Chapter 510: He always goes back on his words

Tang Xiaowei didn't know why Huangfu Qiye suddenly got angry again.

When he apologized in the morning, he had said that he wouldn't get angry casually anymore. For some reason, after he cooked a meal and came out of the kitchen, he actually started to get angry again.

She really felt very tired.

Would they have to get along like this every day when they were together as a couple in the future?

Could it be that the sweetness they had two days ago was really just on the surface, and that such a thing would never happen again?

Her heart ached, and then it began to hurt.

What was Huangfu Qiye thinking?

Why was he always so inexplicably angry? What should she do?

In the end, she did not go out to chase after Huangfu Qiye because she suddenly felt afraid. She really did not dare to go out when he was so angry just now.

She took care of An An and finished her meal. She only ate a little before sending An An into the room.

An An fell asleep very quickly after that. She naturally left the room and took a deep breath before mustering her courage to walk towards Huangfu Qiye's study.

However, when she said that she wanted to go in and see Huangfu Qiye, Yuan Qi told her in a difficult manner, "Young madam, young master has instructed that no one is allowed to go in and disturb him."

Tang Xiaowei was stunned.

This was the first time he had asked her to not go near him after they had reconciled.

Her heart suddenly throbbed even more painfully.

Soon, her vision became blurry due to her tears. The feeling of looking at people was hazy.

"Don't call me young madam in the future. After all, he and I are not married yet." Because Huangfu Qiye did not allow her to see him, she suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Hence, when she heard Yuan Qi call her young madam, she would no longer feel happy and sweet because of this form of address.

She felt that she probably did not have the right to be called like this by them. Perhaps, Huangfu Qiye had pestered her previously because he had not completely gotten her yet.

Now that he had gotten her, he did not want her anymore. That was why he was so upset whenever he saw her.

The more she thought about it, the more terrified she felt.

She did not stay here any longer and turned around to leave.

Yuan Qi and the two bodyguards beside him looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

Yesterday, they originally thought that young master would treat young madam better after he found out the truth. They did not expect the situation to become more and more intense. From the looks of it, Young madam was heartbroken and did not want to be the Huangfu family's young madam anymore. What should they do?

However, young master had said after he entered the study that no one was allowed to disturb him, not even young madam. Therefore, Yuan Qi was very anxious and had no choice but to think of a solution at the door of the study.


In the afternoon, An An went to continue his lessons. Naturally, Tang Xiaowei had nothing to do.

She stayed in An An's room and did not dare to go to the bedroom that she had stayed in with Huangfu Qiye.

She suddenly realized that the two days after she reconciled with Huangfu Qiye were so sweet. It made her feel that it was a wise choice to abandon everything and come back with him.

But now, it seemed that she could not figure out what Huangfu Qiye was thinking, and she could not bear such a life anymore.

She suddenly missed the days when she took care of the children and opened a shop a few months ago.

Although she might have been lonely without Huangfu Qiye at that time, as long as she did not think of him, her heart would not be so painful and uncomfortable.

But it was different now.

She had nothing now and could not walk out of this villa. The man she wanted to rely on the most was always inexplicably angry. She felt really tired.

At that moment, she received a phone call.

The phone call was from Tao Yuyan.

Tao Yuyan's tone was a little hurried. "Xiaowei, I have something to trouble you with. Although you and Huangfu Qiye have reconciled, you won't have much time to pay attention to me, but I'm in a bit of a situation now. I want to go to your place for a few days. I can help you take care of Xiao Anan and let you and Huangfu Qiye be alone together. Are you willing to accept me?"

Tang Xiaowei heard that her good friend's tone didn't sound right, so she temporarily put her discomfort aside.

"Yuyan, I'm back now. I'm in Huangfu Qiye's forest manor. If you want to find me, just come over. I'll pick you up at the gate." Tang Xiaowei couldn't go out, so she could only go to the gate of the manor at most.

Although she was angry and uncomfortable because of Huangfu Qiye's bafflement, she was still willing to listen to him. She wouldn't risk leaving the manor without permission.

"What? You're back already? When did this happen?" Tao Yuyan was very shocked.

"It happened two days ago. My mind has been a little messed up recently, so I forgot to tell you." Tang Xiaowei rubbed her forehead.

"Oh, then I'll pack up and come over immediately." Tao Yuyan heaved a sigh of relief when she knew that Tang Xiaowei was in the same city as her.

"Okay, okay. Remember to call me when you arrive. I'll pick you up at the gate." Tang Xiaowei was not in a good mood, so she was not in the mood to chat on the phone.

Soon, the call ended.

Tang Xiaowei leaned on the sofa sickly and closed her eyes.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, she suddenly heard the sound of a car starting in the courtyard outside.

She immediately opened her eyes in surprise.

It was impossible for Yuyan to come over so quickly.

Then it must be the people in the manor who were about to leave.

However, Huangfu Qiye said that he had not dealt with the people behind the people who had come to kill him that day, so he could not go out.

Then, who was going out at this moment.

She hurriedly stood up and walked to the balcony. Then, she saw Huangfu Qiye in a black suit on the lawn downstairs. Accompanied by a few bodyguards, he had already quickly gotten into the car. The car also sped towards the gate in an instant.

She didn't even have the time to ask him to stay or ask him about it. She could only watch as he, Yuan Qi, and the others left.

Her heart suddenly tightened.

If he went out just like that and met those people who wanted to kill him, what would she do?

Didn't he say that it was very dangerous outside?

Didn't he promise her that he wouldn't go out for the next few days?

Why did everything change now?

It seemed that she couldn't believe what he said at all.

Because he kept breaking his promises.

Tang Xiaowei was wearing a thin dress and standing on the balcony. She had felt cool in the room because of the air-conditioning. At this moment, standing on the balcony, the scorching sun shone on her body, making her involuntarily have goosebumps.

She felt a little stuffy in her chest, very uncomfortable, and her head was a little dizzy.

She pressed her hands against the guardrail with force. On the surface, she looked calm, but in the bottom of her heart, she was flustered beyond recognition.

She realized that even if she was with the person she loved the most, when she didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, and when he was treating her coldly, she felt that she could hardly breathe.