She was soon mesmerized by his kiss. After that, it was another night of romance.

Thus, she forgot about the previous episode.


The next day.

When Tang Xiaowei woke up, it was almost noon.

She did not have the strength to think about what Huangfu Qiye had said last night. At this moment, her entire body was weak and she could not even get out of bed.

She was the only one in the room. The window was slightly opened and a fresh breeze blew in from outside. The curtains fluttered.

She did not know where Huangfu Qiye had gone.

She did not have the strength. Although she woke up, she continued to lie on the bed and did not move.

After a while, the door was pushed open. She moved her body and looked over. She saw that Huangfu Qiye had already put on a new casual suit. He looked very energetic and sunny. Of course, he was very handsome.

He held his phone in his hand and came in to see that she was awake. He strode over and said gently, "I just went out to take a call. When did you wake up?"

"I just woke up not long ago." She was still lying under the blanket and did not get up.

He was wearing clothes, but she was not. She could not suddenly sit up, because she would die of embarrassment.

"Are you not feeling well? Did I hurt you yesterday?" He looked at her gently, his eyes clearly worried.

In his opinion, she did not look very well now. Thinking of the craziness last night, he was naturally worried about her.

"Actually, it's fine. I'll get up in a while. By the way, who did you answer the phone to just now?" Because of his question, her face was slightly red. After hurriedly explaining, she began to change the topic.

"It was another subordinate who called and reported about Huangfu Yuner's current situation. Do you want to hear it?" Huangfu Qiye did not hide anything and spoke calmly.

When Tang Xiaowei heard that it was about Huangfu Yuner, she immediately remembered that she had only injected Huangfu Yuner with the medicine that day. She did not know what happened after that, so she naturally wanted to hear it.

She nodded.

Huangfu Qiye told her what he had just learned.

"After we left that night, the security on the cruise ship was very tight, so the woman named Wang Lu tried to help Eric, who looked like me, to assassinate Huangfu Yuner, but failed. After they returned to land, Huangfu Yuner asked Huangfu Haoming for help. Now that Eric has been killed, the Wang Lu family has also suffered a blow. However, the Wang family is the local leader, after all, and only a small part of their manpower and financial resources have been lost. Wang Lu also escaped the assassins sent by Huangfu Haoming and went abroad. Now, the Wang Family and Huangfu Haoming, who is hiding in the dark, have become enemies. At the same time, the Wang family found out that Huangfu Haoming has shares in the Shangguan family and is preparing to suppress the Shangguan Group. As for Huangfu Yuner, she is still hiding with Huangfu Haoming. We have already found out their specific address."

Huangfu Qiye quickly simplified the matter, but he explained it to her in detail.