Chapter 530: Feed Her

Huangfu Qiye lightly instructed, "Put all the food on the desk and leave."

When the servants heard this, they quietly brought all the food down, one dish at a time, and placed it on the desk. Then, they slowly left the study.

Tang Xiaowei's surroundings were suddenly filled with the fragrance of food.

This caused her to continuously swallow her saliva because she had been hungry for an entire day.

Her stomach also started to growl.

She felt a little embarrassed and endured it.

Huangfu Qiye chuckled when he saw her like this. Then, he turned her around so that she could still sit on his lap. He reached out to pick up a porcelain bowl with fragrant rice in it. He picked up several dishes that she liked to eat. Then, he began to feed her. "You must be hungry. Open your mouth and I'll feed you."

"Let me go down. If you feed me like this, how are you going to eat?" Tang Xiaowei knew that he had not eaten for the whole day, so she was also worried about him.

Anyway, she only had an ankle injury, not a hand injury. She could totally eat by herself.

"Be good, stop fooling around." Huangfu Qiye was very insistent and his attitude was firm.

However, it could be heard from his tone that there was a strong sense of pampering.

Hearing this, her face turned red again, and she no longer refused.

Then, she listened to his words, opened her mouth, and ate the rice and vegetables that he had fed her.

But when she was chewing, she saw Huangfu Qiye still eating a mouthful of food with the porcelain bowl and chopsticks in his hand.

She turned back to look at him and asked with her eyes, are they going to eat together from one bowl?

Huangfu Qiye looked at her with a deep and gentle gaze. He did not say anything, but his gaze clearly told her that she had guessed correctly.

Tang Xiaowei naturally would not despise him, and with his appearance, it was impossible for him to despise her.

Therefore, she could not be bothered to think about it. He could do whatever he wanted.

Thus, in the end, the two of them ate until they were both full with food from his hands. Only then did he stop.

He put down the cutlery, took a clean tissue, and carefully wiped her mouth before starting to wipe his own.

This made Tang Xiaowei feel as if she was being raised as a child by him.

"Are you full?" Huangfu Qiye looked at her.

"Yes, I'm very, very full." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly nodded, afraid that he wouldn't believe her, and would continue to feed her.

"Okay, since you're full, let's continue what we just did." Huangfu Qiye stood up and casually picked her up.

Tang Xiaowei, who had just eaten and forgot about what had happened before, was a bit scared. As soon as he mentioned it, she immediately became nervous.

"But we've just eaten our fill. If we exercise so quickly, it's not good for my body. Let me rest first." She hurriedly found an excuse. After she finished speaking, her face also turned red. She gently averted her gaze, not daring to look at him.

Huangfu Qiye heard this and was silent for a few seconds. Finally, he lightly nodded his head. "That's true."

Therefore, he let the servants come in to clean up all the cutlery. Then, he carried her and continued to sit on the chair.

After that, the study room became quiet.

However, his hands were not well-behaved. Several times, it made her blush and her heart beat faster.

Half an hour later, he said again, "Is it okay now?"

Tang Xiaowei lowered her head and was not willing to speak at all.

How could she say nothing? She really could not say, "It's okay, you go ahead."

"It seems to be okay, isn't it?" She did not give an answer, but she did not refuse. Huangfu Qiye chuckled and put her on the desk that had been wiped clean again. He had just asked the maid to put on a warm and cute table covering.

At that moment, she sat on it. The color of the dress she was wearing today was very similar to the tablecloth's color, so she felt like she was completely melted into the tablecloth.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her, reached out to grab her hand, and kissed it gently.

Her face was red, but she still looked at him gently, which gave him great motivation and satisfaction.

He leaned closer, put his arm around her shoulder, held the back of her head, and kissed her domineeringly.


That night, Tao Yuyan and Xiao Anan never saw Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye again.

Xiao Anan finished his dinner downstairs and went upstairs with his godmother. He asked curiously, "Godmother, why did my mother go to call my father and never come back?"

Although Tao Yuyan had not had a boyfriend in the past few years, she was a woman who had experienced many things. So when Xiaowei went to call Huangfu Qiye, and Huangfu Qiye did not come down, and after that, Xiaowei never came back, something must have happened between the two of them.

She smiled and said a little embarrassedly, "An An, maybe your father and mother have something urgent to deal with. Don't worry, godmother will accompany you back to watch anime."

Xiao Anan was immediately distracted by the anime and nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes."


That night, Tang Xiaowei fainted a few times. Every time she woke up, Huangfu Qiye would continue.

In the end, she was too sleepy and fell into a deep sleep.

The only memory she had was that he seemed to have carried her back to the bedroom where they had stayed before dawn.

But she couldn't say anything. She was carried away by him easily.

The next day, she woke up because Xiao Anan woke her up.

The child shouted beside her, "Mommy, get up quickly. It's time to bask in the sun."

Tang Xiaowei opened her eyes, but her mind was still not clear. She sat up and rubbed her head. Only then did she see that Xiao Anan was looking at her with a smile. On the sofa not far away, Yuyan was reading a book.

As for Huangfu Qiye, who had grabbed her and gone crazy for the entire night, she did not know where he had gone.

She simply grabbed Xiao Anan and sat him down in front of her. She pinched the little guy's face and asked, "An An, where's your father?''

This was Huangfu Qiye's room, but he was not here. She really felt that it was strange.

"I don't know where father is. My task is to wake mother up. As for finding father, I'll leave it to you, mother." Xiao Anan chuckled and ran out of Tang Xiaowei's arms. Then, he jumped off the bed, turned on the television and watched it very happily.

It seemed that the little guy's arm wasn't very painful anymore. Otherwise, he wouldn't be smiling so happily.

Tang Xiaowei didn't chase after the little guy. Anyway, looking at his appearance, Huangfu Qiye must have said something to him, and bribed him. So, Xiao Anan, who had always been very obedient to her, actually didn't listen to her today. He actually learned to hide it from her.