Chapter 504: lost in his thoughts

When she was bathing, she accidentally put water in An An's eyes. If it wasn't for An An being obedient, he would have cried and made a scene long ago.

Now, she was holding a bedtime fairy tale book in her hand. When An An was very young, she would read stories to him every night.

So until now, she would often read stories to An An.

But today, she was indeed absent-minded.

"Mom, then don't read anymore. I'm already so sleepy. I want to sleep." Xiao Anan yawned and adjusted her sleeping posture. She was very obedient.

Tang Xiaowei put down the storybook and pulled the blanket over An An. She said gently, "Then mom won't read anymore. An An, go to sleep."

"Mom, then you have to sleep with me tonight. You lied to me last night. Don't lie to me again tonight." Xiao Anan held Tang Xiaowei's hand and looked at her expectantly.

If it was in the past, Tang Xiaowei would definitely not refuse. After all, the child was still young. She could not bear to leave the child alone and was also worried about the child.

But today, for some reason, ever since Huangfu Qiye refused to eat dinner and left alone in the restaurant, she had been distracted. Even though she was taking care of An An by her side, she was always absent-minded.

She knew why she was like this.

She was brooding over Huangfu Qiye's sudden anger, so she wanted to figure it out.

She took a deep breath and gently patted An An's little head. "An An, mommy can't accompany you tonight because mommy is going to visit daddy. Do you still remember? Daddy hasn't eaten yet. He must be very hungry. If his body is starved, there will be no one to take care of you and mommy. So tonight, you will sleep alone. Mommy will go and see daddy, okay?"

Xiao Anan was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Soon, he said sullenly, "Alright then. Seeing that daddy didn't eat dinner today, I will not compete with daddy for mommy. Mommy, Iwill sleep alone tonight. Go and see daddy."

"Our An An is so obedient." Tang Xiaowei stroked the child's head and gently kissed his little face. Then, she got up.

After she left, she called two servants to guard Xiao Anan. If anything happened, they must tell her.

There were many servants in the forest manor. There were also those on the day shift and night shift, so the ones she called were all on the night shift.

After dealing with these matters, she went downstairs to the kitchen. At this time, the chef on the day shift had already left work. Only one chef on the night shift was resting in the small room next to the kitchen.

Seeing that she had arrived, the chef hurriedly greeted her respectfully, "Young madam, what would you like to order?"

Tang Xiaowei thought for a moment, then shook her head, "Nothing much, you can go and rest."

After saying that, she walked into the kitchen.

The chef didn't dare to stay any longer, nor did he dare to ask any more questions. He then returned to the small room he had previously and went to rest.

Tang Xiaowei walked into the spacious, large kitchen alone.

There was everything in the kitchen. After opening the refrigerator, she discovered that there were still many fresh ingredients.

Although her cooking skills were not as good as those of famous chefs, she had once wanted to take good care of An An and let him eat delicious food. Therefore, she had specially gone to learn, so her cooking skills were very good.

Thinking that Huangfu Qiye had not eaten dinner yet and was still busy in the study room, she decided to cook dinner for him herself.

She was actually not sure what he liked to eat, but after thinking about it, she remembered that he seemed to like to eat something with a lighter taste. This was similar to Xiao Anan's taste, and it was not as strong as hers.

So, she cooked a bowl of noodles for him, fried a heart-shaped egg, cut some scallions, and sprinkled them on top of the noodles.

Then, she fried two more vegetables, salad, a vegetarian dish, and scooped up a bowl of freshly cooked rice.

After making all this, she put all the food on the tray, planning to take it all up. He could choose whether he wanted to eat noodles or rice.

When she finished making all this, more than an hour had passed.

When she walked out of the kitchen with the food in her hands, the chef in the small room beside the kitchen could not help but widen his eyes when he saw her. He thought to himself, "So young madam's cooking skills are so good. The food that young madam is carrying smells so good. This should be considered a chef's level."

The chef secretly prayed that young madam would cook less in the future, or else he would lose his job. This was because he realized that the food that young madam was cooking smelled no worse than his. This was really a terrible thing.

Tang Xiaowei did not notice the chef's shock, so naturally, she could not hear the chef's thoughts.

She carried the food upstairs and soon arrived at the door of the study.

Yuan Qi and two bodyguards that she did not know stood at the door. When they saw that she had arrived, they immediately bowed respectfully and greeted her, "Young madam, why are you here?"

"He's still working inside, right? I thought that he hasn't eaten yet, so I made some food for him," Tang Xiaowei said with a smile.

Yuan Qi and the two bodyguards beside him also smelled the fragrance of the food. They had thought that it was cooked by the chef on the night shift downstairs. They did not expect that it was actually cooked by the young madam.

Young madam was actually able to make such delicious food. It was really amazing.

However, the few of them did not dare to show it. Yuan Qi nodded and said, "Young master is indeed still in the study room. I will report to young master that you have come to look for him."

"There's no need. Open the door and let me in." Tang Xiaowei had already walked to the door. She pushed the door open and was able to enter.

Yuan Qi thought about it. Even though he knew that young master was angry at the moment, young master still loved young madam very much. Therefore, young madam had personally made food for young master. Once young master knew, he would definitely be happy and not be angry anymore Thus, he nodded and obediently opened the door gently.

Tang Xiaowei thanked him gently and then carried the food into the study room.

The door behind her was gently closed.

The light in the study room was very dim. Other than the table lamp on the workbench, everything was dark.

Tang Xiaowei was most afraid of the dark, but she saw the workbench in front of her the moment she entered. Huangfu Qiye was busy with his work. The light in his place was very bright, so she did not have anything to be afraid of for a moment.

She carried the food to him and placed the tray on the table.

Only then did she raise her head and look at him seriously. His expression was gloomy, and his eyes were fixed on the computer, as if he had not noticed her entering.

She wanted to say something, but she was afraid of disturbing his work.