Chapter 496: Mr. Huangfu, please save us

Therefore, the little guy could only make do and let Yuan Qi serve him.

After returning to his room, Xiao Anan quickly fell asleep.

Only then did Yuan Qi carefully walk out of the room.

Then, he made a call to confirm, wanting to see how the current situation was.

On the other side.

After Huangfu Qiye made the call and gave instructions, he turned his head and saw that Tang Xiaowei had already put on her clothes.

He walked over, reached out and hugged her, gently stroking her black hair. He didn't say a word, but his expression was extremely serious.

Tang Xiaowei had heard what he had said on the phone just now. She had also heard what the hotel manager had said at the door.

Therefore, she could roughly guess that the current situation was not good.

"Is there someone who wants to deal with you? Do you know who it is?" Tang Xiaowei recalled that the hotel manager had said that the other party wanted to see Huangfu Qiye, so she was very worried.

"I don't know who the other party is, but I don't want to take the risk. So before my people arrive, we are not to leave this room," Huangfu Qiye said in a deep voice as he hugged her tightly.

The door had already been locked by him. He had only said that he would go out to meet those people casually.

The current situation did not look good. The heavy rain continued to fall. The hotel manager said that there was already a flood at the spring. If someone really wanted his life, after he left, even if he could escape... However, he could not bring Tang Xiaowei along, nor could he leave her in the room.

Therefore, he could only wait here for the people Yuan Qi had arranged to come over.

He also felt very strange about what Tang Xiaowei had mentioned. He really could not think of who those people who suddenly appeared outside were.

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei naturally listened to him and quietly leaned into his arms.

However, the silence in the room didn't last long before the door was knocked again.

This time, there was a shrill scream from outside. "Mr. Huangfu, please save us. Please come out. If you don't come out soon, we will all be killed by these people."

The person who screamed sounded like the hotel manager from earlier, but his voice sounded very painful. He must have been injured by those people and threatened.

Those people wanted to see Huangfu Qiye, but when Huangfu Qiye refused to go out, they began to threaten the people here, and they were even more cruel than before.

Tang Xiaowei felt a chill run down her spine when she heard the voices outside.

Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly, his expression unusually unsightly.

He had never been a coward who would hide whenever something happened. He did not want to go out at the moment because he did not know who the other party was, and he did not know how many people there were, as well as the fact that the roads here were not in good condition due to the heavy rain, so he did not dare to be careless He didn't want to go out without calculating everything.

If he went out rashly, there might be consequences that he didn't want to see.

However, these people kept coming to force him. It seemed that it was impossible for him to continue hiding.

"If I ask you to go out with me, will you be afraid?" Huangfu Qiye looked down at Tang Xiaowei.

"As long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of anything." Tang Xiaowei looked at him seriously.

"Okay, then let's go out together. You have to follow me closely. Don't let go." Huangfu Qiye held her hand and kissed her lips gently. Then, they turned around and walked to the door.

Outside the door, the manager was still screaming in pain, "Mr. Huangfu, please come out."

Click. The door was finally opened, and Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei appeared at the door.

Outside the door, the one standing at the front was the hotel manager from earlier. However, he didn't seem to be injured before, but at this moment, there was a very big cut on his arm, and it was bleeding non-stop. His face was pale. No wonder the screams just now were so terrifying.

Behind the hotel manager, there was a group of men in black clothes. Among these men, one of them was particularly eye-catching. He was wearing a dark red suit and looked handsome, but he gave people a very uncomfortable feeling that he was like a terrifying vampire.

When he saw Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei appear, he waved his hand. As a result, the hotel manager who was standing not far in front of him was immediately pulled aside by the man in black next to him.

The evil-looking man in the dark red suit took two steps forward. His gaze was unfriendly, and his tone was filled with disdain. He looked at Huangfu Qiye and asked, "You are Huangfu Qiye?"

"You are the bunch of blind people who want to see me?" Huangfu Qiye snorted coldly. In terms of imposing manner, he completely crushed the man in the dark red suit.

When the man in the dark red suit heard this, he frowned fiercely. Then, he immediately revealed a cold smile. "Do you know why I'm here today?"

"Other than you wanting to die, there's no other answer," Huangfu Qiye's answer was cold and domineering.

Even if there was no one else by his side at the moment and he still needed to protect a woman, the imposing manner on his body was even more intimidating than the man in the dark red suit.

When he heard this, the man in the dark red suit looked even worse.

He suddenly said angrily, "The cruise ship you were on was mine, and you secretly planted someone on it. I'm very angry, so today, you have to pay the price!"

After the man finished speaking, Huangfu Qiye's expression didn't change. He was still strong and cold.

After hearing what the man said, Tang Xiaowei was slightly shocked. That day, she jumped off the cruise ship with Huangfu Qiye. Nothing happened after that, so she forgot about it.

But now, they were found by the other party.

And the other party wanted them to pay the price.

What should they do now?

"That cruise ship is yours?" Huangfu Qiye was not surprised that the other party might be the owner of that cruise ship.

Who owned that cruise ship? Previously, because he wanted to go along for the gambling night, he had sent people to investigate for safety reasons, but they could not find out.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the cruise ship came to his door personally.

"Huangfu Qiye, I know what you are capable of, but now there is no one beside you except your woman. Since you have provoked me, I will kill you today!" The man in the dark red suit was unusually angry. At the same time, he seemed to be very happy about the fact that he was going to kill Huangfu Qiye.

Tang Xiaowei became nervous and hurriedly said, "But we only arranged people on your cruise ship and did nothing. You even killed all of Ye's people. What right do you have to deal with Ye now?"

"Who gave you permission to speak? Do you want to die?" The man in the dark red suit looked at Tang Xiaowei angrily.

Huangfu Qiye suddenly raised his hand before anyone could react.