Chapter 516: Where on Earth did HUANGFU Qiye go?

However, no one really cared about him.

Even when he was sick, he was the first person to notice it.

No one cared about his condition.

He quickly suppressed the discomfort in his body, got out of bed, and walked into the bathroom in a daze.

The large mirror in the bathroom quickly reflected his pale and weak appearance.

He quickly washed up, did not take any medicine, and did not call the family doctor. Instead, he went downstairs and ordered the servants to prepare the horses.

There was a large horse farm in the manor. There were horses there, too. He used to like riding horses and had rarely taken the time to enjoy himself recently. However, he was suddenly interested today.

Anyway, he did not have any work to go out to today.

Tang Xiaowei, who was in the manor, was also unwilling to pay attention to him. She was only willing to take care of the child and her friends. There was no point for him to continue staying in the manor.

Therefore, the sky had just brightened and the rain outside had stopped long ago. He brought his bodyguards to the horse farm behind the manor.


Tang Xiaowei did not feel sleepy at the end of the day yesterday, but after a while, she still fell into a deep sleep.

Yesterday, Huangfu Qiye came back on foot, so Tang Xiaowei did not hear the sound of the usual car, so she did not know whether he had come back or not.

When she woke up in the morning, it was already around eight o'clock.

Xiao Anan had not woken up yet, so Tang Xiaowei let the servants guard Xiao Anan first, and she went downstairs with Tao Yuyan.

However, she soon saw Yuan Qi walking over from the bodyguard room. Yuan Qi did not seem to be in a good condition. He looked a little sickly. He seemed to have come out from the family doctor's room.

Tang Xiaowei remembered that when Huangfu Qiye left yesterday, Yuan Qi had left with him.

Now that Yuan Qi had returned, did that mean that Huangfu Qiye had also returned?

Although she was still a little angry at him for being inexplicable yesterday, she was still very worried about Huangfu Qiye. She could not care less about Tao Yuyan and ran in Yuan Qi's direction.

"Yuan Qi, where's your young master?' 'She ran in front of Yuan Qi and asked while panting.

Yuan Qi heard someone calling out to him and hurriedly turned around. When he saw that it was Tang Xiaowei, he was stunned for a moment.

Tang Xiaowei saw that Yuan Qi was definitely sick because his nose was red and his face was very pale. He didn't look as energetic as before at all.

She immediately thought of the heavy rain last night.

Could it be that Yuan Qi got sick because he was caught in the rain?

Then, was Huangfu Qiye who was with Yuan Qi also caught in the rain and sick?

She became even more anxious when she thought of this possibility

"Yuan Qi, why aren't you saying anything? Where is your young master? Is he back yet?" Tang Xiaowei was extremely anxious. She almost grabbed Yuan Qi and shook him with all her might.

Yuan Qi was shocked by Tang Xiaowei's lack of response. Only then did she hurriedly say, "Young madam, young master came back with me last night. However, after I got sick, I took a leave of absence. I don't know if young master is still in his room or has left the house."

"Alright, I got it. Take care of yourself." Tang Xiaowei heard this and hurriedly said. Then, she turned around and ran upstairs.

Downstairs, Tao Yuyan saw that Tang Xiaowei was like this and did not disturb her. Instead, she felt relieved.

Yesterday, Xiaowei did not dare to call Huangfu Qiye. Now, she knew that she was afraid and worried. It seemed that there was only a small friction between them and they would soon be reconciled.

As long as Xiaowei could live well, Tao Yuyan could rest assured.

Tang Xiaowei ran upstairs and pushed open his bedroom door in a hurry.

However, when she ran in and searched the entire room, she did not see Huangfu Qiye in person.

There was no one inside. There was only a messy bed.

Huangfu Qiye was not in the room.

Where did he go?

She frowned and went downstairs again.

This time, she did not ask Yuan Qi but the bodyguard guarding the door.

This time, the bodyguard finally gave her a definite answer.

Huangfu Qiye went to the horse farm behind the manor in the early hours of the morning. From the looks of it, more than two hours had passed.

She frowned. "Then did you take a good look at his condition when he went out?"

The bodyguard shook his head helplessly. "I don't know. It's because we can't look at young master directly, especially when young master is angry. Otherwise, we will be easily punished."

Tang Xiaowei did not ask whether Huangfu Qiye was sick or not.

She only asked whether he would be at the horse farm behind the manor now.

It had really rained heavily last night. Would it really be okay for him to go riding?

She was worried that her son would wake up soon, that Huangfu Qiye might get sick, and that he might have an accident at the horse farm.

In the end, she had to trouble Tao Yuyan to take care of An An for her. Tang Xiaowei didn't even have breakfast before she asked a bodyguard to take her to the horse farm.

The manor occupied a large area, but Huangfu Qiye used to like sports and running, so he didn't prepare a car like an electric scooter.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei and the bodyguards walked to the horse farm.

On the other side of the horse farm.

After a night of heavy rain, although the rain had stopped and the sun had come out, the soil on the ground was still very wet and muddy from the rain last night.

However, Huangfu Qiye was in a bad mood, so he naturally didn't care about these things.

He came to the horse farm in the early morning, but he didn't let anyone follow him. He rode his beloved horse, Zhuifeng, alone, and then walked into the forest.

There were many small animals in the forest. This was something that everyone knew. However, there were usually many bodyguards in the manor, and the perimeter of the forest had been built with walls. There were also a lot of powder used to expel insects and small animals, so no small animals dared to enter the manor.

Usually, no one would enter the forest for no reason.

In the past few years, when Tang Xiaowei had just been brought to the manor by Huangfu Qiye, she had entered the forest once because she wanted to escape.

After that, there were a few people who wanted to go up the mountain to steal things, but they were trapped in the forest. In the end, they were thrown down the mountain by the bodyguards in the manor.

Now, when the people from the horse farm saw Huangfu Qiye riding into the forest alone, they were shocked. However, they did not dare to call him, so they could only stand there anxiously.

Huangfu Qiye did not come out of the forest for more than two hours.

The people outside became even more anxious.

It was not until Tang Xiaowei appeared that the people in the horse farm finally heaved a sigh of relief and told Tang Xiaowei about the situation.

"Young madam, it's not good. Young master went into the forest alone on his horse. It's already been more than two hours and he still hasn't come out. It's actually quite dangerous in there. But he didn't ask us to go in, so we didn't dare to follow to see the situation."