Chapter 515: She was very worried about him

It was already 11 o'clock at night.

It was already so late, why didn't he come back?

She had not called him before because of many things, but also because of the hesitation and timidity in her heart.

Now, she finally could not help it.

She tried to dial his number, and soon, she heard a cold message from the phone that he had turned off his phone.

Her heart suddenly felt empty.

At this time, the open window suddenly rang with the sound of rain.

She jumped in fright and quietly got out of bed, preparing to close the window.

However, when she stood in front of the window, she looked at the dark night outside and was very afraid. Especially when it was still raining outside, her heart was even more afraid.

At the same time, she also thought of Huangfu Qiye.

She was very worried about him.

It was dark outside and it was raining. Where was he? Why didn't he come back?

Even though he liked to be inexplicably angry, at this moment, she really only hoped that he could come back.

She slowly closed the window and returned to her bed. However, after that, she did not feel sleepy at all.


10 pm.

Huangfu Qiye finally left the company.

However, when the car reached the hillside of the forest manor, it suddenly stopped.

It was already 11 pm.

He went out today and only brought a driver and Yuan Qi with him. The rest of them stayed in the manor.

At this moment, the car suddenly stopped. It was halfway up the mountain again. Although there were street lights here, because very few people usually left, the lights were not turned on. Moreover, it was starting to drizzle outside.

Huangfu Qiye kicked the things in the car a few times and asked angrily, "What happened?"

"Young master, I'll go down and take a look first." The driver hurriedly opened the car door and ran down to check.

Soon, the driver hurriedly got into the car and answered, "Young master, the car broke down. We don't know what the problem is yet, and we can't fix it immediately."

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye's expression became even uglier.

He opened the car door and walked up the mountain in the rain.

Yuan Qi hurriedly found an umbrella in the car and instructed the driver to take care of the car. Then, he hurriedly chased after Huangfu Qiye. "Young master, slow down. Don't get caught in the rain, you'll get sick."

However, Huangfu Qiye, who was walking in the rain, completely ignored Yuan Qi.

He walked very quickly. Yuan Qi chased after him for a while before catching up to him. Then, he used the umbrella to shield him from the rain.

After that, Yuan Qi saw his young master's expression and made up his mind to walk back. Furthermore, he did not have the time to call for help from the people in the manor. Thus, he could only use the umbrella to protect Huangfu Qiye.

An hour later, they arrived at the iron gate of the forest manor.

The night was getting darker. It was already past midnight, and the rain was getting heavier.

The security guard at the security booth did not see who they were at first. He only saw two people wearing black suits and holding an umbrella, but they were still wet from the rain as they walked towards the gate.

Even through the rain, it could be seen that one of the two people had an extraordinary aura. However, the security guard was afraid that these two people were bad people, so he hurriedly walked out of the security booth. He asked, "Who are you? This is a private manor. Ordinary people are not allowed..."

Before the security guard could finish his sentence, he saw the black umbrella being lifted. Then, he saw the face under the umbrella.

It was... It was their young master.

The security guard was so frightened that his entire body trembled. He hurriedly greeted, "Good evening, young master."

Huangfu Qiye coldly glanced at the security guard. Although the security guard's attitude just now made him unhappy, the security guard had thought that he was a stranger. This was the kind of subordinate he wanted. If that was the case, even if he left the manor,he wouldn't worry that there was no one here to protect Tang Xiaowei and her son.

He didn't say anything and strode into the manor.

When the servants in the manor saw that he had returned, and that he still looked like he had been drenched by the rain, they were scared half to death. They hurriedly came forward to help take the wet jacket away.

Huangfu Qiye threw the wet jacket to the servants and walked upstairs wearing wet pants and a shirt.

Yuan Qi was also wet all over, but he still followed beside him. He frowned and waved his hand. "You should go down and rest, too."

Yuan Qi obeyed his young master's orders, so he left obediently.

Huangfu Qiye walked to the door of his and Tang Xiaowei's room and pushed it open. As expected, it was pitch black inside. Tang Xiaowei still had no intention of coming back to share a room with him.

He stood at the door, frowning. He didn't understand how she could forgive him.

He apologized.

He cooked.

Why couldn't she give him a good look? She was as gentle as the past few days.

He really couldn't figure out what she was thinking right now.

Huangfu Qiye waved a servant over and asked coldly, "Where's young madam?''

"Young master, young madam and her friend have already fallen asleep in young master's room," the servant replied respectfully.

Huangfu Qiye frowned. "Friend? Tell me what young madam did today."

Soon, Huangfu Qiye learned from the servant that Tang Xiaowei's friend, Tao Yuyan, had come over today and hadn't left yet. Moreover, Xiao Anan was injured during practice today and his arm was dislocated.

He frowned.

Why didn't anyone inform him about Xiao Anan's injury?

Although he would be jealous of Xiao Anan, it didn't mean that he didn't like the child at all.

Was it Tang Xiaowei who deliberately didn't tell him?

Why did she do this?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Thus, he didn't plan to look for Tang Xiaowei now, afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself and hurt her.

Xiao Anan and Tang Xiaowei were in the same room. He wanted to go and see the child, but he couldn't.

He let the maid go down, then walked into the room alone, closed the door, and went straight to the bathroom.

The cold water poured down from his head.

Huangfu Qiye stood under the shower, his face unusually gloomy.


In the wee hours of the morning, Huangfu Qiye suddenly opened his eyes.

His black eyes were blurred.

The next second, he could not help but cough, and a long series of coughs sounded.

He only felt weak and uncomfortable, and his throat was dry and itchy.

He supported his body and sat up. In the spacious room, he was alone.

The air conditioner in the room was turned on, and it was very cold. He was naked, and the quilt on his body fell to the ground, so his whole body was very cold.

But he could still feel that his body was burning.

It seemed that he was sick.

"Ha." He sneered.

In his own home, his woman and children were all at home, and there were so many servants and bodyguards at home.