Chapter 495: We've encountered some trouble

After that, the two of them changed into their bathrobes and came out.

However, after they came out, he just casually wiped his hair and pulled her over to sit on his lap.

He held a towel in his hand and gently and carefully wiped the water droplets on her hair.

She narrowed her eyes and enjoyed it.

At this moment, there was a thunderous sound that sounded like a crack from outside. It gave her a fright and she hugged his waist.

"Scared?" Huangfu Qiye hurriedly hugged her tightly and comforted her gently, "I won't bring you to this kind of hotel with poor soundproofing next time."

"Okay." Only then did she raise her face. She then wanted to take a towel to dry her hair. "I'll do it myself. You do yours."

Huangfu Qiye gave her the towel and then took a new one. He said, "You do it for me. I'll do it for you."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded. Then, she adjusted her sitting posture and sat face to face with him. This way, it would be more convenient for her to wipe his hair.

She wiped his hair seriously, but Huangfu Qiye's heart, heart, and mind started to race. However, her hair was still wet. If she didn't wipe it, she would definitely get sick. So, he didn't do anything to her and started to wipe her hair.

However, when her hair was half-dried by his towel, he couldn't stand the feeling of her sitting on his lap.

His eyes were slightly red. He suddenly threw the towel away and picked her up.

"What's wrong?" Tang Xiaowei was shocked by his action.

"I want to sleep." Huangfu Qiye only gave her five words. In the next second, he gently laid her on the bed and then pressed her down.

Tang Xiaowei felt very embarrassed.

She didn't expect Huangfu Qiye to be so passionate about this kind of thing. Ever since they started to reconcile, he had never stopped doing it.

Moreover, most of the time, she almost did not flirt with him, and he would not be able to control himself.

But before she could finish thinking, Huangfu Qiye had already kissed her until she was drowsy, and she did not have the energy to think about anything else.


When the two of them woke up again, it was not because they were hungry, nor did they wake up naturally.

It was only when they heard the banging on the door, and it was very intense, that the two of them woke up from their deep sleep.

Tang Xiaowei's entire body was sore and weak. She could only rub her eyes and lie under the blanket.

She could only see that the light in the room was dim, and the sky outside the window seemed to be dark. She did not know what time it was.

However, fortunately, she could feel that there was someone beside her. Huangfu Qiye's big hands were hugging her, so she did not feel afraid.

Huangfu Qiye patted her head and comforted her, "Lie down for a while. I'll go and see what happened."

"Okay." She nodded.

Huangfu Qiye let go of her, put on his clothes, and walked to the door to open it.

Outside the door was the hotel manager.

He was wearing a black suit, and the white light in the corridor lit up his forehead with sweat and anxiety.

Seeing that the door was finally opened, the manager hurriedly heaved a sigh of relief. Then he said, "Mr. Huangfu, something big has happened. The rain today was too heavy, resulting in a flood at the spring in the valley. Originally, nothing would have happened at our hotel's high location, but a group of strange people suddenly appeared in the hotel. They asked to see you, or else they would blow up all the maintenance measures at the spring, and then our place would be flooded."

Huangfu Qiye frowned. "Who are the people who want to see me?"

"I'm not sure either. They said they wanted to see you the moment they arrived. Now, all the staff in our hotel are in their hands." The manager was afraid and cautious.

He was also afraid of those people who suddenly appeared. He was also afraid of Mr. Huangfu, who could easily take over the entire lovers' valley.

"Go and tell those people that I'll be there in a moment." Huangfu Qiye said coldly and closed the door.

Although the manager was afraid, he had no other choice but to listen to Huangfu Qiye, so he hurriedly ran toward the hall.

After closing the door, Huangfu Qiye quickly walked to the bedside and handed Tang Xiaowei's clothes to her, exhorting, "We might have encountered some trouble. Put on your clothes first."

Tang Xiaowei didn't ask further and sat up to put on her clothes.

Huangfu Qiye took out his cell phone and began to make a call.

Soon, the call was answered.

He ordered in a low voice, "There's a flood in the valley. Immediately arrange for a helicopter to pick us up. At the same time, there seems to be some uninvited guests here. Arrange for more people to come over."

The person on the other end of the line was Yuan Qi. He was currently watching anime with Xiao Anan and had just picked Xiao Anan up from school.

Upon hearing his young master's orders, Yuan Qi immediately agreed.

After that, although he was worried about his young master and Miss Tang, he couldn't just leave Xiao Anan alone.

Thus, he immediately arranged for his subordinates to bring their weapons and take a helicopter to fly towards the direction of the valley.

After Yuan Qi made the arrangements on the phone, he turned around and found Xiao Anan standing behind him with his hands on his waist. His eyes were sparkling as he looked at Yuan Qi. "Uncle Yuan Qi, what are the helicopters and weapons that you mentioned just now?"

Although Xiao Anan understood what those things were, he didn't understand why Yuan Qi would ask someone to arrange these things.

At the same time, he had never come into contact with these things before. He had only seen them on television, so he was very curious when he suddenly heard Yuan Qi mention these things in such a serious manner.

Yuan Qi could not tell such a young child like Xiao Anan the truth. Otherwise, it would scare him.

He could only think for a moment and said, "An An, what I said just now was just talking about the plot of the television with my friends."

"Really?" Xiao Anan did not quite believe it.

"Of course it's true. Let's go back and continue watching anime. Let's go." Yuan Qi hurriedly nodded with a smile. Then, he pulled Xiao Anan's hand and walked towards the television.

"Forget it. I'm tired and don't want to watch anymore. Help me take a bath. I want to sleep. " Xiao Anan yawned. It was obvious that he was tired, so he didn't want to ask any more questions.

Only then did Yuan Qi heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xiao Anan finally stopped asking. Otherwise, if Xiao Anan knew that his father and mother were in danger, Xiao Anan would definitely cry.

Yuan Qi hurriedly brought Xiao Anan to the bathroom and helped him take a bath before sending him back to his room to sleep.

Speaking of which, Yuan Qi had only bathed himself in his entire life. This was the first time in the past two days that he had bathed someone else. Naturally, he was flustered. Xiao Anan despised it, but when he thought about how his father and mother weren't at home, he realised that he was still young and couldn't wash himself clean at all.