Chapter 525: As long as he explained

In the next second, she quickly got off the bed.

Even though her ankle was still in pain, she couldn't care less. She retreated to a corner of the room as if she was running for her life. With her back facing the wall, she looked at Huangfu Qiye in disbelief on the bed in front of her.

"Xiaowei, what's wrong?" Huangfu Qiye had just woken up, so he didn't feel particularly clear-headed.

He had also heard Xiaowei mention him when she picked up the phone.

However, he felt that nothing major should have happened.

However, after Tang Xiaowei picked up the phone, she suddenly got off the bed as if she was hiding from something. Moreover, she was looking at him as if he was a stranger, which instantly made Huangfu Qiye so clear-headed that he couldn't be any clearer.

Because of the infusion, injection, and rest, his body was much better now.

He got off the bed and strode to her.

His eyes were sharp, giving her a feeling that it was difficult to breathe.

"Take a look for yourself." Tang Xiaowei forced herself not to run out of the room. She didn't cry and question him. She didn't throw a tantrum. She had endured so much that her heart was about to go numb.

If he admitted that it was true, even if she loved him, she would choose to completely separate from him and leave immediately.

If it was all fake, then it was nothing to worry about.

As long as he explained, she would be willing to believe him.

After she handed the phone to him, she lowered her head and hid the pain and fear in her heart.

The moment Huangfu Qiye saw her suddenly get out of bed, he knew that something must have happened.

However, since she could calm down this time, he could feel that she had changed.

He took the phone, but he still held her hand. He pulled hard, and her entire body was pulled over by him, crashing into his arms.

He did not look at the phone first. Instead, he lowered his head to look at her seriously, raised her chin, and looked at her. "Xiaowei, no matter what happened, if you are willing to give me time and opportunity to explain, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Tang Xiaowei knew what he meant, but now she was actually forcing herself not to be angry and make a scene.

She bit her lip and did not say a word.

However, it was obvious that her eyes were already slightly red.

It was only then that Huangfu Qiye realized that something big might have happened.

Only then did he put his gaze on his phone.

Very quickly, he saw everything on Weibo, including the photos and the words that the driver's daughter wrote next to the photos.

He also saw the comments and blessings from the netizens.

He finally understood why Xiaowei was suddenly angry and why she was so upset.

But she was willing to give him a chance.

Huangfu Qiye really felt lucky.

"Xiaowei, these are all fake. You've seen this person before. When you went to pick me up with the bodyguards, this woman and her father were ready to blackmail me. I asked someone to send them to the police station. I don't know them at all. As for these few photos, look carefully. My eyes are closed and I don't look good. When I walked out of the forest, I just passed out. They probably took these photos during this time I was unconscious," Huangfu Qiye explained seriously. He told the details like a primary school student writing a self-reflection.

When he explained things that he hadn't done, he naturally didn't even take a deep breath. His expression was natural.

After listening to his explanation, Tang Xiaowei finally felt less upset. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you that there are surveillance cameras all over the mountain. I'll get someone to bring them over to you in a moment. I can prove that I have absolutely no relationship with that woman. She's framing me." Huangfu Qiye heard that she didn't really believe him. He immediately became anxious.

"Alright, I believe you. Then what do you want to do now? Almost all the netizens now know that your woman is her." Tang Xiaowei pushed Huangfu Qiye away. Because she chose to believe him, she no longer felt upset.

However, she still wanted to punish him. Who asked him to run out when he was sick? This gave other women a chance. She was so angry.

"When are you going to clean up this matter? When will I come back? I'm going to take care of An An now " After Tang Xiaowei pushed him away, she was about to walk out.

Huangfu Qiye held her hand and still looked anxious. "You still don't believe me?"

"I believe you. But now that things are like this, isn't it your fault? If you don't go out, can that woman take such a photo with you? She kissed you, and others are blessing the two of you. How can I accept it?" The more Tang Xiaowei said, the more frustrated she felt. "So when you stop this kind of news on the internet, I'll pay you a visit again."

"Xiaowei, stop fooling around." Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly. "I'll send someone to deal with this matter right now. I'll definitely give you a satisfactory answer, but you can't go out; you can't leave me."

Huangfu Qiye couldn't bear her to leave him at all right now.

"I'm serious this time, so when you're done with it, come and find me again." Tang Xiaowei still pushed his hand away.

Her body didn't hurt anymore.

But she was a little angry, so she wanted to teach him a lesson.

She wanted to see if he dared to run out when he was sick in the future.

This time, he was only secretly photographed and kissed by someone else. If he was so willful in the future, if someone else did something secretly, she really didn't dare to imagine it.

She had already said so, and her expression was so serious.

Huangfu Qiye also knew that she was serious.

He also knew that this matter was his fault.

So, he could only let go of her hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll deal with it immediately. I'll come back to look for you later."

After he finished speaking, he immediately went to the cloakroom and quickly walked out. He was already dressed in a black suit.

He strode over, hugged her domineeringly, and kissed her lips before walking out.

He went to the study and immediately started to deal with the news that was flooding Weibo and other websites.

In the bedroom.

Tang Xiaowei was actually quite happy when she saw that he was in such a hurry to deal with this matter.

This time, she didn't get angry and yell at him. She just endured the heartache in the beginning, so she quickly found out the truth. That was why she didn't have a Cold War with him like two days ago.

Sure enough, what they needed was more communication.

More communication, so there wouldn't be any conflicts.

She couldn't be bothered to care about the girl on Weibo. After all, Huangfu Qiye said that the girl didn't take advantage of him and only kissed him secretly.

She walked out of the room and went to Xiao Anan's room next door, intending to chat with Yuyan.