Chapter 505: smashing the dinner that she had personally prepared for him

She endured it and saw that he was still working seriously and did not look at her. Although she felt a little sour in her heart, she did not want to stay and continue to disturb him. She said softly, "You haven't eaten yet. I've helped bring the dinner over. You can eat a little before continuing to work."

After she said this softly, she was afraid of disturbing him, so she turned around and prepared to leave.

However, she had only taken two steps when there was a loud bang behind her.

Then, the sound of plates and porcelain bowls being smashed on the ground suddenly rang out.

These sounds gave her a big fright.

She turned around and looked at him in disbelief, her eyes quickly turning red.

She suddenly felt very wronged. He was inexplicably angry. She had worked hard to prepare dinner for him, but he didn't even look at it. He actually pushed all the food to the ground. What did he mean by this?

"You...what do you mean by this?" She looked at him and when she asked this question, tears quickly rolled out of her eyes. She hurriedly reached out and quickly wiped them away, then bit her lips to stop herself from crying.

Because the light in the room was dim, Huangfu Qiye did not see her crying.

He stood up and looked at her with a gloomy expression. "You don't know what I mean? Do you still know that I haven't eaten?"

When he was angry, she did not immediately come to care for him. He was not in the mood to work here. He had been sitting here for almost three hours and she had never come to see him.

Now, she came over with a dinner made by others, but she did not ask about his mood and feelings. She just put down the food and wanted to leave.

Did she really have him in her heart?

Did she really have him in her heart?

"Of course I know, that's why I brought you dinner. But if you don't want to eat it, then don't eat it. What right do you have to ruin the dinner?" She was very angry. She thought about how he ruined the dinner that she had worked so hard to make for him. She felt very uncomfortable.

She didn't want to talk to him for the time being because she was afraid that she would say something that would make both of them feel uncomfortable because of her anger.

She immediately turned around and wanted to leave.

However, Huangfu Qiye quickly walked over and grabbed her hand from behind. He pulled her into his arms forcefully. He looked at her with a gloomy expression. "Tang Xiaowei, tell me the truth. Do you really love me? Or is it because the child needs a father that you chose to be with me?"

Tang Xiaowei looked at him in disbelief. "How could you have such thoughts?"

"Isn't it normal for me to have such thoughts?" He sneered.

He realized that in Tang Xiaowei's heart, he was not the most important person. The child was the most important.

He also realized that in her heart, he had never been the most important person.

Therefore, he had refused to eat dinner until now. He had waited for her for more than three hours. During these three hours, she had not come to see him. His patience had been completely exhausted.

He began to suspect that her heart might not really love him as she had said.

"I didn't expect you to think of me this way. I don't know what I should do to make you believe that I love you. But now, I don't want to see you. Let go of me. I want to calm down." Tang Xiaowei's body could not help but tremble.

Thinking that he didn't believe her heart and that the food she made was smashed by him without any hesitation, her heart began to ache.

She thought that as long as the two of them talked about the past clearly, they would be able to be happy together.

However, she neglected one point. Huangfu Qiye was extremely suspicious and overbearing. He always did things without considering the feelings of others. He didn't even care about her feelings. She really felt very sad.

"Alright, go and calm down. Think carefully about who you love the most in your heart!" Unexpectedly, Huangfu Qiye didn't forcefully hug her and say that he wouldn't let go of her. Instead, he immediately let go of her. His voice was so cold that it made her calm down.

Tang Xiaowei covered her mouth with her hand and almost cried out loud.

He really didn't believe her from the bottom of his heart. She felt that there was nothing more painful than someone she loved not believing in her.

She couldn't say anything else. She turned around and ran to the door. She opened the door and ran out.

At the door, Yuan Qi and the other two bodyguards were chatting. Initially, when they saw Tang Xiaowei carrying her own food in, they started to think that their young master had seen his beloved cook so much delicious food for him. He would definitely be very happy. After that, the two of them would reconcile and the young master would no longer be angry. After that, he could go back and rest.

After all, their young master was really too tired during this period of time and needed a lot of rest.

However, before Yuan Qi and the others could enjoy their conversation, the door to the study room was suddenly opened. Furthermore, Tang Xiaowei rushed out with her hands covering her lips. Most importantly, Tang Xiaowei was actually crying.

Yuan Qi and the other two bodyguards were instantly shocked. Yuan Qi could no longer care about his young master. He hurriedly asked Tang Xiaowei, "Young madam, what's wrong?"

Tang Xiaowei did not answer Yuan Qi. She shook her head and quickly ran away.

She ran into Xiao Anan's room not far away and closed the door.

Seeing this, Yuan Qi hurriedly looked into the study room.

With this look, he saw the ground beside the study table. The food that Tang Xiaowei had just sent in had all been smashed to the ground. Meanwhile, his young master was standing at that position. His expression was gloomy, and it was obvious that he was very angry

Yuan Qi felt that it was very strange. The dinner that young madam prepared for young master smelled so fragrant. It was impossible for young master to be angry, and it was also impossible for young madam to smash the food.

How could it be like this now?

Moreover, Young Madam was crying.

Didn't young master love young madam the most?

Why was he willing to let young madam cry?

"Young master, what's wrong with you? Young madam seemed to be crying just now." Yuan Qi could not help but mention it carefully.

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye, who had been immersed in anger and pain in the study room, immediately came back to his senses. He glanced at Yuan Qi with a sinister gaze. "What did you say?''

"Young Master, when young madam came out just now, she seemed to be crying, and she was very sad," Yuan Qi hurriedly answered.

After he answered, Huangfu Qiye, who was inside, immediately looked at Yuan Qi in disbelief.

Just now in the study, he did not see Tang Xiaowei crying. Why did she go out crying when she went out?


When he thought of her crying, and that she was crying behind his back, even if he was angry that he was not the most important person in her heart, he still could not bear to part with her. He still felt his heart ache.

He strode to the door of the study and grabbed Yuan Qi's collar. "Are you telling the truth?"

Yuan Qi nodded his head vigorously while the other two bodyguards beside him also nodded their heads vigorously.