Chapter 524: a pain in the heart

She saw several photos posted by a blogger.

In the photos, not only was the forest manor captured, there was even a photo of a girl lying on the grass with Huangfu Qiye intimately.

Tao Yuyan was extremely shocked. The photo posted by this blogger was from today.

And it was in the morning. That was the time when Xiaowei went out to look for Huangfu Qiye.

At that time, was Huangfu Qiye with this girl?

This girl even said that she hoped to have romantic luck with Huangfu Qiye.

Tao Yuyan thought of Huangfu Qiye, who had been found by Xiaowei and was staying in the same room with her.

She really didn't know what to say about him.

He had appeared on the news with other women in the past, and he could explain to Xiaowei that it was all fake. He was just trying to provoke Xiaowei.

What about this time?

Was he going to provoke Xiaowei for no reason?

Now that Xiaowei had given up everything and followed him, what was Huangfu Qiye not satisfied with?

Tao Yuyan was getting angrier the more she thought about it for her good friend.

Therefore, she immediately walked out of Xiao Anan's room and headed towards Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei's room.

Huangfu Qiye's room was usually guarded by bodyguards.

Therefore, when they saw Tao Yuyan walking towards the door with an unhappy and angry expression, the two bodyguards at the door were surprised. They did not know why the young madam's friend suddenly became angry.

However, they still stopped Tao Yuyan. "Miss Tao, is there anything I can help you with?"

"I want to see Xiaowei and your young master." Tao Yuyan gripped her phone tightly and looked coldly at the bodyguard at the door.

She knew that if she fought head-on, she would not be able to defeat the bodyguard at the door, and she would not stand a chance against him.

Moreover, she also knew that her status was low. If she provoked Huangfu Qiye, she would definitely not be able to bear the consequences.

However, she did not want to see her good friend being treated as a fool.

Now, the entire internet was lamenting how beautiful this forest was.

The blogger who posted the photo was also liked by many people. Some people who didn't know Huangfu Qiye said that the girl was lucky. Some people who had seen Huangfu Qiye on the news said that the handsome man in the photo was the CEO of Huangfu group.

Moreover, everyone was already calling that blogger 'madam CEO'.

Tao Yuyan heard that everyone in the manor was calling Xiaowei madam, but Huangfu Qiye definitely didn't announce this to everyone. Now, he was being ridiculed by everyone on the internet as the man of another woman. Tao Yuyan naturally felt that Xiaowei did not deserve this.

The bodyguards at the door saw that she wanted to see their young master and young madam, so they were in a bit of a dilemma.

Because the young master was sick previously, and the young madam's ankle was injured, the two of them were currently resting.

At this time, no one was allowed to disturb them.

They wanted to live a few more years, so they naturally did not dare to disturb them.

Therefore, they could only shake their heads and say to Tao Yuyan, "Miss Tao, now that the young master and young madam are resting, no one is allowed to disturb them."

"Alright, I won't trouble you." Tao Yuyan saw two tall bodyguards standing guard at the door, so she could only walk back to Xiao Anan's room weakly.

Since she couldn't go in, she could call Xiaowei.

Now that the matter on the internet had become so serious, she had to tell Xiaowei.

Regardless of whether Huangfu Qiye and that girl were really together, Xiaowei had the right to know about this matter.

She immediately called Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei was in a daze from sleep. Suddenly, she heard the ringtone of her phone and woke up. Huangfu Qiye woke up with her.

Huangfu Qiye frowned and took her phone. When he saw that it was her friend, Tao Yuyan, he frowned even more.

Didn't Xiaowei's friend also live in the manor?

They lived so close to each other and should know that they were resting. As a good friend, shouldn't they not disturb others?

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Tang Xiaowei sat up. When she saw that it was Tao Yuyan calling, she reached out and snatched the phone. She blinked and smiled at him. "I need to take this call."

Huangfu Qiye saw that she wanted to take the call, so he did not stop her. He looked at her lovingly and said, "Take it. Turn off your phone after you're done. We can go back to sleep."

Tang Xiaowei blushed a little because of his words.

She swiped the screen and started to pick up the call.

"Xiaowei, it's a good thing that you finally picked up. I was almost worried to death." Once the call was picked up, the usually gentle Tao Yuyan's tone was very strange.

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, she quickly felt that something must have happened. She thought about how Yuyan was helping her take care of An An, and then she thought about how An An's arm was injured.

Her expression immediately changed, and she anxiously asked, "Yuyan, did something happen? Is it about An An? I'll come over immediately."

"It's fine if you come over, but it's not about An An. It's about your man, Huangfu Qiye. Xiaowei, go on Weibo now and see what's trending." Tao Yuyan sighed helplessly.

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, she was even more confused. "It's about Huangfu Qiye? He's trending? Why?"

"You should go and see for yourself. I accidentally saw it just now. I didn't want you to be kept in the dark, so I told you." After saying this, Tao Yuyan hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei's curiosity was completely piqued. After ending the call, she immediately logged into Weibo.

She had never logged out of Weibo before, so she entered it quickly.

After clicking on it, she clicked on the trending topic.

Then, very quickly, she was shocked by several similar trending topics.

# huangfu group's CEO's girlfriend #

# huangfu group's CEO Huangfu Qiye's girlfriend is actually a young girl in high school #

# luxury manor is a gift from Huangfu CEO to his girlfriend? #

# The lucky girl is about to marry into the huangfu family #

# Huangfu Qiye... #

# huangfu corporation... #

She was no longer in the mood to read the rest of the post.

She clicked into the first trending post and soon saw a Weibo post that was placed at the top. At this moment, there were already over 100,000 comments and over 100,000 likes on this Weibo post, and these comments and likes continued to increase.

She saw that the blogger was a girl. Tang Xiaowei was not in the mood to take a closer look at what she looked like. She only saw that this girl was actually lying on the lawn with Huangfu Qiye. The photos of the two of them looked very intimate and ambiguous.

There was even a photo of the girl kissing Huangfu Qiye on the cheek.

Tang Xiaowei only felt a pain in her heart.

Why did this happen?

This photo did not look photoshopped.

Huangfu Qiye had another woman?

She almost subconsciously felt her entire body turn cold.