Chapter 511: I missed you so much

She had only been in two relationships in her life. The first and the second were with Ling Yijue. However, they were both very simple at that time. At most, they only held hands. Ling Yijue was also very good to her and would not have any conflicts with her. Most importantly, she only had some good feelings for Ling Yijue at that time.

She did not love Huangfu Qiye as much as she did now, so she naturally did not panic and suffer like this.

Her second relationship was with Huangfu Qiye. Speaking of which, ever since they were together, there were always misunderstandings and then they separated.

Now that they were finally together, she realized that she and Huangfu Qiye actually didn't know how to get along with each other.

They had only been happy for a few days, but they had already started to have conflicts.

She was really afraid that they would soon tire of each other and then separate.

She slowly squatted down and hugged her knees, looking at the forest outside the courtyard wall helplessly.

She suddenly felt that this place was like a prison.

Ever since she entered this place, the conflicts between her and Huangfu Qiye had always increased.


In the car that was speeding down the mountain, Huangfu Qiye's expression was gloomy and unsightly.

Just now, after he had endured for more than an hour, Tang Xiaowei still did not come to look for him, so he no longer had any patience.

Therefore, when he opened the study's door and heard Yuan Qi's report that Tang Xiaowei did not want to be the Huangfu family's young madam, Huangfu Qiye became even angrier.

He just so happened to have a construction project that he had to go to the company to handle today. He had originally planned to get someone to take it back and handle it in the manor.

But now, he did not want to continue staying in the manor. Therefore, he had Yuan Qi prepare the car and left the manor in a hurry without informing Tang Xiaowei.

But even after he left, he did not feel much relief in his mood.

Instead, he had a tendency to become worse and worse.

"Drive faster, you have to reach the company in 20 minutes!" He shouted angrily at the phone in front of him.

When the driver in front heard this, he was so scared that he hurriedly nodded, "Oh, okay." But in his heart, he was crying. Young master, it was impossible to reach the entrance of the company in 20 minutes, okay?

Yuan Qi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was also frightened by his young master's anger and shrunk his body. He hoped that his young master would not be able to see him and treat him as air.


When the phone rang, Tang Xiaowei was still squatting on the balcony. Her head was also dizzy from the sun. She stood up and was about to go back to her room to answer the phone when her legs went numb.

She clumsily fell to the ground and smiled bitterly for a while. She waited until her legs were not so numb before she stood up to answer the phone.

During this period, the phone had already been hung up intermittently twice.

When she came over to take the phone and was about to answer it, the phone rang for the third time.

"Xiaowei, why haven't you answered the phone? Did something happen?"

Tao Yuyan's anxious voice came from the phone.

Tang Xiaowei had squatted outside for too long and now felt very dizzy. She hurriedly sat on the sofa and replied, "Nothing happened. I just squatted on the ground and my legs were numb, so I didn't get up immediately. By the way, are you here?"

"Yes, I'm already halfway up the mountain. I'll be at the gate soon." Tao Yuyan heard that nothing happened to her and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll come out to pick you up right away." Tang Xiaowei held her phone and chatted casually with Tao Yuyan as she went downstairs.

When she walked out of the gate and was about to walk up to the iron gate on the lawn to the outer layer, a bodyguard immediately went up to her worriedly. He said carefully, "Young madam, young master has instructed you not to go out. You should go back."

"I'm not going out. My friend is here. I'm just going to the gate to pick her up," Tang Xiaowei explained before continuing to walk forward.

The bodyguard was worried and followed behind her.

When they reached the door, the security guard who was working at the gate saw her and hurriedly walked out of the security booth. He asked carefully, "Young madam, what's the matter?"

"I'm here to wait for a friend. You can go back to work." Tang Xiaowei did not have a bad attitude just because she was in a bad mood. On the contrary, she was very easygoing.

Therefore, the security guard returned to the security booth.

Not long after, a taxi drove up from the slope in front.

Very soon, the taxi stopped at the iron gate.

Tao Yuyan, who was in the taxi, paid and prepared to get out. After the taxi driver received the money, he asked with envy and curiosity, "Miss, is this really your friend's home? I heard that this is a private villa. It's my first time here. It's really very beautiful and extraordinary."

"Yes, it is indeed very beautiful." Tao Yuyan smiled slightly and then hurriedly got out of the taxi, not talking to the driver anymore.

In fact, she did not want to talk to the driver. However, on the way here, the driver saw that she was coming up the mountain, so he kept asking questions and kept guessing. He looked at her with a strange look. She could only say that she was here to see a friend.

At this moment, she got out of the car. She did not care what the driver was thinking and ran towards Tang Xiaowei who was standing at the iron gate.

After running to Tang Xiaowei, the two of them hugged each other happily.

"Xiaowei, I haven't seen you for such a long time. I missed you so much."

"I've missed you, too. Our An An misses you even more. Let's go. It's too hot outside. It'll be cooler inside." Tang Xiaowei held onto Tao Yuyan's arm and walked into the manor.

Outside the iron gate, the taxi driver had not left yet. He stood beside the car and was admiring the beautiful manor he had seen on his first and second trip up the mountain. He had only heard that this was the territory of a rich family, but he did not know who owned it.

So he took out his phone and wanted to take a photo.

At that moment, the security guard in the security booth immediately came out and blocked him with a serious expression. He said coldly, "Leave this place immediately. You're not allowed to take photos here."

When the taxi driver heard this, he was shocked. The security guard was taller than him and had a fierce aura. He was a little afraid and hurriedly put away his phone. Then, he asked in a fawning manner, "Excuse me, young man, who is the girl who picked up the passenger that I sent up at the door just now? Is this her home?"

The taxi driver still suspected that the girl who had just sat in his car could not have known such a rich person. Otherwise, that girl would not have taken a taxi. She would have just driven a car up.

"That's our young mMadam. Stop looking and asking. Let's go," the security guard shouted impatiently.

The driver did not dare to ask any more questions. He quickly got into the car and drove down the mountain.

However, halfway down the mountain, he still got out of the car secretly and took a few photos of the manor on the top of the mountain.

This place was really too beautiful. It was even more beautiful than some of the tourist areas that he had visited before.