Chapter 517: want to make use of

Tang Xiaowei frowned.

She looked at the large patch of grass in front of her. She had thought that Huangfu Qiye would just casually ride his horse around here. She had not expected him to enter the forest.

She had entered the forest once because she wanted to escape. However, in the end, she realized that it was very scary inside. Not only were there some scary small animals, there were also traps.

She had heard that Huangfu Qiye had entered the forest more than two hours ago and had yet to come out.

The only possibility that came to her mind was that Huangfu Qiye might have fallen sick like Yuan Qi. Perhaps he had fainted in the forest, or perhaps he had encountered a terrifying small animal.

Therefore, she no longer hesitated and instructed the few people in the horse farm, "Go and call more people over. Let's go look for him in the forest together."

Currently, without Huangfu Qiye, everyone in the manor could only listen to Tang Xiaowei. This was an order given by Huangfu Qiye previously. When he was not around, everyone had to listen to Tang Xiaowei.

Therefore, after Tang Xiaowei finished speaking, the few bodyguards who were anxious to save Huangfu Qiye hurriedly nodded and began to contact the others, preparing to go into the forest together.


Because the photo that was posted on Weibo yesterday attracted a lot of attention.

The driver's daughter was very happy. Her vanity was completely satisfied.

So early in the morning, she asked her father not to earn money today, but to take her to the manor from yesterday.

The driver had no choice. He loved his daughter very much, so he agreed. So early in the morning, the father and daughter arrived at the foot of the mountain of the forest manor.

The higher the car went, the more the driver's daughter found that the trees around the road were very beautiful. And when they slowly reached the halfway point of the mountain, she could already see the beautiful castle-like house in the few photos her father took yesterday.

"Dad, stop quickly. I want to take a few more photos here," the driver's daughter shouted in excitement.

The driver stopped the car in a hurry.

His daughter jumped out of the car and began to pose. Then, she took pictures of herself, the road behind her, the forest, and the manor.

She quickly posted the picture on her Weibo and said, "Look, you didn't believe it yesterday. Now you finally believe it. I'm right below the manor. I'm going to the top of the mountain soon."

Because of the luxurious and dreamy pictures that were exposed yesterday, she had already attracted a group of netizens' attention.

Now that her photos had been posted, people immediately rushed to comment. If what she said was true, they would see more photos taken in front of the manor and inside the manor.

The driver's daughter did not care about these people. She knew that she would not be able to enter the manor that was like a castle. At most, if she was lucky, she would be able to take photos at the gate of the manor.

So she got into the car again and begged her father, "Dad, please take me to the gate on the top of the mountain. I want to take a few more photos there."

The driver was in a difficult position. "I told you yesterday that there are security guards guarding the gate. No one is allowed to go near it, and no one is allowed to take photos. Since you've already taken the photos, let's go back."

Although the driver envied the lives of these rich people and doted on his daughter, which was why he agreed to bring his daughter here to secretly take photos, he knew that they couldn't afford to offend the owner of the manor, so he didn't want to go up.

However, the driver's daughter didn't want to turn back. Her vanity was now greatly satisfied by the netizens. She couldn't just take these few photos, or else she would lose her fans. She didn't want to become like that. She wanted more people to envy her. Then, they would pay attention to her.

"Dad, I don't care. If you don't bring me up, I won't leave here." The chauffeur's daughter got out of the car and squatted beside the car. It was as if she would not leave if the chauffeur did not provide for her.

The chauffeur was extremely helpless.

At that moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the forest next to them. It was as if there were some animals running.

The chauffeur and his daughter were shocked.

After all, it was too quiet here. There were no pedestrians or cars. Other than the father and daughter and their taxi, there were only trees and roads in the forest.

Therefore, they were all very afraid that some animals would suddenly run out of the forest.

Therefore, the driver hurriedly called his daughter, "Daughter, quickly get in the car. There might be some animals coming. Let's go down the mountain."

However, the driver's daughter did not get in the car because she saw a horse suddenly striding out from the side of her. On the back of the horse, there was actually a man, and this man was lying on the horse's back as if he had fainted.

She usually liked luxury goods, so she could tell from afar that the clothes this man was wearing were definitely of very good quality, so it was definitely a famous brand. However, he was too far away, and because she was not completely familiar with it, she could not know what brand it was, but this man was wearing very expensive clothes. That was certain.

Thus, a bold guess immediately appeared in her heart.

Perhaps this man who suddenly appeared with the horse and fainted might be the owner of the manor on the top of the mountain.

Otherwise, no one would be able to dress so luxuriously and ride a horse out of the forest at this time.

She was overjoyed. Wasn't she just about to go to the manor on top of the mountain to take a photo?

But she hadn't paid attention to it before and had no status or qualifications. But if she saved this man now, she might be able to go to the manor on top of the mountain.

So, she had to make good use of the man on the horse.

The more the driver's daughter thought about it, the happier she became. Then, she hurriedly told her father about her plan. "Dad, look, do you see the man on the horse over there "I suspect that this man is the owner of the manor on the top of the mountain. He must have fainted. We'll go and rescue him and carry him to the car. Then, we'll take him to the top of the mountain. That way, I can go in and take photos. Maybe they'll even thank us and give us gifts. They might even invite us to dinner."

The driver hadn't seen the horse and the man at first, but after hearing his daughter's words, he saw them. Then, he felt that his daughter was right. So, the driver got out of the car and walked towards the horse with his daughter.

After the horse walked out of the forest, it stopped by the side of the road and gasped for breath.

The slope here was still steep, so Huangfu Qiye, who was on the horse's back, suddenly rolled down from the horse's back and fell onto the grass.

Yes, that's right. The man who fainted on the horse's back was Huangfu Qiye.