Chapter 529: "Of course you're the first in my heart. "

"Does it still hurt?" He hugged her and sat on the chair. Then, he lowered his head and reached out to touch the spot where she was injured.

She replied, "It's not as painful as it was at the beginning."

"That's good. You should walk less these few days and rest more," Huangfu Qiye said gently. Then, he asked her, "Why did you suddenly come looking for me?"

"I came to ask you to have dinner. Have you not eaten all day? I haven't eaten either, so I'm very hungry now. Let's go down together. An An and Yuyan are waiting for us." Tang Xiaowei stretched out her hand and placed it on his shoulder. She spoke with a smile on her face.

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye remembered that there were still others downstairs for dinner, so he shook his head and refused. "There's no need to go down. Ask them to send the dinner to the study. The two of us will eat here."

"Eat here?" Tang Xiaowei was a little surprised when she heard this.

"Yes, there are too many people downstairs. I don't like it." Huangfu Qiye nodded, then took out his phone and began to instruct the people below to prepare the dinner to be sent up.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment before she understood what he meant by more people.

It seemed like he didn't want to eat with Yuyan and An An.

He only wanted to eat with her.

How much did he love her that he didn't like to eat with other people?

"The reason why you haven't liked An An all this time, is it because you dislike him for disturbing us?" Tang Xiaowei couldn't stop him, so she decided to agree to eat with him in the study. However, she suddenly wanted to ask why he didn't care about An An so much.

"You only discovered it now?" Huangfu Qiye didn't deny it.

He knew that An An was his son. He actually cared about her and was willing to give this child everything he had.

However, before all of this, he wanted to treat Tang Xiaowei better.

Therefore, his love, his time, and everything he had, had to be given to Tang Xiaowei first before giving it to An An.

He would dote on Tang Xiaowei first before doting on An An. Moreover, these were two different kinds of doting.

He could completely let Tang Xiaowei dote on him. He could give her whatever she wanted. As long as she didn't betray him and didn't leave him, it would be fine.

As for Xiao Anan, he would have to see if that little fellow was obedient or not. Only an obedient child would be able to receive his pampering.

However, he wouldn't tell Tang Xiaowei about this.

He would use a method to let her slowly feel it.

Hearing him say this, Tang Xiaowei finally stopped suspecting that he didn't love their son, and she also no longer felt that he was too cold-blooded towards their child.

Because, this was all because of her. Because she was here, Huangfu Qiye wouldn't be able to spare any extra love for An An because he wanted to give her a love that was one in a million.

Therefore, when he treated An An, people would think that he was too cold.

However, she believed that after they got along for a some time, she would think of a way for him to adjust his emotions and let him slowly treat An An as he did herself.

Huangfu Qiye gently stroked her hair. "No matter how many children we have in the future, I will dote on you first and then them."

"Even daughters?" Tang Xiaowei looked at him.

She heard that some men didn't dote on their sons, but they doted on their daughters.

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye was stunned for a moment, then he replied, "Yes, even if it's a daughter, even if she looks like you, I will never put you aside. In my heart, you will always be the first."

"You are so nice." She could not help but plant a kiss on his face, beaming with joy.

Huangfu Qiye tightened his grip on her, his expression gentle. "Then are you willing to put me first in your heart?"

His question stunned Tang Xiaowei for more than a second.

She was silent for a few seconds.

Huangfu Qiye's expression turned ugly when he saw this, and his tone turned cold. "What, am I not the first in your heart? Then who is the first in your heart?"

"Of course you are the first in my heart. I was trying my best to put Xiao Anan second just now, so I didn't answer immediately." Tang Xiaowei saw that he was about to get angry and quickly reached out to hold his face. She smiled and said, "On account of me putting Xiao Anan second and you first, how do you want to repay me?"

"Are you sure you want to accept my repayment?" Hearing that she was satisfied with his answer, Huangfu Qiye heaved a sigh of relief and naturally began to tease her.

He looked at her with a bewitching look and suddenly pushed all the things on the desk away. Then, he placed her on the desk. He pressed his entire body on top of her and looked down at her from above. With a wicked smile, he said, "Have we never done it in the study before? Do you want to give it a try today?''

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei's face instantly turned red.

She wanted to sit up, but she was pressed down by him and couldn't move at all.

She didn't want to do it with him at the desk. It felt weird, and he was sick today. He should have a good rest.

So, she hurriedly said, "Stop fooling around. I'm very hungry and want to eat now. I haven't eaten all day."

As soon as she said this, Huangfu Qiye helplessly put away his teasing expression. Then, he helped her up and carried her to his chair. He gently touched her face. "Alright, then I'll let them prepare dinner first. When you're full, we'll continue what we just started."

Tang Xiaowei was embarrassed. So he was not really letting her go at this moment. He still had to continue after they finished eating.

Huangfu Qiye immediately called the servants to prepare two sets of dinner and told Tao Yuyan and Xiao Anan that he and Xiaowei would not be going down. He asked Tao Yuyan to help take care of Xiao Anan.

As expected, Huangfu Qiye put Tang Xiaowei first. He did not even have time to take a look at his injured son and was only willing to accompany his lovely wife.

After instructing the servants, he hung up the phone and returned to his desk.

Then, he carried Tang Xiaowei up and let her sit on his lap. He sat face to face and did not speak. He only reached out his hand and gently caressed her body.

Again and again, with the dim light in the room, his handsome face, and his cold temperament, Tang Xiaowei's heartbeat and breathing unconsciously quickened.

Her face had also been red the whole time.

The atmosphere in the study was getting more and more ambiguous.

Then the study door was finally knocked. The maid reported from outside that dinner was ready and asked if they wanted to send it in.

Huangfu Qiye spoke precisely, and the study was opened. A few maids carrying trays gently walked in and then stood at the side with their heads lowered. They were very far away from the two of them and didn't dare to come over and disturb them.

Moreover, even though they were sitting together so intimately, the maid didn't think it was strange.